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Game Ranked Skyrim Mafia

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Because the slip has us as teammates and he thinks I meant to post that in a qt.

That would.mean you're my teammate.
Yes but like I just said - if you flip you first and you flip scum he has all the ammo he needs. If he flips me first then you still have deniability with it.


This doesn't.make any sense. You've been his main scum read the whole gsme and you think he should.vote me before you when the slip itself would have us as both scum?

Like you're not tpein, wtf.

The X

It doesn't read that way. The good news is that likely means you're town and not scum!
Tell me how it doesn't read that way? No one but you had called me paranoid about last game. But continue your attempt at discrediting me and trying to control the narrative.


Yes but like I just said - if you flip you first and you flip scum he has all the ammo he needs. If he flips me first then you still have deniability with it.
Why would I be saying that in scum chat if you're not in it.

That doesn't make sense. It's not a slip if you're not scum.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Because he's scum!
vote lynch magic

the last straw of implying my thoughts / putting words in me mouth

my post to fang was telling him i liked his post, but hes done the scum tell twice. the scum tell whereby he self shit talks himself by saying he isnt good at solving etc..from memory hes only done this sort of self deflating as scum

however, i still have him firmly town because i am giving his play wider consideration from the early day, and dont intend to lynch him

you are scum


This doesn't.make any sense. You've been his main scum read the whole gsme and you think he should.vote me before you when the slip itself would have us as both scum?

Like you're not tpein, wtf.
It makes perfect sense - if you think something is a slip you flip the player that actually slipped, and then you pick it up from there. A scum flip from me under that premise does not actually condemn you so long as there is a plausible explanation for the post - which there is as far as I'm concerned.
VC 4 Day 1



I have a theory

Vote vinegar

Let’s go

I’m down

[vote lynch balsamicvingegar]

I understand that but I just want to know why Vinegar specifically?

[Vote Vinegar]

Vote: Ratchet

Yeah, happy with this. Vote to lynch cos the play has been rancid, the bickering with several players that goes nowhere isn't good, the claim stinks and his attitude isn't fun.

Vote Lynch Magic

Vote Lynch Magic

I'm gonna trust you T-Penis since I think I distrust and scum read Magic even more


Vote: Black Pegged Dragon

fuck it. UNVOTE VOTE: Ratchet

if i'm wrong about this though, Mango is 100% mafia. I really don't see a world where they are both town

[Vote Magic]

vote Balsamic

claim or die!!!


Fine with this, the vote wouldn't get off caps.

Vote ratchet

[Vote Ratchet]

Magic - Aurelian > Ekko
Aurelian - Magic > BPD > Unvote > Vinegar > Magic
BPD - Aurelian > Craig > Whicker > Ratchet > Magic > Ratchet
Craig - BPD > Ekko > Unvote > Ekko > Mango > Ratchet > Vinegar
Alco - Ekko > Unvote > Ratchet
Ekko - Alco > CP > Ratchet > Magic > Alco > Magic
Evans - CP
Gram - Magic > Ratchet > Vinegar > Ratchet
Ratchet - Ekko > Alco > Vinegar
Whicker - CP
T-Pein - BPD > CP > Alco > Magic
Mango - Mango > Unvote > Lethal > CP > Vinegar
Lethal - Magic > Ratchet > BPD
Aersoldorf - Whicker
Vinegar - Mango > Ratchet
Dalton - T-Pein
Cubey - Retro > Vinegar
Chuck: Vinegar

Vinegar: 4
Ratchet: 4
Magic: 3
CP: 2
Whicker: 2
BPD: 1
T-Pein: 1
Retro: 1

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.
Countdown Timer

The X

I'm not interested in you versus Balsamic at all (although balsamic vinegar in a mango might be really good). All I'll say in regards to this is that you two were masons last game and you are playing differently from last game. Now, I don't have a read on you for that (how you're playing this game is more Mango like where last game your play pinged me), but I can understand how Balsamic might see you playing this game and wolf read you for it.
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