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Game Ranked My Hero Academia Mafia Thread

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Lord Melkor

This is just an impression from the first pages, he looks more prudent than the previous game and doesn't act dumb, he's not ignoring Flower's posts about CFD. I'm not saying it's suspect, just that he seems to play differently.

Does it make you have any opinion on his alignment?


The nibs thing makes it sound like they’re teamed also - the one of thing one would say in a team environment, say a scum QT

I don't think this needs to be the case. Actually the way I read it, Reloaded was (very badly) putting emphasis on Nib's absence to make himself look good


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Btw Hime has fallen off a cliff. Might actually retract my Town lean there.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
CP also mentioned Reloaded among the people he would wanna lynch, but hasn't even interacted with him fwiw. Feel like as Town he'd just wanna bury him since he easily found him as scum previous game.

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Aight dunno where the hell Nibs is at, but I'm here.
So this is the message. I think he's just fearing people might link him with me for whatever the reason is. Maybe he's to trying to compare his activity to mine so he's looking better than me. Relo, do you fear being lynched?


I don't think this needs to be the case. Actually the way I read it, Reloaded was (very badly) putting emphasis on Nib's absence to make himself look good

Might not be, it’s just the usage of the nickname that makes me think that - points toward a kind of camaraderie that doesn’t really fit an uninformed day 1 position

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Might not be, it’s just the usage of the nickname that makes me think that - points toward a kind of camaraderie that doesn’t really fit an uninformed day 1 position
He never called me like this if I remember correctly but it makes like 2-3 years I know him, so it may just be a nickname he gave me. It makes 6 months I know Gad and he won't stop calling me Nipples.


He never called me like this if I remember correctly but it makes like 2-3 years I know him, so it may just be a nickname he gave me. It makes 6 months I know Gad and he won't stop calling me Nipples.

Oh I didn’t realise you’d known each other that long, fair enough


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
I stopped here Gad but yeah I don't agree with your assessment on her "manufacturing" a push on you simply for you not understanding my comment earlier and snowballing it from there
Cool beans
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