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Game Elden Ring Mafia


When are you making your cases?

Can I get a sneak preview of why on Tpein?
Probably after I brew some coffee and eat breakfast. Soon, I think.
Well I've seen it loads of times. It's Majority Lynch - the hammer vote is a defined action in this game, so of course it makes sense to tie action resolution to it. In the one previous game I've seen from this host, items being transferred via hammer was a thing, too.

Him not claiming Inventor is precisely my point. He creates an item, so it's not an Inventor, which creates an ability that can then be given to a player as a one-shot.



Does this claim give you any indication of his alignment

The X

Ekko, Ultra.

Ekko I’ve been on about for a while. Ultra is using your case as a piggy back to suss me.
See Lethal, that makes things tough for me because I town read both those slots. Remind me why you think Ekko is scum here?


Does this claim give you any indication of his alignment
If it's legit then I think he's obviously more likely to be town than scum, yes. There has been no way to prove it yet but that's what I liked about Doddsy - he is correct in that Lethal could prove part of his role tonight. Now in GoT, scum could block it by roleblocking the player. But it's a viable option and I don't know why it's getting ignored.



Probably because it would merely prove the fact that he could create something. I don't consider that clearing, variations on scum inventors (or whatever he's called here) do exist, though their general inclusion is more likely town from experience


Probably because it would merely prove the fact that he could create something. I don't consider that clearing, variations on scum inventors (or whatever he's called here) do exist, though their general inclusion is more likely town from experience
Well, good thing I never said it was clearing, then!
he is correct in that Lethal could prove part of his role tonight

The X

Viable option, sure. But one more night for a potential wolf would be dangerous for town. If Lethal is really a wolf, no need to worry about repercussions really because you CANNOT lose wolves in back to back days to start the game. Wolf team probably has to save Lethal here. I think we are also taking a chance of fucking over town. Lots of ways to stretch out another day phase for Lethal as well depending on what kind of distractions scum could come up with. Is Lethal an instant lynch D3 is there is no gift received?


Mafia God
I don't really know how to respond to top point.

Not necessarily for Poyser being harmful indie. If he has claimed that he needs to help catch scum, then whether he is lying or not it is in his best interest to scumhunt accurately. If he doesn't prove useful, those that do believe him will doubt it and lynch him.

I have answered all your questons on why I'm voting you, don't know where you're getting that half hearted vote from. I did not really give my thoughts on other options that is true though. I'm a bit suspect on Ultra and Ekko. Ekko just hasn't seemed to really hunt at all. Ultra I did not mind day one, but on my read back I thought he seemed a little off and some of the reasonings given just didn't really seem thought out.

I have a few town reads to give too but I'm about to go out for tea so don't have the time to list at the moment
I mean, devil's advocate, could Lethal still be scum without being a bomb? I mean, the fake claim could just be for gifter. I'm not sure who started the bomb rumors?
Possible yes, but I don't know why he would have bothered with trying to get top town to hammer him in that case.

The X

I could probably come up with a couple of ideas how scum team might try to keep Lethal alive past D3 if Lethal is scum here. Don't think it's a great idea to just say 'let's wait and see' when we almost have a majority.

I think a claim here also stalls town. If it's not Lethal, twelve of us have to agree on someone else. I've been in this thread all day, I can tell you that's probably a very difficult task. Causing doubt over Lethal's lynch also puts town in a race against reaching a majority. I fear if we don't play smart hear, we risk a no lynch.


I know it can be dangerous X, it could be trying to just get one more go out of a scum role, for sure. But if that's the case then he'd be better off claiming some kind of investigative action rather than *this*. If no gift happens N2 then I think his lynch is pretty likely D3 but no, not an instant lynch.

The X

Like there's no fucking way you and suspect Ultra and Ekko right after Lethal comes in here and suspects them both as well. This after Lethal says he wants you to get the gift off his wagon? Fuck...


If it's not clearing then it's clearly not worth wasting time putting him off the table to differentiate - unless we have better candidates. If we did, sure.
This just isn't true. It might not be clearing, but it does support him being town, especially if the item happens to be useful. The truth is very few abilities are hard clearing, but even being 75% likely town is enough to sway him from being a lynch I think. Or at least to look elsewhere. It's not like we have no one else on the table here either.

The X

Who else do you actually think we have a chance of getting twelve votes on? You're caught up, you know the state of this game.



A Me/Ekko/X suspect feels really phoned in



Until you show me more skin in the game, I'm just going to nod my head along to this sort of speculation. You wanna do this? Make it happen.