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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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A claim won't necessarily do that though will it? There's more benefit to seeing who else would be willing to jump on the wagon. There's another 24 something hours right and perhaps I can avoid having to claim at all.

Well that depends. But even if the wagon shifted off you, that person would probably be expected to claim as well, and depending on the claim it could snap back to a secondary wagon, so


Are you caught up?

Thoughts on Tsworder, anyone?
Not really
kinda just skipped around and read whatever was interesting

Don't recall reading a single sworder post
Tweet can be town
T-pein too


vote lethal

yes im most happy with this.

to reiteriate his vote on poyser seemed to be attempting to get the same credibility he got from last game for going after poyser(which he was widely town read for, got him an immediate strong town read from me). this time it lacked any bite though as in the last game he multiquoted a bunch of his posts and then called him trash essentially lol.

tweet then calls him out for not going after ekko. he then makes a point form list that includes attacking ekko. to be fair to lethal he may have just been catching up and tweet's post could not have influenced this at all, but it may be a correction to what tweet called out.

thirdly the way he called out ekko for going after cp's miller claim and saying how cp wouldn't fake miller and how odo wouldn't put a fake miller only to give cp just a town lean wasn't great. that said, i can also definitely see lethal, as town, not distinguishing between the two.

1. Ultra
2. Melkor
3. Indigo
4. Lethal
5. Nat
6. REM
7. CP
8. T-Pein
10. Raisin
11. Dalton
12. Alco
13. Hime
14. Flower
15. Ekko
16. Imposter
17. Evans
18. TSworder
19. Xadlin
20. Poyser
21. Tweet

this is not great tbh. would prefer more town reads by this stage.

i think rem is the only town read i didn't speak on prior, but his absolute disinterest in caring how he looks and just continuing his own thing as well as his back and forth with tweet in regards to why it wasn't that bad of a discussion reminded me of his play towards the end of last game with the apathy towards looking any particular way as town. i have no reference to his scum play, but i feel like he wouldn't care so little about how looks as scum. if someone has reference to show me otherwise i can look.

i also liked tsworder's posts, but there just isn't a lot there.



Fairly solid post. Your observation and thoughts on Lethal are very similar to mine, but I'm not as certain about the conclusion.


If 3 votes were enough for a claim we'd be in mass claim by D2. It's always better to make people work for it, scum might risk exposing themselves or Town might make it easier to read them in the way they push. I'm also wary Gram has something in mind to punish a mass claim

I don't really agree on Tsworder. All I really see is miller spec and I agree with whoever mentioned regurgitated reads too. They also said something about how neither Ultra/Tweet came off particularly better than the other in their interaction but then I think gives them both town reads for it. I guess they did disagree with the Nat Town read but IIRC that read was questioned already too


I'm torn between the old adage of 'just follow Magic' and see if Lethal picks it up after waking up as promised. I know you said it was prompted by Tweet but didn't Lethal do to Ekko exactly what you said they did to Poyser last game minus the actual quotes


@CraigPelton what do you think of ultra?

the lethal/poyser thing is more along the lines of lethal generally, as scum, wouldn't go out of his way to attack poyser and we all read him town for it last game saying it's a move he's unlikely to make as scum because it's bringing undue attention from poyser onto him and poyser has more of a history of reading lethal well.

no such history exists between ekko/lethal and what tweet said is that lethal usually starts the game by attacking ekko. he did eventually attack ekko, but what i pointed out was that he may have done that as a correction what tweet called out. timing wise it could be either that or he was genuinely reading him and may have just done that anyway.

it's mostly the first point. the move looks like he's going out of his way to go after poyser for no discernable reason except to be read as town as poyser hasn't even posted yet.


Not really
kinda just skipped around and read whatever was interesting

Don't recall reading a single sworder post
Tweet can be town
T-pein too

this is also weak by hime.

can you reference as to why you have any of these reads?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Because the way you called him townRAEM and the way you've phrased your lean/read here appears very definitive
its not, no. i'm just saying why wud a town raem do this.. i don't know how u arrive at "i am confident raem is town" from this

but im near confident. i think he seems townie enough to me.

Hello everyone, sorry that I missed the beginning of this awesome game
hey be careful posts like these r a meme and scum got caught off it before kek

nah the confidence is something entirely made up by you. it exists nowhere in my posts

anyway evans u havent commented on the town read itself. why do u care if its confident or not. do u scum read raem? do u town read him as well? where r u on him?

if this is why you wanted the discussion to continue then yes this is more fruitful.

altho i dont think anyone really engaged him in it.
none could properly engage on it cuz they cut it short

I'd rather keep scum guessing about my character, you've already said how certain you are I wouldn't claim it as scum and most people seem to agree so I see no reason to put additional info out there
but i thought flavor was useless so what benefit does it pose to have scum guess ur character. u know u peeps cant have it both ways only when it suits u. if flavor is useless for town then its useless for scum too

Played a few games with him by now. Saw him as Town, saw him as scum. I don‘t think he is the type to fake that.
how come?

why do you town read ultra and tweet?
its in the post itself

Anyone else triggered af that Ekko keeps reacting to posts but doesn't care to talk?
if it triggers u i'll keep doing it

in terms of me having ADD and getting hung up on it all game over trying to solve, it presents issues.

also we're all friends, why dont you want to say hello.
wow u as well? same


Get in here Shaggy we're unmasking Imposter
his last few posts dont look too bad tbh

point is to be anon to those who know u lol
what r u talking about with ultra btw. am i missing some context?

also anon games r rly fun. i wanna host one here where everyone is playing on a sockpuppet account

is there anything particularly wrong with reading both ultra/tweet town town?

ok i sense a some overselling here but i pretty much gave up reading lethal and wud not oppose him leaving the game - yes im being ingenuine here with this sentense

also hes already called my opening post garbage so ur not entirely accurate here. he did mention me as he did mention poyser

lastly, me and poyser did not have many day 1 posts for lethal to go off like he did in last game. in fact i only got 1 (and lethal already commented on it) and poyser got none until now

so tbh pretty meh case but fk it im down


okay feels good to let all of that out

imposter looks a bit better

magic looks a bit better, except case on lethal is pretty meh

null on lethal but happy to yeet anytime. cba. this is my only ingenuine read. cp wud be another im down to yeet anytime, maybe flower too, but their posts arent rly bad now

agree tpein is sus af for reasons others brought up - lean scum

tsworder does seem a bit sus or out of it but i dont sense nervouseness. i trust he will work with town and make himself appear townie if he is town like he did in fairy tail. hes a pretty good team player id enjoy playing with him. will give him more time and hopefully get a better read by end of the day. he also had a similar opening to fang in elden ring. surprised it didnt get attention. i havent seen him as scum but i hope to be able to read him as town if hes one

xadlin is a slot that probably needs to be pressured eventually. null at best rn




Leprous Monarch
but i thought flavor was useless so what benefit does it pose to have scum guess ur character. u know u peeps cant have it both ways only when it suits u. if flavor is useless for town then its useless for scum too
Idk why you're talking about flavor

Character could be relevant if there's a town or scum role that interacts with it, i.e character cop or maybe an indie who needs to find or kill x. If you think someone is sus then having them claim character is a good idea since if that role exists then it can check them. If someone is decidedly not sus, having them expose character is more likely to be harmful than helpful


Did you have any further thoughts on this in light of Magic's post Ultra?
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