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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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I don't actually recall seeing any reasoning from you in regards to either slot, which is why I asked you in the first place. I'm asking for your thoughts process not the conclusion.

As for me I'd put Poyser/Magic/RAEM on the table today. Maybe Nat as a dark horse as well. Her "just asking questions" about Hime bears some resemblance to when I played with her as scum.
My thought process regarding Poyser and Ekko as potential scum?


I find your continued lack of interest in comments that should elicit a reaction from you kind of bizarre. You're telling me you have no objection to his assessment that I am reading you favorably? Nothing at all about that is weird?
Ultra why must you misconstrue so heavily. I didn't say you were reading him favorably. I asking if you do and why you disagreed with what I said initially


I can offer comment on why I disagreed with your take specifically - I felt that the shoe didn't fit. It's a common trope for players like say, Flower, to play the "helpful townie" card. But even if Poyser is scum, he doesn't strike me as the type of player that attempts to establish himself as town through such avenues and find it squarely NAI.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Magic? I think he was just fishing and trying to bait a reaction. I didn't feel any real commitment from him on that comment, more like he was probing just to see how I would respond. He was more passive in the last game when I was attacking him for his reads with Poison and Hime just giving them town clears on his part but I've kept it in mind anyways.

Not true.

Goth Boy's posts are ALWAYS NAI, so nah. What I said is factual there.
Secondly haven't followed in depth most other convos besides the earlier one between Ekko and Poyser. Still don't like the meat of their interactions, don't think I've actually seen anything from RAEM either.
Anyway the only two people I've shaded as potential scum by implication so far were Poyser and Ekko.
massive seems very passive here, more than last game actually

You know I actually don't agree with the angle of his read either.

Poyser is widely suspected so Lethal's position is actually rather safe and I'd say it's not indicative of anything.

But in any case I expect his read to be accurate, unless they're teammies.
well his read of lethal hasnt been on point recently. poyser side, lethal's posts were basically him jumping on my posts and making them scummy when they r not. if thats how lethal plays as town, then this is an easy forced way to pretend he is townie and very easy (especially for poyser) to coach him into it if hes so self aware of it. as in tell him to play this way in thread to give him early town read

Hime looks town to start the game too.

The point was he wad already posting trash.

Then he started going after me which at least has some bite to it. Although the reasons are weak but maybe that's a personal bias.
well i disagree but u r free to point it out

If you don't see the point of saying anything without 100% conviction to see where it will get you then I can see why you're confused.

But to be entirely frank, that's a stupid way to play.
ok this is a point of start. so u purposely went on poyser/aurelian with no 100% conviction. where did that take u? please let me know whats ur current read of them.

I don't actually recall seeing any reasoning from you in regards to either slot, which is why I asked you in the first place. I'm asking for your thoughts process not the conclusion.

As for me I'd put Poyser/Magic/RAEM on the table today. Maybe Nat as a dark horse as well. Her "just asking questions" about Hime bears some resemblance to when I played with her as scum.
maybe add richard and CP to that list


Conversely, my scum read of Poyser is based on the standard of his own play, and I haven't been exactly quiet with this impression so I can't fathom how you even bother to ask


Once again - have you read the thread?
When I read back I ask people questions.

Those questions may be answered as I keep reading back. i dont give a shit, ill still ask as it helps me retain the info and it never hurts to ask again!

I'm on about halfway through while having read some posts just from being mentioned/quoted and looking at the page.

i understand you don't read him favourably. you particularly didn't like his entrance either, but for different reasons. you thought he was being his aggressive prodding early on and was overall weak. you don't like how you expected him to read me one way and he just read me null. blah blah blah.


i understand you don't read him favourably. you particularly didn't like his entrance either, but for different reasons. you thought he was being his aggressive prodding early on and was overall weak. you don't like how you expected him to read me one way and he just read me null. blah blah blah.

My apologies, I presumed you would be more engaged in the discussion of a slot we share a mutual suspicion of!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
As soon as I started reading page 1 I saw the same thing as Magic with RE: to the good guy points farming and don't really buy that you don't see it

I think context is important here though and it's not as scummy on Poysers part as it might be because there are some genuine differences in this game that probably need to be reiterated in game. The timing of it was the scummiest part, like forcefully bringing it up (looked more like good guy farming) rather than it organically being discussed
well i disagree precisely cuz of the timing. there was none else but me and poyser posting. what a better time to talk about setup or give warning to players outside of page 1 when none else is posting

also poyser only made 1 post about it, never really elongated the discussion or tried to look good off it. seemed very NAI generic response to tell the players how to vote etc.. i am more concerned with magic calling it scummy when it isn't. i have seen town making these posts all the time

it would be scummy if we are in page 20 and poyser made that post. but page 1 when none was posting? not rly imo


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
She seemed more "LMAO idgaf abt anything, lemme argue and play" last game entrance

Her entrance here felt more "tiptoe-y" tbh
did u consider that she also entered the thread very early this time as opposed to last game where she entered more than 10 pages in iirc


well i disagree precisely cuz of the timing. there was none else but me and poyser posting. what a better time to talk about setup or give warning to players outside of page 1 when none else is posting

also poyser only made 1 post about it, never really elongated the discussion or tried to look good off it. seemed very NAI generic response to tell the players how to vote etc.. i am more concerned with magic calling it scummy when it isn't. i have seen town making these posts all the time

it would be scummy if we are in page 20 and poyser made that post. but page 1 when none was posting? not rly imo

i want to ask you a question. did you read the first 2 pages of your own game?

what did i do?


I gave it repeatedly lol. I've said I'm not locking them in, just felt a goosebump and some inherent trepidation with their interactions. If I had to give a rough percentage or number of what I would consider the two based off the first two pages it would be like 50/50 faithful vs traitor. And the main reason I said that was cause it felt 'performative' the way they were bouncing off each other, like it would draw away any attention they could be traitors.

Now you said you want a firm handling on why I've said this about Poyser and Ekko?

Here we go with Ekko:

a) based off MANY past games I've played with Ekko; be it him turning out as town, scum, or indie, he's hyperactive and usually the most visible player activity wise in any game so its always NAI from that
b) he does as town generally try to solve players, open up discussions, and talk angles of potential scum tactics time and time again, even the Fallout Game you hosted where he was still suspicious of Grammaton because of involving or leading a couple of notable mislynches that cost town despite being mod/host cleared as Innocent Child which had people getting mad but he based it around behavior

So with Ekko going over his interactions later with Magic, you, and other players, I feel more comfortable as starting to trust him as a Faithful/Townie

Now with Poyser:
Give me more time to readdress what he's said and posted, same with Hime, Magic, and others like Natalija


ty T-Pein

Nat did you not want to ask Poyser the same question you did to me

anyway dumb town reads are good and we should do more of them. Scum are more likely to be self conscious of that stuff and come across more logical. Like this is probably the best post Poyser has made, the rest of them are kinda bland

also after reading back over Ekko I'd say he's unlikely to be scum together w Magic. That's kinda it tho

I should stop clogging up the thread for the time being
ya shep is 100% town.

we should give him the SHIELD.

also why do you think ekko is unlikely to be scum with me?
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