TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

I'll simply bring up some stuff the latest Event has brought us:

- Himiko is outright stated by Izou to rival Oryou in strength(Considering how many times he has been hit by her, that says something).

- Himiko was able to destroy a Haniwa that Saitou nor Mash could even scratch.

- Nobunaga was able to keep her wits about her enough to disrupt a good chunk of Kamou's plans despite being filled to the brim with Dark Blight(which should have long corrupted her). Himiko was also able to do the same in the eternal darkness realm in the event despite still being alive and being deluged in it for god knows how long.

- Demon King Nobunaga was able to heavily weaken the Inugami(Who is a hodge-podge of Ancient Gods of the Past) despite earlier no one else in the party was capable of doing anything to it in the major term. Super Himiko would be the 2nd closest to Serizawa/Kukochihiko combo(Although they wasn't anything close to that level) that was done at the end as well.

- Serizawa ultimately survives a massive barrage of attacks between Hijikata/Souji/Hajime to the point the latter two are surprised he's still standing and only dies due to Yamanami opening a portal to hell and stabbing him in the back.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
you copied my stuff from my own secret nasu respect thread, bruh, no ideals in this forum anymore, smh

@GregSteve unsubscribe from this nig, he is a tanned 2D thief, smh, i will notify you with more updates for my respect thread, when a good mcu movie will be out, stay tuned



Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
Ct123, Xhominid and Type Rey owe you cash or its jail time and the MCU for making you watch their movies waiting for a good one
I know I barely update this with news or chapters or anything, so I'll do this now... despite this being up and about on Beast's Lair for a few days now:

- A Unified Clock Tower can literally whip the asses of the United States Military(SB can go fuck off officially in pretending Servants will peter off before they end up losing against them) and it's only due to the constant infighting between factions that allow them to do what they are doing at all.

- The Military members and Mage collaborators pretty much stated the enormous shockwave caused by Enkidu's and a certain being that's an enormous spoiler is blamed on TWO ASTEROIDS colliding in space(again, shitting all over SB in believing that the Nasuverse isn't strong despite needing this cover for multiple Nations wondering what the fuck is happening) despite collateral damage is spreading into parts of Russia as well as the US.

- Someone wishes they can have that level of control but someone immediately shuts him up because if they even try to weaponize the arcane, the Clock Tower AND the Atlas Institute would roll up on them and they are too novice with Magecraft to even do anything about them unless they are able to get Ancient Tribe's under their control(Like Tine's Tribe which does heavily put up that even some current Native American Tribes are capable of standing up to the Clock Tower and Atlas Institute if they can work together)

- Their overall goal with Franscesca Prelati is to turn Magic into Magecraft and seeing that Fuyuki had 5 HGWs(with not being able to tell who won the 5th or what happened... nice touch), they plan on ending the 1st American HGW as a failure, taking the Greater Grail away and basically destroying Snowfield and killing everyone for "America's future"(They try and say it's for Humanity's future but I doubt that).

-AND they are only doing this due to the Death of a certain person and the enormous spoiler that came from it.

Only America can have a HGW this bullshit on every conceivable scale. This is why I love Strange Fake despite agreeing with Robert and Rey on alot of it's flaws.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Okay, this one actually has the spoiler of what I mentioned before and this time, I will fully mention it upfront because yeah, this is when Strange Fake goes completely batshit insane:

TL;DR An ancestor of Flat's decided that he wanted to make a "True Human", a new Prime One that will usurp Humanity entirely using Evolution as the basis and gotten the idea from Zelretch and a DAA existence.
To make sure his family wouldn't fuck up his plan, he basically made it through each person who inherited his Magic Crest to not know what the hell their purpose even is slowly but surely till no one had any idea of what they even had the Magic Crest for.

Then we get to Flat Escardos in which THIS is why it's heavily implied if he didn't end up in Waver's class, the Counter Force or the Mage Association would end up killing him because he's too dangerous to live.
Upon his death, we get Thia Escardos, a being that is virtually on the level of Enkidu(This was the fight I alluded to earlier) and can do things that literally are equivalent to Noble Phantasms.

Yeah, this is batshit insanity on every fundamental level... and honestly? I dig it. It shows a true horrific perversion of someone simply going nuts with a Magic Crest and a dream can truly do to basically fuck the World and Humanity over in a simple goal.
It also shows just how absurd Older Generations of Mages can truly be if they can stick around for long enough and allow their Magic Crests to get as much new info as possible and study up on the next Head's skills one after the other and after the other.

It honestly feels the most "Nasu-esque" thing Narita has done and I have to give him kudos for that:
A massive perversion of Humanity moving towards the next stage and heading to their own future and not needing to rely on the past anymore.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Nasuverse humans being on some bullshit moment #52

Still no match for RWBY characters, of course.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
So Thia Escardos is a possible human-type candidate on the level of high-tier servants like Enkidu and Gilgamesh? that's actually pretty cool.
So Thia Escardos is a possible human-type candidate on the level of high-tier servants like Enkidu and Gilgamesh? that's actually pretty cool.

Actually, he's more closer to an attempt to apparently try and make an Ultimate One but he's definitely not at the same level so the comparison to Enkidu and Gilgamesh is still correct and enough for the Military to immediately cancel the Grail War and destroy the town.
To get these both out of the way:

A look at Atlantis and Olympus through the Recollections(I missed the other ones, sue me):

It's ultimately nothing too major, more clarifying things(Ares is a fucking manlet in comparison to the other Machine Gods lol, Drake was supposed to be a partner but she was "too strong" for the stakes in Atlantis... which is hilarious considering Super Orion and Achilles was there even if the latter had his ankle shot off and Zeus had the worst Lifescale out of any other Machine God in Olympus due to how he literally was overtaxing himself keeping the place running... actually makes sense as it reminds me of Gilgamesh working himself to death in Babylonia).

By the by, it's less that Ares is like the size of a toy and more "The other Machine Gods are absolutely MASSIVE" as Talos is big enough to easily be at the same size as a typical skyscraper
Just FYI, Ganesha is going to be the same as Lakshmibai and barely have anything to cover, Lostbelt 4 had her participate in it but not really show much of what she can do past participating in battles, how one of her abilities work and her main point in it.

Okay, let's finally end this, time for Ganesha(Jinako Carigari)

True Name: Jinako Carigiri
Class: Mooncancer
Source: ???
Region: ???
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 153cm
Weight: 82kg
Character Creator: Hazuki Minase and Kinoko Nasu
Character Designer: Wada Arco
Character Voice: Aoi Yuuki

Strength: B
Endurance: A++
Agility: E
Magic: B
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: C

Character in Fate/Grand Order

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: A

Cancels all magecraft ranked A or lower.
Modern mages are practically unable to harm her.

Not really displayed(nor could it really considering where it takes place)

Divinity: B
She has divinity as a (self-proclaimed) bunrei of the Hindu Divine Spirit Ganesha.
However, its rank stop at B to the human vessel Jinako Carigiri.

Here, it's actually implied it's her Divinity that allows her to be more durable than usual(There is another line that lays it out better but I don't feel like double dipping).
Here, she also states she can straight up summon video games or even create them using Ganesha's Divinity(This is stated in her introduction but again, not trying to double dip)
Here, she all but implies that during her stint in Ashwatthaman's plan, she made a backup of her mind as she was beginning to literally forget things.
Here, it's shown that she ultimately does but more of replacing what she lost during that stint.

Riding: A
Can freely control all beasts and vehicles, except those under the Phantasmal Beast/Divine Beast rank.
Ganesha is said to ride a rat named Mushika.

Not shown(Which is ironic considering what happens with Lakshmi's plan and Tell) but we do see the Rat in her Sprite and Artwork.

Personal Skills

Prosperous Business: A

A Skill representing the fact Ganesha is the god of fortune and prosperity.
Almost all commerces and banks in India put up an image of Ganesha.

Here, I believe that this skill is where she gets the ability to summon and create Videogames from

Shattered Tusk: B

Yeah, this is apparently how it's like even in her ingame profile... outside of being acknowledged as Ganesha's backstory, that's it.

Vinayaka: EX

Again not demonstrated ingame but it is implied that this is where her "Divinity protected Flab" comes from...

Noble Phantasm

Ganesha Impact (Uncareful one, take things seriously from the next day on)
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-10
Max. Targets: 10 people

Mr. Ganesha’s stress-relief Noble Phantasm.
It’s actually just an excessively heavy tackle with their body completed covered in divine aura.

Not demonstrated ingame... but it's pretty apparently exactly what it does.

Ganesha Vighneshvara (Follow my principles, for I am the god of obstacles)

Here, this is the Noble Phantasm she uses in conjunction with Lakshmi to create the Union Noble Phantasm and have it be seen as other's as God's Skyboulder.

Strength, Endurance, Speed?
Here and here, is basically the entire scene of Ganesha basically going through the literal thousands of years of having to stay completely conscious for Ashwatthaman's plan to complete. Even though she virtually goes completely insane in the process, she still stays conscious enough to keep her Noble Phantasm going and still remember who she made a promise to(Karna) and who believes in her(Ritsuka).
Here, She actually shows enough mental faculties to know who Ritsuka is without prodding, but to use Ganesha's Divine Wisdom to, in a sense, regain her sense of self(It's again stated that she KNOWS the experience she went through, it's more covering what she lost) but due to how long she was in there, she lost the ability to move temporarily(Same with Lakshmi).

And that's basically it again. Of course, this isn't me including the battles with the enemies she faced with the others in the Indian Lostbelt(which you can include as well but I'm not since she didn't really show anything that isn't obvious in the cutscenes like not dying to Lostbelt Nehza and standing her ground and such).

I'll seriously quickly follow up with the Life of Lostbelt 4 to FINALLY end this Archive and start with LB5.

Turas Realta is done with America and we are moving onto Babylonia with a stinger of Kingu and Chaldeas going full blast with allowing Arjuna, Hektor AND Kiyohime to participate in this.

The author really likes Hektor and Kiyohime. The fact that apparently, Turas Realta is having only a few Servants in Chaldeas is fucking hilarious though but it does make some sense as they can be better developed in this way.
Still sucks Mortallis Stella is stuck on Septem for so long and still is.
Yeah, you can basically say that I'm just adding shit in here that's interesting at this point for the long ass time nothing was really said here:

This is NOT based on the Lostbelt VI story we got but the one BEFORE it(i.e. what one of the potential storyboard ideas was, it's obvious some of this is later taken into the story we see in earnest).


Arthuria (Caster)

Arthuria (Saber)
A figure Arthuria Caster often sees in her (Pan-Human History) dreams.



Diarmuid (British form)
A Lostbelt faerie. Knocknarea’s trusty adjutant.
He makes it clear that he doesn’t know much about Pan-Human History (not because he can’t learn, but because he doesn’t want to). Barghest killed his brother.

Cu Chulainn (Caster)
The only Servant summoned in Britain to take the side of Pan-Human History.
Cu Chulainn (Odin Install).
Goes by the name of Grimm (II) the Wise.

Appears since the earliest chapters as a Servant of Pan-Human History.
Chaldea's and Arthuria's supporter. His ultimate goal is Britain's salvation.

Tom Tit
Earth Clan. Faerie. No need to make unique sprites, Andersen’s sprites work for him.
Lives in Norwich. Later moves to Londinium and dies when Londinium is set on fire.

Fae team
Morgan (Camelot the Sin Capital)

The king of the British Lostbelt… but not its ruler.
Feared and despised by all fae in Britain.

Barghest (Manchester)
Opposes Chaldea as Morgan’s loyal knight.
All her actions are dictated by an unexternalized desire to protect.
She later expresses an understanding of Chaldea’s point of view, but when she was about to switch to their side…

Baobhan Sith (New Darlington the Pleasure City)

Melusine (Dozmary Pool)

Woodwose (Oxford) *will need a unique sprite

Spriggan (Norwich) *will need a unique sprite

Ainsel (Lake District)

Muryan (Gloucester) *use a special version of Kazuradrop’s sprites (story-only, no battle sprites)

Knocknarea (Edinburgh) *use a special version of Medb’s sprites

Aurora (Salisbury) *will need a unique sprite

To be Continued

Senji Muramasa

"You thought I’d be running wild here? Guess again! Morgan won’t listen to me and Baobhan Sith is useless! I got no freedom at all!"

A man who lives for his love for Mash. Although his love is quite eccentric.

Count Peperonna


Minor fae
Nameless faerie

Aurora’s associates
They know how Melusine obtained her current appearance.
In the end, they enter the room when Melusine is killing Aurora and violently reprimand her, calling her a fake faerie with no consideration for others.

Treasure trio
Homeless wandering merchants. Bandits but not really.
They all have generic goblin designs, but only one of them is a kingdom faerie. The other two are Pan-Human History fae who wandered into the wrong world. Even fae can be changelings.





Old blacksmith (Ector)

Salisbury bar’s shopkeeper

Enshrined Deity Cernunnos

Demonhound Barghest

To put in a TL;DR for people who are really lazy to read any of this, alot of the characters and plot beats for them stay in Lostbelt 6's production(Morgan is the Villain, Oberon ultimately plans to backstab Chaldeas, Cernunnos would still be betrayed by the Fairies and want to murder them and the Calamities) but the details for some of them have either haven't been hashed or is changed somewhat during LB6's production to it's release.

And now the literal Alpha Draft that happened well before Cosmos In The Lostbelt even happened

It's pretty obvious that again, the Alpha Draft does have the basic beats of Lostbelt VI but there was alot of different ideas that was ultimately rejected.
Merlin being more involved would have been nice, Beryl Gut barely mattering was always in the cards actually surprises me as I thought that was a legit issue that Nasu just forgot about him but to legit see that it was purposeful has me a bit iffy.
But it's weird as apparently, Beryl was supposed to attack Super Galahad Mash and this was supposed to tie into her emotional state so I think it was more of Beryl's machinations as a whole wouldn't matter.

Goredolf was given death flags after this so... fucking RIP if they still are sticking around now(Especially since Sion got hers... and cheated it anyway lol).

The Fae making people believe that they destroyed the World during the Ulster Cycle to cover the fact that their ancestors didn't make Excalibur... is something I kinda wish they actually tried to use in Lostbelt VI just to get their own kind and Humans to shut up about what happened.
And Fate/Apocrypha Manga had feats we completely missed Part 2:

While it comes from VSB(As unfortunately, they don't allow Mangadex and I'll search for it later), Jeanne D'Arc when fighting Atalante, puts her hand into the 747 and literally SPINS IT AROUND so she can throw it at Atalante.

The sheer level of Newtons to pull that off and not even having to try is fucking insane LMFAO.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
This really puts into perspective how ridiculous it is that people genuinely think Herc is only building level even without his more impressive feats.
This really puts into perspective how ridiculous it is that people genuinely think Herc is only building level even without his more impressive feats.

It is because the truly hilarious thing is that this isn't even close to the strongest strength feat in Fate/Apocrypha without needing a Noble Phantasm.
It's just pointing out that this and Martha deadstopping a Train with ease still fits how ludicrously strong Servants are even holding back.