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Game Death Note Mafia

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well it’s usually good practice to establish some kind of motive yes

with no motive, how is anything scummy?
Lmao that’s what I said!

idk how you can read something as scummy when you haven’t established a theory for what their scum motive was

that said, the fact that he approaches making reads like this actually explains a lot :hestonpls


If Evans is trying to lynch you it could be a bus. Idk, he is claiming PR now so I’ll question him later.

Also you did ask players to hint at their role if they are being bw. That is why everyone with a brain sus you. Ultra wanting to save you with an Ekko counter wagon is very sus. I think he’s trying to save his scummate which makes sense because it’s still early in the game. Your flip will also help me determine where Tiara stands in all of this as you have been defending her all game. If you are scum then likely Tiara might be town.

What if Poyser flips town who will you suspect

The X

But to answer your question, seems like he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. You're using him coming to his own defense as evidence against him when you were previously preying in him for lazy play makes your argument less compelling. Which is it?
Weren't you waiting to slurp up Poyser's tears? Looks like you're slurping his dick here. You're in your cage right now for had behavior. Don't act like I don't see you all of a sudden being emboldened by Poyser's return.


Lmao that’s what I said!

idk how you can read something as scummy when you haven’t established a theory for what their scum motive was

that said, the fact that he approaches making reads like this actually explains a lot :hestonpls

like I said, I think I’ve got his game style pretty well figured out


Good scum hunting in BPDs mind: this man said he was ok with being lynched but he’s still posting!!! Obviously he’s scum!!!


Flower has literally left my slot untouched this whole game. Do you not think it's somewhat appropriate to ask why she doesn't understand me?

Doesn't schizo run in your family, Ultra? Is this the chirp you want to throw my way?

She probably doesn't understand you because you come across as a townie due to your obvious lack of planning but at the root of that is also just a lack of thought and awareness in general.


Good scum hunting in BPDs mind: This guys is acting cocky about someone being outed scum now!! But yesterday he read him town???? Why would he be dunking now he believes he’s caught scum?!?!?!?!?! He’s scum himself!!!!!


Good scum hunting in BPDs mind: This guy plays by doing whatever he wants because he knows he will never be lynched!!! Guess what?!?!?! He’s doing whatever he wants this game!!!! He’s scum!!!!!!


I may have a genetic predisposition. But you know, X has worked hard to look like a deranged hobo who came crawling out of a crevice in a subway station. And I think that is truly inspirational.


I may have a genetic predisposition. But you know, X has worked hard to look like a deranged hobo who came crawling out of a crevice in a subway station. And I think that is truly inspirational.
He’s jealous because he had to work hard to obtain his mental illness and yours came naturally

The X

People apparently thing me assuming I’ll be lynched means I should stop posting completely. I’m sure they’d like that! Be easier for them to get it done
You realiZe Ultra thought you were going to give up, yeah? I didn't buy that you'd be okay with your lunch and come in swinging. So.


You realiZe Ultra thought you were going to give up, yeah? I didn't buy that you'd be okay with your lunch and come in swinging. So.
No your point against me was that I never believed I was going to be in trouble in the first place but this is clearly wrong because I claimed VT in my first post of the phase. Doing this as either alignment makes no sense unless I was assuming I would be pushed which I obviously knew I would be. Now you’re acting like me posting and and making sure people actually push for my lynch is some kind of gotcha when it isn’t even slightly. I can be accepting of the fact I’ll probably get lynched and still fight to get people to see me as town. I mean ofc I am accepting the fact there’s a good chance I get lynched… I’m the one that told you to lynch me ffs
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