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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Neither Craig nor odo have said anything really to lean either way.

Ekko feels different from his recent games in that he's trying to take more of a leadership position off the bat and I wasn't a fan of him calling you/bpd town/town while bot recalling having a read on him.
Oh he answered me asking him about Craig and Odo/Gramm, not Ekko as "nulls". Safe answer for Craig, weird one given unless something changed Gramm was still not trusting and voting him.


my point here btw is I think he's lying here by saying that this was him leaning town on BPD. to me it read like he saw it as NAI at the time, and is now retroactively saying it was a town lean to justify his play around BPD after being called out on it.
I like this.

Replying to his own post to further explain it sounds like someone who is actively trying to solve.


Threshold of Armageddon

[vote lynch retrolize]

Hardest player to read for me hands down. Town reads on Aurelian and ratchet (I liked their responses to pressure)


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Basically up to page 12 or 13 but I was following a gut feeling with a pattern regarding Magic and Craig. I know I'm a bit of a broken record here with saying this but both Craig and Magic feel 'off' to me. Whether or not they have some kind of shared agency or equity, I'm not clear on but there are mutual anchor points where you can drop some info to glean from the two of them.

Craig and Magic don't directly interact or converse much with each other. Usually its Craig with Ekko, Ratchet, BPD, Gramm, or someone else. And its similar with Magic for the vice-versa. I mainly focused here on quoting and saving the posts from Craig, Magic, and other players directly interacting with them starting with Magic's own post where he reads and changes his stance on viewing me as town.

After that you have Gramm from earlier voting Magic and Craig posts asking why, which if I'm paranoid enough, could read as a soft attempt at deflecting the vote on Magic away. Then I kind of focused on the continuation of the rest of Magic and Craig's posts up to page 12 or 13 (cba to remember which one exactly) with a renewed interest in seeing how much any of their conversations either a) overlap on the subject of direct reads on one another and b) similar reads vs dissimilar ones on other players they mutually interact with since then.
the ppl who arent really interacting much are craig and gram lol. can u remeber anything between the 2


I doubt Ekko and CP are aligned on the same team at the very least- this is more from Ekko's posting than CP's, who actually seems fairly apathetic so far. Might have to rethink this as day goes on.
This is obviously true yes.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
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Why? I actually think it's a unique angle for him to explore, and he hasn't really attached some agenda towards achieving a flip on one of them to test it.

Read on Gram?
town fang doesnt say he is shit at solving

dont have a particular read on gram. still most conflicted slot. i thought he seemed townie when he started ur wagon. now back to null as his stubbornness feels excessive


town fang doesnt say he is shit at solving

dont have a particular read on gram. still most conflicted slot. i thought he seemed townie when he started ur wagon. now back to null as his stubbornness feels excessive
You don't really know my meta, Ekko. Stop acting like you know my ins and outs as a player, we literally just played Odd's Favorites game and got into a 2 day death tunnel on each other because you were claiming a b and c about me that I wouldn't do as "town" and tried to day kill me over it.


So you feel like on D1, with only thirty posts to my name, I've resorted to forcing content, but only referred to a single post of mine, where all I say is 'you good' (what was I trying to force here?). You also said I've extended conversations to appear active. Where have I done that? Because I got accused of dipping the thread by Fang when him and I started talking. And then I also disengaged with Fang instead of getting into a back and forth with him. So you'll have to show my more posts of where I was forcing content and how I was trying to extend conversations.
The post was just an example.

By forcing content I don't mean you were trying to get other people to generate content, I mean your content seemed fake and fillery - ie you were posting just to look active.

You are an active poster as town so as scum you would be cognisant of this. It follows that you would try keep your post count up and 'play like usual' - and I'm just not buying that your opening posts were authentic.
is he ur best lead tho?
Among them + he's T-Pein so yeah, win-win as a D1 lynch target tbhtbh


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You don't really know my meta, Ekko. Stop acting like you know my ins and outs as a player, we literally just played Odd's Favorites game and got into a 2 day death tunnel on each other because you were claiming a b and c about me that I wouldn't do as "town" and tried to day kill me over it.
ok but i can atleast try! town fang does not say he is shit at solving. i recall seeing this from scum fang. could be wrong


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
The post was just an example.

By forcing content I don't mean you were trying to get other people to generate content, I mean your content seemed fake and fillery - ie you were posting just to look active.

You are an active poster as town so as scum you would be cognisant of this. It follows that you would try keep your post count up and 'play like usual' - and I'm just not buying that your opening posts were authentic.

Among them + he's T-Pein so yeah, win-win as a D1 lynch target tbhtbh
@T-Pein™ do u have updated scum reads. also dalton thinks ur best yeet today


This is where I really got tripped up into the whole Magic and Craig thing because it primarily revolves around Whicker's entry and comments about Magic and Craig jumping onto him from there:
Didn't you accuse me of going after aurelian and making him out to be scummy? This is before your accusations yet you dislike the same post I went onto question.

Magic compulsively coaches everyone on his team lol

I don't agree that Aurelian feels coached tho
Craig jumping in for whatever reason.

whicker feels town. like what ratchet's putting down thus far.

I didn't last game!

And no i dont.

Disagree on whicker, agree on ratchet. Whicker accusation against me doesn't make sense when he also didn't like aurelian. There's no consistency in that train of thought.
Here's the main disagreement/where Craig and Magic don't have overlapping parity on each other's reads. Craig reads Whicker as town, Magic does not.
ah you might be right there actually. going to vote?
Pocketing? Or just genuine interest in seeing where Magic was going with that stuff? Idk.
The main issue is that this is how you approached last game as scum. Very first page you pinged Melkor's opener and then didn't really let up on him until after he was lynched and your team had control of the game.

I'm really considering it

I like both Ratchet and Aurelian so far.

this feels a bit forced because 1) magic did back off of aurelian 2) the phase isn't old enough yet to draw this comparison. also throwing down a vote on someone right away to get reactions is something magic does every game as any alignment.
Soft defending Magic here.
the initial suspicion of magic felt genuine but not really liking the follow-ups now
Soft defending Magic again that could read as trying to move the discussion away from him if their scum-mates.
1. I hadn't read past that post at that point.
2. Is the whole point, and I'm not aware of Magic's meta beyond one game.

I'm reading through the game and Aurelian's post pings me as weird so I comment on it. Then, I go back and start reading again from that point and Alco's post made me think of what Magic did last game so I commented on it.

.... I haven't changed anything

Vote lynch CraigPelton

If we're talking about people's inconsistencies. This man did a complete 180 on my read on Magic because.... idk.

I'm aware you didn't know that about magic, which is why I judged your post in terms of being genuine or not rather than correct.

I'm prone to give posts by newer (to me) players a surface level glance until someone offers a deeper interpretation to consider

Okay but I made the same argument last time. So the “it’s too early to make that determination” argument should have always been the case, right? Or if it seemed genuine to you then why would it be forced when I repeated my same thought process?

not quite

here you're just talking about the initial vote

here you're comparing him to the way he conducted the entire phase last game, which doesn't really make sense given how early in this phase this exchange happened. you don't even give magic a chance to fulfill or not fulfill the thing you think he's going to try to do.

this is why it feels like you're leading with a conclusion about something that hasn't happened yet to justify your push in the second post rather than just feeling sussed out by something in the first
^Magic liked this post.
I also understand why my about-face can be jarring for players unfamiliar with me but they aren't really an alignment thing for me. not going to go into self-meta since I think that's cringe but others can vouch that I can turn on a dime without clearly explaining my process.

That’s not a comparison of his phase. It’s a factual statement based on last game and is the reason why I remember it so easily.

No, you said "THIS is how you approached it last game". The "this" refers to his play this game. It was a comparison.

….. You’re just on confirmation bias now.

Him finding a reason to scum read someone early was how he approached last game. You say he can do that with any alignment but I didn’t know that at the time

vote ekko

whicker direction is good too but this one already has STEAM. Explained both positions already.
Only contention point here:

- Craig at least up to this point in the game was still town-reading Whicker
- Magic was not but lobbed his vote with Ratchet at Ekko (in essence saying he was also scum-reading Whicker)

Anyway these are the main posts so feel free to jump from the first one and read everything so its not being framed out of context or whatever but I don't remember Craig being this much of a selfless guy to stick his neck out day 1 for another player when they are being pushed and pushing back with another and I'd like to say more but I can't really add much else without continuing from page 13 to see where and how much Craig and Magic overlap each other.


ok but i can atleast try! town fang does not say he is shit at solving. i recall seeing this from scum fang. could be wrong
Your judgment just isn't that good as you think it is, at least some people are right that you get that silly main character/savior syndrome and think it is, but its often not. Either way gonna jog this down that you are fine with dismissing someone else like BPD being tunneled in more recent games for trying to change his play style and not be as hyper-aggressive but if I make a single comment or two to address a thread I'm working at you think its potentially scummy?

Okay. Not gonna forgot that.


Because I think his entrance into this game is different from his last game; I've actually already stated this. Last game when he came in, I could feel his town energy and there wasn't anything that really sent me in the other direction. His entrance to this game leaves me wanting more and it feels like he's trying to emulate his town game. His entrance to this game just makes me think he's going through what he thinks are his town motions instead of being town.

I just checked that game and will say I didn't know he flipped indie. However, from his entrance last game I didn't really get the vibe that he was trying to just survive and not provoke the wolf team. I felt he was genuinely trying to give a town effort at the start and that he was giving legitimate ideas and thought processes. Now, considering he wasn't town that game I guess I need to pump the brakes slightly on my assessment of his slot, but I do think it's a lot easier to play and seem like town as an indie than it is to do so as a wolf.

And I honestly have no idea what you've been commenting on; I'm pages behind currently. I was just curious as to why you were asking something from what I felt was long ago. What did you hope to unveil about me through that question?

There was no disregarding because not only was the answer Craig seeking actually already in the thread, as you'll see I did give him clarifying response to his question as well.

What did you hope to glean from your question? Do you really think me giving an opinion on supposed statue of limitations will really solve my alignment?

This is a great response; I'm trying to figure out your thought process as well and this helps.

I have made three votes this game. One was on Fang because I literally opened the game and saw the first vote was for Fang, so I followed it just to see reactions. My second vote was for you because Ekko voted you and I have a slight town read on him, so I voted you to try and get something moving. My third vote was for Whicker, who I actually have the slightest of wolf reads on, for stated reasons, so I voted there because I wanted to see if I could get something going, especially since at the time of my vote, there has been some chatter around Whicker's slot and I wanted to see who might follow me on the vote and who might try to dissuade me (seems like no one really followed or dissented).

I hope this helps you figure out my thoughts behind my votes, brother.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Your judgment just isn't that good as you think it is, at least some people are right that you get that silly main character/savior syndrome and think it is, but its often not. Either way gonna jog this down that you are fine with dismissing someone else like BPD being tunneled in more recent games for trying to change his play style and not be as hyper-aggressive but if I make a single comment or two to address a thread I'm working at you think its potentially scummy?

Okay. Not gonna forgot that.

The X

The Melkor game was the tipping point for me and in all honestly talking it out privately isn't going to help. Let's move on.
No, his vote on me actually has little to do with it by itself. My vote came because he first resisted explaining himself on a read, then offered an explanation that didn't really explain why he held that read here, and then joined the wagon once it was positionally more safe for him to do so, citing what reads to me as absolute nonsense - Ekko being "disingenuous" was never the charge. Go back and read that post where he voted again, it reeks of finding an excuse to join a wagon. It's so roundabout. That's why I think he's scum X.
"low hanging fruit" is such a terrible buzzword and I wish people would stop being afraid of suspecting these slots. I think he's scum because every time he has been town and disengaged he has made a genuine effort to play. Here he has leaned far too heavily into gimmicks to mask a lack of substance and his pushes are so arbitrary and random that it feels like he's just posting for the sake of it. He has one good post, where he had a long post of reads, and even that is only good in comparison to the rest.

Like this is the issue. Imagine I'm town here - I am, but just don't argue it for a second and imagine I am, why is anything I've done so far I've scummy? Is having Mango in scum leans really something you think is impossible to come from me as town? Really????
I fence sit because I don't have strong feelings on it. I won't get in the way of the wagon because of this, but I also won't support it at least until he has come back to the thread and started posting again.
Well of course you have - he endorses your beliefs. The problem is you haven't really analysed what he's saying is scummy - he has used one scum player 3 years ago mentioning that talking about availability is a scum tell because he did the same thing as the totality of his argument, and then proceeded to read my slot from there. There has been no wider analysis of my play, no attempt to consider that the talking point I raised is actually a valid scum tell for a reason. He's an 11 year veteran. Please, do tell me what part of this you're liking and please don't just tell me it's because you agree with it.
I've talked about this as you'll see when you catch up - I've seen just enough for him to move him towards Null. I wouldn't say almost town, he still has a lot of work to do to get there, but he's trending up.
To show some good faith, I'm coming back to this post to respond to it. But y'all know I can't do multi quotes so excuse my formatting.

I'm not sure I follow your recap of Alco. I just looked at his iso and I'm having a tough time finding where he did what you're saying he did. If you're referring to his Ekko vote, that came before you asked him anything or he gave you an explanation you didn't like (I'm not sure what explanation you're referring to?). I'm also not sure where he tried to make an excuse to join a wagon? His only vote this game is on Ekko, four posts into the game, without a reason, and then he later says it was a throwaway vote and at the end of his post he seemingly seems to see Ekko isn't wolf? So I'm just not seeing where Alco has looked like someone trying to find a wagon and making all these excuses.

I mean, I just don't see Mango, his low activity, and his troll ways to be the best route this game and I'm having a hard time thinking you actually believe that as well. I've definitely seen Mango play like this ton as town so what you're describing as wolf behavior should be NAI. Also, last game, he was posting seriously and trying to solve, something you wish he was doing here, and he was town last game. So that is a point in your favor. However, last game I thought he was wolf for that, so it seems you and I may have similar expectations from our fruit master. Also, I don't suss you because you suss Mango, although it is weak suss. I feel like the end of your Mango speech is a bit of an emotional plea which I do not like. ALSO, here's a fun fact. You tried pushing the same 'I wish people would go after these low slots' ideology before, in Aries' Batman game, where you were wolf, and I caught you on D1, and you mislynched a townie for being inactive (JW).

Fair enough on Whicker's slot. He's kind of a secondary option for me this day.

I mean, Asmo by no means has free grace by me and I've also denied his potential pocket attempts of me. I'm not going to go out of my way to put energy into defending this slot. He's either trying to pocket me by sheeping my reads or he's a town that agrees with me, so as long as he votes in a way I agree, I don't need to put any heat on him or thibk too much about his slot.

Yeah, I actually don't see your progression and I caught up to the part where you said 'yeah I'm just going to love Ekko for the day I'm content'. I don't know how that flipped happened. It's kind of similar to how you tried to call out the town reads of Fang and then back tracked on it. You literally said you'd 'find it hard' to believe Ekko was town, then three hours later were fine leaving his slot for the day. It doesn't feel like a natural progression and I'm finding it difficult to believe.
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