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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
The way at least it's been implied is

Nasu basically comes up with general points to hit, hands it off to the scenario/character handlers and then goes full hands off until it's his turn in the writer's seat

At least for part 1.5/2 and the related events.

I think the whole koyan thing would have landed better if they went all in on the Daji plotline and her connection/relationship with Taikoubou/Taigong.

It's a lot of the same problem with Limbo. The catharsis is somewhat there but in koyan's case she's been such an overwhelmingly shitty person that the whole "woe is me" backstory doesn't land at all. With Daji and Taigong there's the implication of something more under the surface and that shit is dope.


Mid/End being severely underbaked and turbo sped fits both Sakurai and Higashide , granted it fits Higashide more, so it's plausible .
I think the characters(outside of Koyanskaya) is really the only thing that saves Tunguska from being bad but that's my opinion.
While I have my own general take on Koyanskaya, I do agree just having her be tied to Daji would be better off than the over-complication they went for that I legit feel they are going to go back on(If they haven't already).

It makes the Amaterasu/Tamamo/Daji connection even more stupidly complicated, worse off that Tamamo Aria exists in Samurai Remnant with no strings attached at all, making Tamamo Vitch's reveal REALLY stand out in a negative fashion. I have seen people just say fuck it and says she's part of the Tamamo Nine anyway just to clear away the headache.

I don't blame people for hating Tunguska but I guess that considering I always lower my standards when people hate on something so I can see how bad it is, it just never pops in as hard as it should. Having a Servant/Divine Spirit based on the Tunguska Incident is perfectly fine, having it be Koyanskaya is... yeah. Also is a good waste of Taigong Wang storyline wise even if he's fast approaching one of my favorite characters for how human he is despite his standing(Not really a fan of his simping for Daji though, I can see why Qinglong hated that now).


Gotta agree with Rob on the Daji thing.

Exploring Daji and Taigong's dinamic would have been far more interesting that what we got.

So what if he was simping ? Someone like Taigong seeing something in Daji (even if it was as simple as "bitch's too beautiful " could have been the basis for some good and poignant storytelling, tho i understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.

That and ..probably not when handled by Sakurai except when the stars align and the setting and character complement her stile or by Higashide .

Or, they could have just picked any other russian folklore existence to act as the main baddy and explore that side of the world a little more .
So what if he was simping ? Someone like Taigong seeing something in Daji (even if it was as simple as "bitch's too beautiful " could have been the basis for some good and poignant storytelling, tho i understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.

...Okay, I can't actually go against that point...
There may not be things people can like but if it makes the story better as well as the character work, there's really no point in thinking it's wrong. It would be hypocritical considering my stances on trying to take away things that can be told in stories if it can make them stand out or be good.


V.I.P. Member
Seems Tunguska isn't that liked either in NA isn't it.

Koyanskaya has been built up for a long time, and the finish was kind of a nose plant.

Also it feels like she lost way too easily? We didn't really have to pull any bullshit on her or jump through hoops like the other Beasts. I know Ibuki, Taigong, and Nikitch are strong even by Chaldea standards (and Koyan was cursed) but it still felt ant-climactic


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Taigong lied plus cern curse crippled her completely

but yes she was the easiest one to defeat, and even then only because she didn't decide to kill everyone


That was kinda the point wasn't it ?

Settling things via talk no jutsu instead of killing ?

Of course, we'll ignore Guda's convenient Alzheimer regarding what Koyan did before all of this that led to him treating Koyan like one of his most cherished Servants but what the hell ... you don't shoot Beasts into space everyday so .. we'll give him/her a pass.


V.I.P. Member
Maybe Marisbury/CHALDEAS will fuck with the egg somehow as it's launching and we'll get a better resolution next time. Hell, the forgiveness angle would work better at that point since she actually helped us directly in LB 7 iirc


Sure, Koyan lending a hand would be at least if not more understandable than the other Beasts that are hanging around.

Dunno how much her machine gun faced children would help at this point but we're nothing if not flexible here at Chaldea.inc.

Yeah, wasn't really a fan either of Ritsuka just turning that spineless rather than show the legit blind anger and rage they had... hell, even in early Tunguska when she first appeared.
It's extremely difficult to go from anger to frothing rage to literally about to punch her in the face despite the fact she can instantly kill you on sight(I'm pretty sure that's from both LB4 and 6 Ritsuka tried to punch her)... to suddenly acting like she's the most cherished person you met.

I can understand going with Talk No Jutsu as that's ultimately how Primate Murder was "indirectly" defeated and that's how Beast IV should be taken down but come on man, there should be daggers in Ritsuka's mouth there.
Okay, so I did the Tunguska Epilogue and to get the brass tacks out of the way:

- U-Olga Marie is capable of seeing even molecules(She calls it "Omnipotent Sight") but it also shows why she nor anyone else could find the Wandering Sea till she actually tried(And apparently found it in 3 seconds and considering we see Fou was staring at the ceiling since the Storm Border came back, she isn't lying).

- So I was already wrong about the function of the "Gates" lol... sorta. They are based on the Mages who are behind the Gates but in truth, they are actual Time Gates as the True Wandering Sea doesn't actually exist at all in Space Time(Fabro states it's completely shunted out of the Universe) and what Chaldea and Sion used as a base is just a Shadow of it the entire time. Even if that's destroyed, it's only destroyed in that timeframe(Basically the Wandering Sea is destroyed in 2019 but it does not mean it's destroyed altogether and still exists as it's acausal in a sense), this also means that The True Wandering Sea is able to see all of the timelines(As Fabro basically calls FGO Sion The Dust of Osiris, someone who only exists in the Melty Blood Timeline)

- In order for Fabro to even come back to the present timeline, he needed enough Magical Energy to destroy a Continent(LMFAO, Nasu and Albert, you sly fucks) and his mentor allowed him to do it as in his own words "They had no use for that amount of Magical Energy left over". And yeah, Fabro is "Modern" by the standards of the Mages in the True Wandering Sea

- The fan translation spoilers are correct in that Sion hit U-Olga Marie with the Wandering Sea before it was destroyed by the Pseudo-Black Hole, what they didn't really mention(maybe outside of the Beast Lair translation) is that Sion actually compressed the entire island the smallest she could and flung it into U-Olga Marie(Meaning that she was basically hit by an equivalent of a High Density Gravitational attack, atleast if I remember the concept of compressing something huge into something really small without losing it's mass right).

I can go back and look at the notes in case I screwed up or messed something up important(Especially with the True Wandering Sea, it comes off like a legit headache like the Moon Cell already) but I tried.
I'll put in the pics here just to back up my claims and put them in spoilers(obviously):

(I sort of and sort have not screwed up here as she meant Particles and not Molecules directly... HOWEVER, in the definition of Particles, the lowest end does include Molecules and Atoms so yeah)

So basically, Sion and her pops can literally hack people
I mean, it's not that crazy considering her father in the Tsukihime Timeline literally turns into a Dead Apostle TATARI, a literal phenomenon that can do ridiculous ass shit through simple rumours and Sion's existence as the Dust of Osiris.

I can already see people going "He said enough to kill a continent, it must mean the people on that continent!" as if that will make the ridiculous ass amount of Magical Energy to do what he's doing absolutely freaking insane.

...Yeah... that's that nonsense right there...

So yeah, Sion did the same concept that U-Olga Marie does with her Gravitational Fields and hit her with the Decompression that would come from violently releasing all of the mass that's been compressed at once... nice.