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Game Elden Ring Mafia


I mean you can ISO me if you like and see how many of my posts are about Ekko.

Yeah yeah I'm not currently voting him and I don't have to park my vote on him permanently so just look at the posts ty
I know you've posted about him but I don't think you've done much to force the issue, it's just posts saying you don't like him. I feel you don't actually believe he's going to get lynched. You dropped your vote from him quite quickly and moved it over to BPD without ever even looking for support iirc. In that case, if you're scum together, it wouldn't be a bus, just heavy distancing.

I actually think BPD will flip town and if he does I think that increases equity between you and Ekko

The X

You have some fire to you this round.
I do Ratchet. Not a fan of being ignored by Lethal and Craig when I drop cases on them. Right or wrong, I still deserve a response instead of just being told my cases are crap without them even being looked at. Lethal I think is flailing wolf and I have had this exact treatment before from him when I accused him. Craig has done nothing to alleviate my suspicions and stays in the sideline with sniping and trolling comments. I know I'm town here, so how to I rectify those slots? If they're scum and I've got them, they're being obtuse walls and being emotional dickheads for zero reason. If they're town, they've done nothing to actually help me solve their slot and instead have just OMGUS'd me. I think it's pretty obvious I am trying to solve this game, put theories out there, out my neck out there, and I get stone walled. Craig and Poyser want to talk about how experienced and skilled they are, but when dealing with another vet like me, I'm treated like a newb. They've seen nothing I've done as potentially being town motivated and instead of just continued to build walls around my slot (Poyser, Lethal, Craig). If I'm wrong, they've done nothing but sussed me in return instead of answering questions about their slots. If I'm right, what can I do if this is how the wolves respond and no other player really notices? So yeah, I got some legit frustration this game.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
thinking RDK was bussing immediately out of the gate and never let go instead of just thinking he caught scum is like hearing hoofsteps and thinking "must be zebras"
RDK wasnt bussing initially. he just asked a simple question

it became a disaster and the damage control failed

poyser then voted

RDK then had to vote to look good or it wud be doomed for that team

the intention was to throw a small distance question and have fang reply to it like a human being and all is happy

but fang did not

idk why is this hard to see?

The X

I've even asked someone like Craig and Poyser to build a case on me. Let me defend myself. Let me answer questions. Let me help understand any suss moments. But I get told that I've been sloppy and slimy all game and all the 'raisins' are already in the thread.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
like RDK wasnt intentionally bussing - the whole thing blew up cuz fang handled it poorly

forget it. im gna actually bring the quootes gimme a bit


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i still have no idea what ur case was and i have not really replied to ur question who u still have not asked me or pointed me towards so i have no idea why r u just randomly unvoting me with no development from my end to help u do so


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Not rlly sure tbh can’t remember what he did around Aurelian. I could easily see his play at me coming from bad town or scum that just wants to focus on easy content
he isnt a bad player. have u got a chance to read his other posts? soul hasnt rly been doing much this game


Demonstrably untrue.

It wasn't a simple question, it was a trail of suspicion that I pressed based on an initial observation and I pointed out clearly that it it something that comes from scum not town. I was also dealing with interactions from Yoshi and Ultra in the interim, Poyser seeing he looked like shit has nothing to do with me

I didn't make a big deal out of it though?

So far I've noticed a lot of back and forth with Evans, and intrigued by T-Pein's focus on Ratchet and I think him. Not much else to say atm.

If that's all you think there is to say about the game so far, probably wasn't worth making an excuse for being late was it?

I'm not even voting for you so claiming I'm tunneling you is premature and oddly defensive.

^ thinking that this is a s/s interaction is absolutely wild and something I do not buy for one second that you actually believe


Well, I understand. Being isolated in a game and talking to walls can be pretty annoying. Personally-spealing, I don't exactly town read Lethal, so I could compromise there. Otherwise I'm just not on the same page with those scum reads. For what it's worth, I think I'm coming around to a Town read on you, so I won't just let you be lynched or walled out. I will ask that you put those aside for a moment and compass your thinking elsewhere.

If I may, I feel like you have felt undermined this game and it has increased your tension. I can understand and empathise with that, but I hope you can let some of it go, because otherwise said frustration will probably only increase. Which obviously helps no one, least of all you.


Leprous Monarch
Resounding silence in players defending Sub-lethal
can't defend it tbh and not interested in doing so. could be something there, could be lethal throwing out random shit as he is wont to do. let's see what he has to say for himself.

not going to join a wagon led by two people I'm suspecting tho


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
This is exactly how I'd play with your ability as well! Burn it on D1 and then just say oops guess I'm useless now! Hehe. Funny
i mean if he is a scum cleared as town the serial killer will kill him

if he was serial killer himself then mafia will kill him

its rly not advantageous to put everything on the table like this as scum without atleast killing the serial first


Leprous Monarch
I'll compile my posts and thoughts later, not off the clock for another 3 hours