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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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Poyser why are you trying to shade me about why I told yall I haven't read the thread when you already knew...
He literally says he is sus cuz I am not "gamesolving"
hmm duh.
cuz I hadnt read the thread.
Was just asking who we lynching today or something.
The time you've been in here making escuses you could have been reading.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I remember he won that Aurelian game.
he was not scum in eastenders
I forget about that wrestling one but poyser was host
He didn't win Fang's game, Town won lol.

And wasn't he a lost wolf in Eastenders or am I mixing this up?


Vote lynch hans

I’m not caught up but it is day 1. Han’s posts seems fake and forced. Doesnt seem genuine at all. He’s probably scum so just gonna drop my vote there for now.


vvote lynch tsworder

his six posts come off very robotic and dry. Like someone just going through the motions to summarize the game and get in some bare activity.

I also liked at psychic who has low posts but they made a nice guess/ push on Hans tweet which has thought behind it and I could see being true.

To win you come across kind of stupid sorry to say. Arent doing yourself any favors just spamming complaining that you haven't endlessly in a reply loop to poyser.your sus on me seems weak and low effort as fuck too. Articulate your suspicion, you take my mercy and oindness for a scum tell? I would just keep my vote on you and afk if I was scum not even bat an eye. If you want to be productive you are welcome to join me on this Tsworder lynch.

I extend that invitation to the rest of you all.
Thank you.
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