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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

I didn't make a big deal out of it though?

So far I've noticed a lot of back and forth with Evans, and intrigued by T-Pein's focus on Ratchet and I think him. Not much else to say atm.
Weird you'll mention Evans but nothing of Poyser and Lethal, considering that took up a couple of pages.


Objectively, what has he contributed besides trying to mire what you considered a free town read? It's frankly more confusing that I have to convince you. Unassertive, "Look at this cute little contradiction" posts tend to fit the profile more of unconfident scum. He's not a dead ringer, but only for the same reason there isn't any compelling defense for him - there isn't very much there otherwise.
I don’t really hate the reasoning on the face of it, it’s just a bit generic. More than just me have said he has a habit of being this way as town, are you dismissing that? What would your reaction have been if I said I was confident of my read?

The X

Ya it did, it was an exercise to move the game forward and generate discussion. I do believe I said that myself in a post earlier, and said I would never usually put so much effort into him as I find him super easy to read as the game goes on lol
Don't think the game needed to be moved forward at that point considering the game was like, twenty posts deep. Lethal had only posted three kind of week entrance posts and you soft town leaned them because they should be more fearful of posting. I just don't really buy your read of Lethal, your justifications for your read, and your claims it was an attempt to move the game state forward.


Out of curiosity, who are considered the best handful of players on this site generally?


Ok, not really sure how you’d expect me to word the post in order to say what I said tho lol
Ya it did, it was an exercise to move the game forward and generate discussion. I do believe I said that myself in a post earlier, and said I would never usually put so much effort into him as I find him super easy to read as the game goes on lol

Am I misremembering on was it you that said you used to add 'lol' to your posts a lot as scum?

Obviously self awareness matters but you know, old habits die hard...


Don't think the game needed to be moved forward at that point considering the game was like, twenty posts deep. Lethal had only posted three kind of week entrance posts and you soft town leaned them because they should be more fearful of posting. I just don't really buy your read of Lethal, your justifications for your read, and your claims it was an attempt to move the game state forward.
Yes the game had barely started and I wanted to get it into serious mode as I don’t generally like sticking in fluff mode for very long lol. Pretty consistent to whenever I’m around at the start of the thread regardless of alignment as I find the fluff part boring after a handful of banter posts.

The content of his posts weren’t really relevant, and my take was actually more nuanced than that based on who else was in the thread at the time and what happened to lethal in just the last game (which you played). I feel like I’m more than qualified to make it btw, and making the read then helped me get a town read on evans and I also said I didn’t really mind Alco’s reaction to it either. So to me it was useful and therefore justified. Almost like I know what I’m doing!

what’s your hypothesis exactly? The classic I wanted to make myself “look productive”?

The X

I think I'm about ready to say that I like Haza this D1.

Aurelian calling attention to the fact he's "late" feels like a reach for post content. I used to do it a lot: make excuses for inactivity because I had nothing else to talk about lel
You and the Ripped One can have early town leans from me.


Am I misremembering on was it you that said you used to add 'lol' to your posts a lot as scum?

Obviously self awareness matters but you know, old habits die hard...
Not sure, but I use lol a hell of a lot as town too which would only take probably a few minutes max to verify!


I think you're being a little disingenuous here. You obviously know that by stating you won't lynch him, it dissuades others from pursuing that, as they know straight away they won't be able to count on your vote (and given that we are using Majority, this facet *is* important). You also apparently require him to make a serious snafu to place your vote on him, which is probably a higher threshold than most other players would need to hit for you to vote them Day 1. Which is to say, by raising the bar for him as to how he may become an acceptable lynch, you are in effect defending him for today. Which was obviously the point of your original post anyway, so I do think you taking him off the table is worth of discussion.

This is just silly. The man is a magnet for attention, I'm flattered you think I could do anything about the storm coming his way, and I'm glad I'm not actually in a position where I have to care about such a thing.

That said, yes, he does get differential treatment. Because he humors me for one, and admittedly I'm also not good at reading him because he is terminally non-serious, so I find it more fruitful to direct my efforts elsewhere. Satisfying?


Leprous Monarch
Am I misremembering on was it you that said you used to add 'lol' to your posts a lot as scum?

Obviously self awareness matters but you know, old habits die hard...
I had the same thought, and he just did it again!!!

The X

Yes the game had barely started and I wanted to get it into serious mode as I don’t generally like sticking in fluff mode for very long lol. Pretty consistent to whenever I’m around at the start of the thread regardless of alignment as I find the fluff part boring after a handful of banter posts.

The content of his posts weren’t really relevant, and my take was actually more nuanced than that based on who else was in the thread at the time and what happened to lethal in just the last game (which you played). I feel like I’m more than qualified to make it btw, and making the read then helped me get a town read on evans and I also said I didn’t really mind Alco’s reaction to it either. So to me it was useful and therefore justified. Almost like I know what I’m doing!

what’s your hypothesis exactly? The classic I wanted to make myself “look productive”?
I understand what you said about Lethal and admit you are definitely more than qualified to make a read there. But it's what happened afterwards that pinged me. You want to soft town lean Lethal for seemingly not being fearful, that's fine. But shortly after you gave a couple of lengthier explanations around that read, which felt like you were trying to do more than just throw out a soft town read. Then, later on, you claim you just wanted to get the ball rolling. That's fine by me as that's what I do as well, but I think you could probably agree that there are better ways to get the ball rolling than giving someone a soft town lean, yeah? Sure it got a couple of reactions, but I think the reactions came and THEN you said you were doing what you did to get the game rolling.


I don’t really hate the reasoning on the face of it, it’s just a bit generic. More than just me have said he has a habit of being this way as town, are you dismissing that? What would your reaction have been if I said I was confident of my read?

I was *probably* going to vote him anyway, was just giving you the opportunity to convince me, mostly to get a read on you but also reserving an iota of a chance to change my mind if you gave a heartfelt defense. You did not.