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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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Ekkologix, he is currently playing the role of town's momentuum. I am on page 8, but I doubt much will change. I can't see how Ekkologix is the traitor's teamleader right now, but people can feel free to point me towards things that will make it look different.

Subsequent town leans: Ultra and maybe you, why not?
Whom are you liking less?

idk how much experience you have, but you clearly have experience with them.

good scum will take control of the thread, especially when nothing is going on, to dictate the thread. heavy posting from ekko isn't exactly unusual as that's just what he does, regardless of alignment(altho he might post slightly less as scum than town, but i cant see whether this is true or not).

the same can be said for ultra. ultra's posts in regards to me are somewhat angley, but i don't mind his pressure against poyser for his entrance. i do think play has improved and i agreed with shep in regards to what he said about his 'dumb town read' on hime. altho none of this is exactly out of his scum range.

currently id say i like nat least and maybe cp but i haven't played with cp in so long that i cant depart with him so quickly. not sure how to feel about ekko but i suppose i'll find out as i keep reading. he seems to have locked in a tunnel on me so should be fun!


what u mean u did? like did u vote him in role PM? u didnt vote in thread iirc. i don't really care much for that, u thought he is scummy but not giving him much attention. seems mostly shade

do u see that as the case here?

poyser's nat vote was after her making 1 post. it was random by all means. u had a reason to call poyser "scummy" but not vote. its different

'did' was a typo. should have been 'i do'/

it was mostly shade, you're right.

it was the case and now it seems much more content related!

i had a reason to call poyser scummy and wanted to see who else agreed with that reasoning. the vote there wouldn't have changed anything. if i stayed around and did more with it than that would have been even more ideal.


which game of his did u see have fire from 3 pages in? this another shade by u. i cant say this is how u were in fairy tail man

wud of liked this more if u stopped after the first line. now u kinda gave him the answer. not sure why. we'll see
what was i like in fairy tale?

aurelian tends to have fire in all his games from what little ive seen.

i did not give him an answer, i just gave my own reads. there was no reason to withhold my own reads there.


Lmao but you literally asked me basically the same question about Nat????
i asked to get your why. shepard is easier to read. i dont really care for his why. shep has since made himself obvious town. you have not. there's more of a reason to get responses from you than him as a result.

Hans Tweetenberg

Can't say I understand why people are giving hime town leans for her post about recruits being able to decline, having that sort of outlook on it seems easily fakeable imo


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I see Hans saw the same thing. Yeet Ekko imo.
keep reading

What do you like about Nat and Ultra?
I don’t see what you could possibly like about nat so I’m all ears. In terms of ultra, have you actually read my posts around him at all? You’re saying you like him here but I’m not even sure you’ve interacted with him have you?
seem uninformed and dont sense an agenda. mostly an early tonal read
yes me an ultra interacted briefly, aside form that i read him town from his interactions with others. we r having similar thoughts so far

I thought it was a bad point made to try and get the game going and see reactions, I never said it was fluff at all! I even said it’s what I’d expect from him lmao. Ur just rephrasing the same question over and over again
so does this make him town? im changing the goal posts a bit here as this is getting boring. do u expect magic to throw lame shades early game and not vote for it? is that normal for him either alignment? mind you if this was to move the game forward or for reactions he has yet to comment on what he obtained from it. i wanna know how u feel about all of this

I didn’t mind magics Aurelian vote at the time, it’s Aurelians posts since then which make me think he’s town
i dont think magic voted. its entirely why its concerning, hes shading with no votes. is this normal?


Can't say I understand why people are giving hime town leans for her post about recruits being able to decline, having that sort of outlook on it seems easily fakeable imo

she just vibes differently from last game imo. altho tbf i should relook at her day 1 posting, but she seemed more eager to go after non-purple last game than this game it just seems she's more passive and not sure what to do with not a lot happening.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
is this still in play? Why did he not post this in the game thread.

Still think you are scum for this......
im scum for reading the signup thread... ?

this aside, what about my other posts?


i asked to get your why. shepard is easier to read. i dont really care for his why. shep has since made himself obvious town. you have not. there's more of a reason to get responses from you than him as a result.
No, I mean Shep asked you about why you called my post boring and not his. Your response was comparisons are odious. I agree. Different players bring different expectations

Yet when I presented a scum read of Natalija, you asked why the same scum read didn’t apply to you because you also dipped??


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
No I haven’t? Legit never seen lethal as scum open up the game by being aggro with me. In fact it’s the opposite, I have correctly read him town based on this action more than once in recent games, much to the annoyance of others.

Why would i speculate coaching lmao? It was a fucking terrible post. If it was coached it would be better. He also pretty much just copied magics post about me so again seems pretty unlikely someones told him to do that.
i remember u and gram being wrong about lethal more than right. i dont rly care what ur read of his is, i think his posts r not good

also the same thing just wont work again if hes so aware of it, and u r so aware of it, you can tell him to play how u want his town self to play. the read on him is generous and strongly underestimating his play


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
…. You can’t possibly be serious with this? My point was clearly that Nat was struggling to get into the game. Posted about vote mechanic, posted to say “of course” and nothing else.

You made an early post to call me scummy and started playing the game. On what planet are they even slightly similar? And why would I expect you to struggle to get into the game anyway?

This post by you is fucking stupid, I’m having a hard time seeing how it comes from you lmao
thats 2 stupid posts from him now according to u. maybe he really is rusty on his scum play


so does this make him town? im changing the goal posts a bit here as this is getting boring. do u expect magic to throw lame shades early game and not vote for it? is that normal for him either alignment? mind you if this was to move the game forward or for reactions he has yet to comment on what he obtained from it. i wanna know how u feel about all of this

i dont think magic voted. its entirely why its concerning, hes shading with no votes. is this normal?
from poyser, nothing.

for you it initiated an interesting response!
No, I mean Shep asked you about why you called my post boring and not his. Your response was comparisons are odious. I agree. Different players bring different expectations

Yet when I presented a scum read of Natalija, you asked why the same scum read didn’t apply to you because you also dipped??
are you just saying it's a dumb question because i should have known what your answer was without having to ask it? the answer as to why i bothered to ask is because what if it wasn't the answer i was expecting! duh.


thats 2 stupid posts from him now according to u. maybe he really is rusty on his scum play
Kobe Bryant GIF


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think I'm probably going to vote ekko.

-Eager to post first.
-Apparently knows the setup well
-Knew about the double recruit and first to mention it. All the casual players / low investment players did not know of these mechanics.
-A highly invested player is more likely to be scum and post first. He fits all of these imo.
none of this is scummy, are town players so lazy now that reading signup thread makes a player scummy? i'll do u one. i knew about the double recruit before i even got my role
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