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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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You fucking said you wouldn't so shit until Flower and xenos is resolved??
That's not what I said:

Could you elaborate more on what flowe/xenos flips mean for you? They’re almost certainly not mafia given flowers play?

Stop lying, BPD.

I was talking about what surfaces with Flower or Xenos' flip. Hence why I don't trust you.

we talking about the same guy? He’s a tunnelling MACHINE as town?

the rest of this doesn’t really answer what I want to know - specifically assuming they flip Indy, what insight does that give you?

I don't know much experience you have with him. If we want to bring up meta shit, every game I've played with him in my interactions with him, he's called me a wolf like in Gogeta's DB mafia and Psychic's Greek Mythology mafia as the most recent examples. He was active in the early day phases of Psychic's game then got quiet in the later part once focus on his scummates started to get more prominence.

Anyway as far as if Flower and Xenos flip as they claim, I think he's a potential wolf that needs to be watched. Look at now how he went from saying repeatedly to me that he was using Poyser who potentially leaned on him being town to accusing him of sucking you off when he starts showing hesistance at so early town reading him. There's no consistency there.


No, I'm asking you for real. Since you let a couple of sentences from Gram change your whole initial effort to paint me as scum.
Yeah me seeing a statement that makes sense and letting that affect my view of the game makes me a terrible-… wait hang on that’s exactly how you’re supposed to play mafia

Doesn’t surprise me coming from you tho

The X

What the fuck is this garbage post?

The X

Great rebuttal
You're talking absolute shit and straight from your ass. You want to mention my meta and then say something about I was active in a game then disappeared, without even mentioning to others what my alignment was. That just shows me you're talking shit just to fill the air.
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