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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

Looking at DP1 wagon progression, this is how it developed as the game reached it's conclusion.

The first wagon these players hopped into the wagon.

Aurelian 7 - Poyser, Yoshi, Arp, CP, RDK, Alco, BLD (page 46)

Aurelian 8 - Poyser, Yoshi, Arp, CP, RDK, Alco, BLD, TPein

Aurelian 9 - Poyser, Yoshi, Arp, CP, Alco, Phenom, Ratchet, RDK, Tpein

Wagons above is before Aurelian claimed and the wagons below are after his claim.

Aurelian 10 - Yoshi, Arp, CP, Alco, Phenom, Ratchet, RDK, Tpein, Soulkiller, Evans

Aurelian 12 - Yoshi, Arp, Alco, Phenom, Ratchet, Tpein, Soulkiller, Evans, Ultra, CP, BLD, RDK

The wagon early on consisted of people pushing fang for he handled himself early on and came off pretty aggressive defensive for no reason. What I will be focusing on is the shift in behavior for individuals when fang did claim. Before I get into that though the players who stayed on his wagon from beginning to end are the following, and this might be slightly off since I am taking these directly from Gramm vote count posts. I do know that CP and RDK did change their vote at one point and went back voting fang and possibly others as well, but the sake of keeping things organized in my head I will be splitting the players based on that vote tallies posted by gram.

Yoshi, Arp, CP, Alco, RDK . These guys stayed on Fang from the get go to the end.

Let's start with Arp who I town read actually. Mostly because of his demeanor and how he approached the situation. He got caught in similar situation as Fang last time I played with him and seeing how he was able to gauge the situation and learn from his past experience and see resemblance to on other players striked me as townie. He is calm and collected and seems to be having fun. As scum he would be more on edge and afraid to be himself I suppose?

Alco is another guy in the list who if I had to give a read now, it would be a faint townie read. I felt throughout the game he was paying attention. Making good points on some players as to why he likes them. Giving reasons behind his thoughts which I thought looked good. He also showcased that he is very cautious regarding how players approach him. This can be faked but I would think scum would welcome townie reads with open arms.

RDK I actually still town read despite that weird change of vote ending of the game??? I thought he was very straightforward with his approaches in the game so far. Especially when he interacted with Fang in the beginning. That interaction felt very townie for me. Which to be honest that read carried with me until the end of the DP when he tried to save an indie and went for tweet if memory serves me right? that entire wagon on tweet feels like some weak ass sauce. Didn't really make sense. This is honestly shaken my read abit on the guy but townies in the midst of chaos tend to be more on the paranoia side of things, need to give a proper read on D2 and see if he maintain the same aura I got from him dp1.

Yoshi and CP are pretty null to me with CP being on the scum lean of it. But let's start with Yoshi, his posts honestly feel kinda robotic, and pretty selective. But I did not sense any malicious intentions behind his posts. But maybe I can't tell due to just how he formats and present himself generally speaking.

CP on other hand, felt like he is riding the waves as the game progress. He showed he has big boner for our friend poyser here. I didn't like some of his posts as I was reading, mainly being afraid to commit to a player he viewed as scum and his testing the water to feel if it's safe to move forward with his read. Felt like he was being careful on purpose. For a player who claim to read the game twice, You would think he would have a better grasp or idea on why Fang got lynched, but instead is more than happy to give all the credit to Poyser for reasons ???? the guy did not even end up voting for Fang lol and was actually trying to save him. Not sure if this guy meta is to pocket players to oblivion until he gets on their blind side.

Now, looking at these 4 players could scum possibly be one player among them that hopped on the wagon from the get go? possible and out of these 4 the chances are as of now would be CP and Yoshi. Either one of them or both.


Phenom, Ratchet, T-Pein.

These 3 players hopped into the wagon little later than the 5 players I mentioned above.

Phenom, this guy literally have 15 posts and don't recall seeing much of him. T-Pein asked him to vote for Fang and he did and then dipped off. Nothing he posted strike me as town and his little content provide nothing to me. He jumped into a wagon without really thinking I feel like, scum lean on the guy. I am not familiar with the guy if he would bus his team mate like that.

T-Pein, is a wild card really he feels like he is contributing but wouldn't surprise me if he flipped scum. But I would say there is a decent chance he is townie as well. Null for now.

Ratchet, looking at ratchet interaction with fang it's really hard to view him as scum. There is very little chance that ratchet and fang as team mates would go back and forth like that. Ratchet did pull such stunts where he faked an interaction like this with his scum mate and got townie points for it. But Fang does not strike me as the type of player who would agree to engage or even fake that interaction with ratchet to make ratchet looks better. Due to this, I would say it's safe to put him as of townie right now and revaluate end game if he makes it alive and I make it alive.

If there is a scum in this pile it's in (Phenom, T-Pein)


Evan, Ultra, BLD (X)

Evan, I felt like evan had a strong presence early in DP1 , weak mid presence and then later toward the day he had a semi strong presence again. Didn't like fang claim and went ahead to vote for him. It's a bit challenging getting a read on him at the moment to be honest for my memory ain't helping me much here. Will probably need to ISO him individually. Null

Ultra, I thought he looked pretty townie early in the game. However, the way he handled Fang claim came off as very self conscious of the situation. He wanted to believe fang but didn't want to believe fang. Not sure what he was trying to do exactly. I do remember Alco saying he town read ultra for this because it showed him that ultra is trying to think clearly of the situation and make an appropriate decision. I guess you can see it from that angle, but you also can see the angle that he has TMI and the way he handled the situation came off iffy. I can see him as possible team mate for Fang but not necessarily a priority right now.

BLD, was not going at Fang and matter of fact was okay with letting him survive and was more focused on CP and scum hunting. His scum hunting honestly looked good to me, he was trying to gauge into people and try and get better read and until the very end when he kinda accepted that no other wagon will move forward besides Fang. He switched his vote on Fang and expressed how he didn't wanna vote him but he has no choice. I don't know about you guys, but this honestly striked me as genuine, I don't think scum BLD would do that if he and fang were scum mates, if he faked that then kudos to him because I am biting lol. Townie lean.


Now, let's talk about couple of players I want to mention that didn't vote for Poyser, some did but switched later on when they found out that fang is allegedly indie like poyser.

Poyser, this guys fascinates me. He was pushing for fang all cool and dandy until the dude outed as indie. Poyser didn't stop to think how fang behavior switched 180 from being completely against claiming to start claiming left and right from a mere pressure from ekko. What fascinates me even more is that he went out of his way to out himself as an indie to try and save fang. He pushed for tweet which I thought was some weak sauce push. He claims he is pro townie indie but in the same breath outed as the most vile evil character in the lore. His defense to this is 'I am an experienced player, you think I would do this?' Basically relying on WIFOM trying to push the agenda that he is a good guy. He also could possibly be fang scum mate. For it seems fake claiming indie is the new trend these days. Scum and needs to go as soon as possible, the more bodies he defiles the more power his character grows. Anyone who looks at poyser and think he is good for townies need to be seriously revaluated.

Ekko, he made a theatre trying to save Fang and push it on players I thought looked townie like RDK. The problem here is that I do see ekko doing this as scum or townie. Dude simply does not give a fuck. I need to read more of his posts DP2 for I am having trouble catching up to this damn game.

Dalton is a player who caught my attention while catching up as well for he was trying hard to actually push the wagon away from Fang. It felt almost unnatural and could see him as being his scum mate trying to steer the wagon away.

There are other players I do need to address but this post is getting lengthy enough as it is, so will be breaking it apart and address the others.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Anyways its the weekend! I'll try and pop in at some point inbetween my most exciting plans!

Vote Lynch: Tweet
why tweet over lethal

actually whats ur read of lethal


oh so there really was none okay im not dreaming then

so what is soul doing saying poyser claimed to save fang. poyser never revealed the flavor until today

or i guess he meant as in the purple town theory from GoT where there r more than 1 protown indie

poyser didnt rly push for that at all

You have done a 180 in your stance towards Fangs claim vs Poyser's one


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i can see soul's point now that maybe poyser intended to fake claim indie first to pull fang but then poyser wasnt rly pressured to claim flavor in day 2, and im sure if he is given an indie fake claim he wud have something better?

i dont see something as the dung eater being a fake claim but who knows?

we can solve poyser day 4


Leprous Monarch
i can see soul's point now that maybe poyser intended to fake claim indie first to pull fang but then poyser wasnt rly pressured to claim flavor in day 2, and im sure if he is given an indie fake claim he wud have something better?

i dont see something as the dung eater being a fake claim but who knows?

we can solve poyser day 4
I'm pretty sure his character is mod-confirmed at this point

The X

Poyser is a special case for he claimed the one of the very few characters in the game that is literally an abomination, an evil for the sake of being evil. There is no way the host would give such role as a fake claim for it makes no sense to be a fake claim. Plus, I believe his claim because as you can see from the host post below. Fang body has been defiled, and that's what the Dung Eater do.

Thus I do believe that's the dude true role and I have no clue what he was smoking when he outed to be such character or even out indie at all for an attempt to save Fang. The more bodies he defiles the stronger it gets and if it's anything similar to my indie role given to me by gramm in GOT game then he has an apocalyptical event in his role and I can totally see that, for the moment the curse spread it's over for the lands between.
@Golden Order if Poyser really doesn't belong to you, can you just take care of the Dung Eater before we all die?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
in my mind poyser was the main person who caught and lynched aurelian so I can't see myself choosing your wagon over one he's backing. especially because I was very unconvinced by your and Ultra's play around Aurelian's wagon. Poyser also has an outstanding track record of reading lethal. I do agree that the point ultra raised re: Lethal would be damning for the generic mafia player, but lethal is kind of spacey and even as town will throw a lot of crap against the wall. played with him for idk like 6-8 years now. if poyser thinks there's merit to the lethal lynch I'd consider changing.
yes agree it was poyser not RDK. thats a start


Reads list.

Sit and wait your turn. Do some pro-indie shit instead of OMGUS voting and going after the first person who doesn't believe your indie claim. You voting for me right after I call your claim out show you're nervous.

Whether or not your core winded on Fang, you still tried hard for a counter wagon on Tweet that did in fact move votes off of Fang.
This seems.... hypocritical... since it seems you've got Alco down as a wolf because you don't like how he's "chirping from the sidelines" or whatever you called it.

also re: your reads list, why doddsy? i forgot he was in the game so curious what made you think he's scum

The X

i can see soul's point now that maybe poyser intended to fake claim indie first to pull fang but then poyser wasnt rly pressured to claim flavor in day 2, and im sure if he is given an indie fake claim he wud have something better?

i dont see something as the dung eater being a fake claim but who knows?

we can solve poyser day 4u
This is literally what I said about Poyser's claim early and why I don't believe he's pro-town. But agree his slot can wait to be dealt with. Or wolves just help us all out there.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I've already forgotten what you initially said but I still remember that the point was supposed to be that you're being a hypocrite when it comes to the validity of meta reads, namely yours apparently are valid but mine weren't.
yeah i despise meta reads. i made a meta read, defined it, and not really followed it. why? because im aware meta can be changed, however should not be denied.

you are trying to make it seem scummy. its not. i havent been pushing anyone for meta reads this game. of all the things u can scum read me for this one is unforgivable