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Game Elden Ring Mafia


The Nexus
Trust me, I am one of the few who actually don't care about theme and focus more about actually playing mafia. But you my friend outed as literally the most fucked up character in the game and outed as an indie. Expecting me to sit down and look at it and say nothing is literally game throwing from my end knowing what I know.

I can see you making such mistake not thinking too much of the flavor and outing as an indie and get a free pass until the end of times. You talk about experience, but you are the one who willingly put yourself in such situation and not me, from where I am standing, an 'experienced' player would not do what you just did, matter of fact an experienced player would not out as an indie from the first place. Not sure what really was going through your mind when you outed as the dung eater but I admire your bravery and I am afraid you will never leave my scum pile list until the end of the game.

Vote lethal
Indie hunting is cringe rn.
We get it he is bad.


The Alpha and The Omega
So your entire case is I made a sloppy mistake because I didn’t read my flavour

cool I won’t bother engaging
I don't know what you want me to say? you are the one who came out as the dungeon eater, your WIFOM excuses on why you wouldn't out if that was the case is WIFOM. Using your experience in mafia as means to defend yourself means nothing here. You just fucked up from where I am standing lol.

It's like a scum mafia out as red and then tells me 'Do you think I a player who has 20+ years of experience would out myself as a scum mafia????'

Like bruh lol.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Of course.
well idk what ratchet has on u. i think there is a level of possible distancing with u and aurelion but i like that u were atleast trying to figure him out too and he replied the most to me and u

i came over the night leaning town on u from that. im glad ur entrance today is strong. the issue is lethal is already doing himself no favors so hard to discern if this gna be another easy scum lynch or the guy is town

hes already claimed too so if we r voting then its a vote to lynch

The X

So Craig and Lethal are giving unprompted claims eh? Both after a little pressure came there way, too.


Leprous Monarch
So Ultra and BPD who had NOTHING to do with getting aurelian lynched are saying me and Lethal are scum today. I just confirmed they are wrong about me. Who still thinks they're right about lethal?

These two are scum and need to get GOT


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Nope I really don't see how anyone can be like "yes, we should be pushing poyser or RDK today" after the Mafia flip
because u arent digging deep into analyzing those players

you are aware bussing exists no? does RDK look like hes solving the game to u rn? he knew fang was scum so stuck with it. he didnt solve fang as scum. he knew all along and "pretended" to solve him

The X

So Ultra and BPD who had NOTHING to do with getting aurelian lynched are saying me and Lethal are scum today. I just confirmed they are wrong about me. Who still thinks they're right about lethal?

These two are scum and need to get GOT

First of all, how does having nothing to do with Fang's lynch mean that is sussing you and Lethal is irrelevant?

Second of all, check who the second last vote in Fang is. It's my vote.

Third of all, you didn't confirm shit about being wrong about you. All you said was that you stopped all kills.