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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Leprous Monarch
I don't recall saying anything about you, actually, other than you being bald. This is extremely defensive, and contrasts with your very casual demeanor through most of Day 1.
Yeah I come online after a scum flip since there's something concrete to work off of. Since D1 I've reread the entire thread and am locked in now


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i think he might be town and just being casual, but i won't throw the possibility away he's playing cautiously as scum

he's been largely townie in my eyes going by previous plays

do you think he's playing cautiously?
i wouldnt say cautiously. but more so disengaged with the thread in a way

The X

I don't recall saying anything about you, actually, other than you being bald. This is extremely defensive, and contrasts with your very casual demeanor through most of Day 1.
Wolves are just in meltdown right now. Watching Fang go was tough, now they have to handle nuclear heat D2. Sad wolf team this game.

Dr. Watson

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Reads, off the top of your head, please
Town leaning:
Uzu for now, depending on whoever the hell even flips, things getting bonkers
Soulkiller (I'm hesitant to fully town read him or anyone, but I don't disagree with his indie mindset either, especially with what Fang had said: janitored kills)
Phenom (just a vibe so there's no logic here since I've barely seen anything from this player, may morph into a null later on in the game)

Yoshi (I want to town read him considering what Fang did, but because of what Fang did he might've just done the "it's too blatant to be done" tactic aswell--no one was pushing the Yoshi case much either, this one is tricky)
Ekko (willing to work with him, he's chaotic as me in a different way so he can go either or)
Rugrat (gotta see some more posts)

Scum leaning:
Lethal (pathos play, might put him in null depending on other exchanges with him involved, and switch Uzu in this slot or something)

Possible scum lean:
RDK (his interactions with Aurelian iirc interests me)

I prob forgot some

The X

Yeah, really really weird that after you came at me with complete nonsense and didn’t adapt to any new info whatsoever and outright lied to make me look bad thay I would then view you as mafia. I can’t work out how it happened
Show me where I lied? Sorry I don't buy your Dung Eater being a boon to town!


Craig, I don't suspect you, but that's a completely uncharitable view of my play, I'd say even phoning it in I do more lifting than most players here, and certainly you who spent most of your time rimming Poyser. Which I won't even criticize, because looking at your attempts to branch out on your own, you should probably keep following someone's footsteps.

Dr. Watson

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if i had like, one of those cool dramatic boards that cops use when hunting for their lost serial killers or whatever id do that bc my nulls will make more sense, since there's connections i may have to draw to get to a specific read