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Game Ranked EastEnders Mafia

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I mean, I know I'm fucking town, Fang, so who gives a shit about your analysis on me.
I've engaged you all of today.
I've given my reasons.
I've given my justifications for not trusting you and seeing you as a potential wolf.

And the response I get for my huge posts is either one-liners or just you shading me more.
So what the fuck is the point anymore of interacting with you?

The X

Fang, you said I was incapable of thinking of more than one or two things at once, but now you're trying to shade me for doing just that.

The X

I've engaged you all of today.
I've given my reasons.
I've given my justifications for not trusting you and seeing you as a potential wolf.

And the response I get for my huge posts is either one-liners or just you shading me more.
So what the fuck is the point anymore of interacting with you?


Fang, you said I was incapable of thinking of more than one or two things at once, but now you're trying to shade me for doing just that.
I am shading you for calling you out for not having any sort of rationale to counter my arguments and you simply not responding back with anything informative or intelligent? Okay dude. Clearly you being unable to consistently elaborate on your focus against me despite your suspicions of Xenos and Flower, and this back and forth is made up by me.

The X

I am shading you for calling you out for not having any sort of rationale to counter my arguments and you simply not responding back with anything informative or intelligent? Okay dude. Clearly you being unable to consistently elaborate on your focus against me despite your suspicions of Xenos and Flower, and this back and forth is made up by me.
I mean, this back and forth kind of is made up by you. Tpein said that you've been D1 lynch your last two games so I said let's make it a third and voted for you. Now you've come out and tried to shade me hardcore for made up reasons, all because I threw a vote on you that you said you weren't scared of.

Not sure why you just want me to focus on Flower and xenos and just live D1 like that? Shouldn't I try to see what else is out there?


I mean, this back and forth kind of is made up by you. Tpein said that you've been D1 lynch your last two games so I said let's make it a third and voted for you. Now you've come out and tried to shade me hardcore for made up reasons, all because I threw a vote on you that you said you weren't scared of.

Not sure why you just want me to focus on Flower and xenos and just live D1 like that? Shouldn't I try to see what else is out there?
I never shaded you for anything like that. What T-Pein said didn't even earn a response for me other then rolling my eyes, it didn't bother me or work me up at all. I'm not onboard with trusting you continually trying to solve for Flower when she outted herself, I'm not trusting you trying to use Poyser to shield yourself for townie credit/clearance and your aggression for wanting the claiming pair of supposed Indies gone but focusing on me is just plain odd.

I asked you why you haven't gone for scum and with all my tl ; dr posts you don't give a rationale argument or respond with shit one-liners. So I can see why others have issue with your arguments sucking.

The X

I never shaded you for anything like that. What T-Pein said didn't even earn a response for me other then rolling my eyes, it didn't bother me or work me up at all. I'm not onboard with trusting you continually trying to solve for Flower when she outted herself, I'm not trusting you trying to use Poyser to shield yourself for townie credit/clearance and your aggression for wanting the claiming pair of supposed Indies gone but focusing on me is just plain odd.

I asked you why you haven't gone for scum and with all my tl ; dr posts you don't give a rationale argument or respond with shit one-liners. So I can see why others have issue with your arguments sucking.
Fang, when did I continuously try to solve for Flower? Since I've woke up, I've basically just been interacting with you and Poyser. I'm leading poster this game. Not sure how you can say I'm continuously trying to solve Flower and also say that I'm not focusing on Flower and xenos anymore.

I've gone after Flower, xenos, Poyser, and you. Don't you think that's going after people I find a bit scummy?

The X

I also never said anything about being shaded. I just said you started this whole thing after I tossed a vote on you.


Fang, when did I continuously try to solve for Flower? Since I've woke up, I've basically just been interacting with you and Poyser. I'm leading poster this game. Not sure how you can say I'm continuously trying to solve Flower and also say that I'm not focusing on Flower and xenos anymore.

I've gone after Flower, xenos, Poyser, and you. Don't you think that's going after people I find a bit scummy?
I wasn't the only person to make a connection of your continued hyper-focus since yesterday on Flower outting herself to save Xenos. Hans was in the same boat and put his vote on you because he also found your arguments and tunneling with her to be suspicious. You locked on me when I basically gave my impression of not trusting you given your interactions with Flower.

You have nothing to pin me with being scummy on. The same person, Poyser, who you want to use for town credit, was also indicating he saw he me as a townie. But for some reason it doesn't work that way with you? All this interaction with you just feels like pulling teeth, trying to get something valuable out of your mouth that isn't some trumped up nonsense to justify you getting mad over me being suspicious of you.

Even if its a meme vote, nothing close to a majority is going on Flower who has the most votes currently, you could at least be consistent for once and place a vote on Xenos if you feel so strongly they are scum/hostile Indies.

The X

I wasn't the only person to make a connection of your continued hyper-focus since yesterday on Flower outting herself to save Xenos. Hans was in the same boat and put his vote on you because he also found your arguments and tunneling with her to be suspicious. You locked on me when I basically gave my impression of not trusting you given your interactions with Flower.

You have nothing to pin me with being scummy on. The same person, Poyser, who you want to use for town credit, was also indicating he saw he me as a townie. But for some reason it doesn't work that way with you? All this interaction with you just feels like pulling teeth, trying to get something valuable out of your mouth that isn't some trumped up nonsense to justify you getting mad over me being suspicious of you.

Even if its a meme vote, nothing close to a majority is going on Flower who has the most votes currently, you could at least be consistent for once and place a vote on Xenos if you feel so strongly they are scum/hostile Indies.
I mean, i did ask Tweet why he thought i was hyper focused, but now he also seems to be giving me a town vibe so... Not really the best example? The hyper focus on Flower is also old news since I'm clearly not doing that.

Fang, I already dismissed this point once but here you are bringing it up again. How can I be using Poyser for town credit when I'm calling him out for putting me in his town core? When have i ever been mad over you sussing me? You're the one that is carrying this interaction right now.

How am I not being consistent? You want me to just park a vote on Flower (or xenos now i guess) and just leave it there and do nothing else. You seem upset that my vote is on you despite you saying that Flower and xenos could be truthful on their claim.

The X

Fang, I'll do you a favor and leave the thread for a bit. I'd love to see what you can do with your game without using my slot as your sole focus on activity. If you're wolf, I feel I've done too much for you by allowing this interaction to continue on for so long. It's time for you to spread your wings and show me what it looks like to scum hunt!


I mean, i did ask Tweet why he thought i was hyper focused, but now he also seems to be giving me a town vibe so... Not really the best example? The hyper focus on Flower is also old news since I'm clearly not doing that.

Fang, I already dismissed this point once but here you are bringing it up again. How can I be using Poyser for town credit when I'm calling him out for putting me in his town core? When have i ever been mad over you sussing me? You're the one that is carrying this interaction right now.

How am I not being consistent? You want me to just park a vote on Flower (or xenos now i guess) and just leave it there and do nothing else. You seem upset that my vote is on you despite you saying that Flower and xenos could be truthful on their claim.

Actually now that I think of it

There was that shite post of yours

And now this overanalysis of Flower

Eh fukkit

[Vote lynch BPD]

He never took his vote off you. Nor did he give you townie vibes in his more recent posts. There are only 3 more posts from Tweet after this for his most recent ones and none of them are him alleviating suspicion off of you even if he put as an initial placeholder vote.

Anyway I don't know how you are reading me as upset; I am suspicious of you, you aren't consistent with the arguments or logic you are trying to use which is fully circular; appealing to authority with using Poyser as a shield, ignoring everything Hans said to vote you and his suspicion on you being potential scum/wolf, and lying about him giving you townie credit.

The conversation goes two ways: you say something, I'll say something back. You haven't given me any reason to retract my suspicions on you at all. Just like you were caught on lying about Poyser still giving you strong town lean. I also don't like how your trying to disengage from this by trying to imply all I have going for me is my interaction with you. Do whatever you think will serve you helping town but putting aspersions on me for distrusting you and thinking that's all there is by removing yourself from interacting with me is cowardly.


Leprous Monarch
CP pointing out that he's only read the first page and then voting Flower when she had already outed herself in real time is hella sus.

I'd even believe it was a joke if he hadn't disappeared from the thread.
too sus to be scum imo, CP likely town
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