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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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keep reading

seem uninformed and dont sense an agenda. mostly an early tonal read
yes me an ultra interacted briefly, aside form that i read him town from his interactions with others. we r having similar thoughts so far

so does this make him town? im changing the goal posts a bit here as this is getting boring. do u expect magic to throw lame shades early game and not vote for it? is that normal for him either alignment? mind you if this was to move the game forward or for reactions he has yet to comment on what he obtained from it. i wanna know how u feel about all of this

i dont think magic voted. its entirely why its concerning, hes shading with no votes. is this normal?
This is fucking stupid lol

He did vote. Well he fake voted. Its all irrelevant as nobody is really voting yet, you're just droning on about fake votes for some reason

I never said it makes him town either? I said its about what I expect from him. Its NAI to me


This is such a shite post as well, but seems like a pretty standard TOWN lethal entrance. Doubt he starts off by being aggro towards me out of everybody

i somewhat concur, mostly due to his general hostilities towards multiple people. i could see him being hostile towards a singular play as scum as i've seen him do it in the past and just go after them with his play, the fact it was you and ekko is a better look.


i remember u and gram being wrong about lethal more than right. i dont rly care what ur read of his is, i think his posts r not good

also the same thing just wont work again if hes so aware of it, and u r so aware of it, you can tell him to play how u want his town self to play. the read on him is generous and strongly underestimating his play
Now this is just a load of bollox lol. I got him wrong once, and actually on D1 I was so confident he was town on D1 that I stalled day out and forced a no lynch over lynching him. I changed my mind on D2 because he did some shit I couldn't reconcile as town and I was wrong. I've not been wrong about him in any other game? My way of reading him is pretty good in fact

And about him "changing his game", you make this point every single game, and yet every single game he doesnt change his game. Ofc I could coach him but why would I be taking that into account when I obviously know Im not? Just stupid


from poyser, nothing.

for you it initiated an interesting response!

are you just saying it's a dumb question because i should have known what your answer was without having to ask it? the answer as to why i bothered to ask is because what if it wasn't the answer i was expecting! duh.
No you asked me a stupid as fuck comparison question, yet when Shep asked you a very similar question instead of answering him you just commented on your disdain for comparisons. Its almost like you were questioning me just for the sake of it tbh


This is fucking stupid lol

He did vote. Well he fake voted. Its all irrelevant as nobody is really voting yet, you're just droning on about fake votes for some reason

I never said it makes him town either? I said its about what I expect from him. Its NAI to me

im not exactly big on ekko's case about me.

it's basically if you did x why is there not Y(with Y being a town/scum read).

because x didn't elicit anything for there to be a Y.

like there's a rush for there to be a conclusion rather than accepting there might just not be anything worthy of alignment in the response.

he also seems to be taking the game in completely black and white. similar to ultra, but i guess he's at least unfamiliar with some of us and has his own expectations of what he wants to see. by that i mean some of the stuff is clearly going for reactions(as in even aurelian could easily see it), but rather than saying something like "that reaction test was weak and would obviously not yield a good result so i could see him doing it to just look town" he's basically going on about "WHERE IS THE VOTE".


No you asked me a stupid as fuck comparison question, yet when Shep asked you a very similar question instead of answering him you just commented on your disdain for comparisons. Its almost like you were questioning me just for the sake of it tbh

im not exactly big on ekko's case about me.

it's basically if you did x why is there not Y(with Y being a town/scum read).

because x didn't elicit anything for there to be a Y.

like there's a rush for there to be a conclusion rather than accepting there might just not be anything worthy of alignment in the response.

he also seems to be taking the game in completely black and white. similar to ultra, but i guess he's at least unfamiliar with some of us and has his own expectations of what he wants to see. by that i mean some of the stuff is clearly going for reactions(as in even aurelian could easily see it), but rather than saying something like "that reaction test was weak and would obviously not yield a good result so i could see him doing it to just look town" he's basically going on about "WHERE IS THE VOTE".
what i said in bold in my below quote for what id expect from a town player/ekko is basically what poyser just said above(and not that doesn't mean i think poyser is town because yes he could still fake that as it's in his scum range, but it's more concerning when someone isn't doing that very thing).

also as far as addressing what you said. i know what i asked. and you see it as pointless because it should be 'obvious'. i just wanted to see what you'd say. take that for what you will.


Ekkologix, he is currently playing the role of town's momentuum. I am on page 8, but I doubt much will change. I can't see how Ekkologix is the traitor's teamleader right now, but people can feel free to point me towards things that will make it look different.

Subsequent town leans: Ultra and maybe you, why not?
Whom are you liking less?

what makes you say this?
  • You smart
Reactions: Rej


Interesting response

Useless fluff, then aimlessly wanting votes on Magic which locks them in, allowing him to politic shit around once it's achieved. Making excuses for hidden votes impacting thread quality when people have already made their intentions public.

Keeps saying he wants to lynch magic but now a subtle shade on poyser. from this i don't think he actually does want to see magic being lynched, rather, it's just needless pandering to appear busy

again shades on the hidden votes and subtle shade around poyser & magic once more

No follow up to this, just a needless interaction where he doesn't seem interested in the answer

Paddling up to Ultra for potential CFD just seems a way of being out of his range.

He's doing a whole load of bullshit without actually doing anything.

this feels town
@Ekkologix @Ultra @Magic
Top 3 shield candidates please.

why only ask those three


I’ve got


As town so far

Haven’t really minded Ekko so far either tbh, seems pretty focussed and wanting to hunt players down so you can add a soft town lean on him too
what did you think of tweet?


im not exactly big on ekko's case about me.

it's basically if you did x why is there not Y(with Y being a town/scum read).

because x didn't elicit anything for there to be a Y.

like there's a rush for there to be a conclusion rather than accepting there might just not be anything worthy of alignment in the response.

he also seems to be taking the game in completely black and white. similar to ultra, but i guess he's at least unfamiliar with some of us and has his own expectations of what he wants to see. by that i mean some of the stuff is clearly going for reactions(as in even aurelian could easily see it), but rather than saying something like "that reaction test was weak and would obviously not yield a good result so i could see him doing it to just look town" he's basically going on about "WHERE IS THE VOTE".
I don't disagree at all, the talk about voting is obviously extra stupid considering votes arent real lol

Thing is though I pretty much consider the way he's been here to be more along town Ekko lines. The few times I've seen him as scum he's more looking to shit everywhere and see what sticks. The things he's done here such as asking me the same thing in different ways like 5x just reminds me of the fucking frustration I feel dealing with him when he's town lmao. I find him way less annoying as scum, and have actually caught him scum in the 2 times I've seen it (even if i couldnt get him lynched cos no fucker else can be bothered reading him)


what did you think of tweet?
I dont have a whole lot of thoughts about tweet so far lol, nothing he has said has pinged me so far and he's sus of Nat so I'd say fairly positive on the whole, but not really town reading him for any reason


I like Shepard, Lethal, Ultra and Goth boy.

Sorta town read poyser but don't understand his hostility towards me. Though both him and Ultra zoned in on me for posting. I must have be a magnet for insults or something.

Vote Ekko


not rly for second line. he has tame town games too, specially early in the game

I haven't read every game here intently but I thought in your game he was pretty confrontational out of the gate tbh, then when he's been caught it's usually since he's struggled for content


I like Shepard, Lethal, Ultra and Goth boy.

Sorta town read poyser but don't understand his hostility towards me. Though both him and Ultra zoned in on me for posting. I must have be a magnet for insults or something.

Vote Ekko
Are those town reads what you got from finishing your read through lol? Where did they come from/why do you have them


I have to get ready for work soon, will be back after 11pm. When does the phase end? I recall T-Pein kun saying the first day was 48 hours.


There’s a difference between liking a post and saying it’s a good post.

I can somewhat understand “liking” a post, but I don’t see why you’d think it’s good cause I don’t see it.

any post that makes me think someone is town is a good post to me, imo. I appreciate this is largely semantics but i would consider a post that makes someones alignment clear better than a post which looks fancy or I have to try not to glaze over


It’s not that there was anything sticking out to comment on, more I’d expect you to try and get involved in the game and interact a bit rather than just discussing the recruit which you’re not really gonna het anything out of, reads wise

Since you’ve started posting more, what exactly was it about natalija’s post that you liked?

I feel like the top line comes more from a place of you expecting me to do something I'm just not gonna - I don't like the early thread state when I have a lack of posts to bounce off

I mean it's a similar answer to what nat asked me about Himes post (VIBES), but to break it down I felt like we were thinking similar things wrt aurelian and hime
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