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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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Leprous Monarch
I liked his explanation to my question. Not a strong read or anything, but I like him so far.
you liked it? I didn't get that impression from your exchange:
You find that post good why?

i'm a big vibes person, it gave me town vibes

also reminded me of the post I made saying I would refuse being recruited so she's on a similar wavelength to me there

Nat did you not want to ask Poyser the same question you did to me

anyway dumb town reads are good and we should do more of them. Scum are more likely to be self conscious of that stuff and come across more logical.

There’s a difference between liking a post and saying it’s a good post.

I can somewhat understand “liking” a post, but I don’t see why you’d think it’s good cause I don’t see it.

For now I’d give soft town reads to Hans, Shepard and … Maybe Ultra. Maybe.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
no real thoughts. he's null. he kind of gave town reads then asked us who we should give the shield too.
do u expect scum to be scummy or more null at this stage. where is ur vote going rn?



You should reformat this post the mention color is the same as blue for me


Hans had a better entrance than when he was scum andddd Ultra is just all over the place, which benefits us in terms of reactions.

Nat, you know I love unconditional devotion, and will usually gleefully accept a pocket in return for your eternal servitude, but even I can't overlook how phoned in this read of me is

Hans Tweetenberg

Agree with this. Poyser doing that pseudo helpful busywork looked to me like one post in a string of startgame shitposting, it's NAI imo.
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