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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Sooo let's see

I got RDK, Ultra, Evans as most likely town and Alco and Dalton a step below. Kinda vibing with CP as well but our accursed past is in the way of an alliance.

I'm not sure what to think of Ekko right now, 30 pages or so ago I woulda had him firmly as my top scum read but it's wavering now. Not quite sure where else to look otherwise either.
Kinda weird that you wouldn’t mention me here at all one way or the other


Ahhhh I’ve been battling back and forth but might help us solve so fuck it

I am also a pro town indy, so it’s highly possible Aurelian is telling the truth on the whole, but he’s definitely lying about what his actual win con is and that’s rubbing me up the wrong way. Like my win condition is that the golden order have to be utterly destroyed, and I have to be alive obv and I also have another aspect of it that I have to do with my role

I thought the great runes was gonna be his version of that; but there’s no way on Earth his win con is “town have to get at least most of the great runes” lol. I also don’t really believe town have to get them to win anyway, if anything it would surely be that he has to get them personally


Yoshi said he's only played 2 games. How many have you played with him?

This is very old hat now, and I believe a handful of players had said literally the exact same thing in this period of discussion. I personally have only played one *mafia* game with him from memory, but I've known him for a while and his participation in similar events and personality gives me the impression that from his standpoint forum games are only taken so seriously and him homies come first. I don't need to have an established pattern of play behavior, because this behavior analysis is predicated on the fact that how seriously he takes these affairs is limited. You'll note that when Yoshi reversed his behavior I actually did a double take.

Now, let's do a give and take. How many players are on your scum team?


Ahhhh I’ve been battling back and forth but might help us solve so fuck it

I am also a pro town indy, so it’s highly possible Aurelian is telling the truth on the whole, but he’s definitely lying about what his actual win con is and that’s rubbing me up the wrong way. Like my win condition is that the golden order have to be utterly destroyed, and I have to be alive obv and I also have another aspect of it that I have to do with my role

I thought the great runes was gonna be his version of that; but there’s no way on Earth his win con is “town have to get at least most of the great runes” lol. I also don’t really believe town have to get them to win anyway, if anything it would surely be that he has to get them personally
Can you claim the other aspect of your wincon please? I understand if you want to wait for a consensus, but as far as I'm concerned we should get the full picture. You do gain points for volunteering your claim without any risk of being pressured into a lynch, so I'm willing to work with it.


Ahhhh I’ve been battling back and forth but might help us solve so fuck it

I am also a pro town indy, so it’s highly possible Aurelian is telling the truth on the whole, but he’s definitely lying about what his actual win con is and that’s rubbing me up the wrong way. Like my win condition is that the golden order have to be utterly destroyed, and I have to be alive obv and I also have another aspect of it that I have to do with my role

I thought the great runes was gonna be his version of that; but there’s no way on Earth his win con is “town have to get at least most of the great runes” lol. I also don’t really believe town have to get them to win anyway, if anything it would surely be that he has to get them personally

Oh look it's Day 1 and all the indies have already claimed about how we're supposed to help them collect 10 mcmuffins or whatever. Shocking!


This is very old hat now, and I believe a handful of players had said literally the exact same thing in this period of discussion. I personally have only played one *mafia* game with him from memory, but I've known him for a while and his participation in similar events and personality gives me the impression that from his standpoint forum games are only taken so seriously and him homies come first. I don't need to have an established pattern of play behavior, because this behavior analysis is predicated on the fact that how seriously he takes these affairs is limited. You'll note that when Yoshi reversed his behavior I actually did a double take.

Now, let's do a give and take. How many players are on your scum team?

It was live as I was reading back tbf

As in my reads?


One that did catch my eye but I can't remember exactly where - Tweet I think it was picked up that Ekko is approaching this game in a very similar manner to how he was for Xmas mafia. In fact Ekko has given me a subtle town lean for not "shit talking" in this game, but he used this as a premise to town lean me at Xmas for also not "shit talking." It's a huge parallel to his usual near-tunnel of my gameplay and scum leaning. At least Pein is consistent with his Lethal tunneling.
I noticed this as well.


Ahhhh I’ve been battling back and forth but might help us solve so fuck it

I am also a pro town indy, so it’s highly possible Aurelian is telling the truth on the whole, but he’s definitely lying about what his actual win con is and that’s rubbing me up the wrong way. Like my win condition is that the golden order have to be utterly destroyed, and I have to be alive obv and I also have another aspect of it that I have to do with my role

I thought the great runes was gonna be his version of that; but there’s no way on Earth his win con is “town have to get at least most of the great runes” lol. I also don’t really believe town have to get them to win anyway, if anything it would surely be that he has to get them personally

I know it's host spec which with Odo is usually not worth even considering

But does he really put 2 pro town indies in a game?


Oh look it's Day 1 and all the indies have already claimed about how we're supposed to help them collect 10 mcmuffins or whatever. Shocking!
I don’t need help with my wincon. I can claim more about what the other aspect of my wincon actually is, but it would make more sense to elaborate on it tomorrow if im still alive, as I can show that it’s not anti town


I know it's host spec which with Odo is usually not worth even considering

But does he really put 2 pro town indies in a game?
I think he could do yeah, one game he had two town factions that didn’t end up winning together lol so I wouldn’t put it past him at all. We don’t know how many hostile indies there are but I specifically cannot win unless golden order are destroyed so im imagining that for numbers at least, he’s probably just counting me as town whilst giving me something cool to do lol