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Game Elden Ring Mafia


I'll say I am well aware Lethal has acted this way as town before. Except my last game with Lethal, when I caught him as scum, he pulled this exact same stunt, going as far as to even say that I had been blocked. That burns any future games for you to pull that stunt again. So unfortunately, no matter what, I can't see Lethal being emotional in any good faith.

It's very similar to Fang for future games. He definitely can botch a claim and be difficult for no reason as town, so I was hesitant about him here, to be honest. But now he's blown claiming indie and also being wishy washy like that because he's lied in this game about it. Too often players get away with bad okay and behavior for too long. Not sure why so many people are okay with letting bad play slide, especially if it's consistent.
I had this exact discussion earlier this game with Ultra and Ekko. I feel vindicated if anything.


is it even remotely typical for inventors to give shot to the last person to lynch them
Yes to an extent. In the Game of Thrones game, certain characters had swords. Players could send these items to a player of their choosing, or someone who hammered them/killed them got them from their dead body. Lethal claimed to be able to create an item which he holds and then can give away. So it lines up.


Also Items being transferred through hammering and killing is really really typical and just makes the most sense frankly. Pretty silly idea to contest.


The Nexus
Idk if you've played with the bomb role or not but basically they kill someone who hammers and/or night kills them. Different variants. Usually the hammer variant is just called vengeful townie tho.

I think that is kinda like my roll tbh...
Counterclaiming the bomb thing.
Cant have two townies killing town imho.
PGO tho


Lunching lethal.
All you WS lads hella just trying to lynch "others".
Kinda cringe

"No I cannot lynch him he is always scummy"

Or whatever
So let me get this straight. You believe all the WS players decided, before the game, to form a clique to side against everyone but themselves, ignoring that they would be undermining a game hosted by another one of their boys, all for, what, exactly?

What utter nonsense. Ridiculous.


The Nexus
So let me get this straight. You believe all the WS players decided, before the game, to form a clique to side against everyone but themselves, ignoring that they would be undermining a game hosted by another one of their boys, all for, what, exactly?

What utter nonsense. Ridiculous.

Look at the people on Lethal
Literally none of them.
Not an opinion.
Its a fact.

The X

I've raised points about the way you played around him though. You jumped on the wagon without saying anything while you were undermining Poyser,the wagons leader. When it looked like we weren't going to lynch him anymore, you parked your vote on me and didn't even try to get people to follow. Then the shades started closing on Fang again and you slid back on. Is that not the correct timeline?
I don't think I was trying to undermine Poyser, I was having a back and forth with him on the merits of him power wolfing (I think). The point of him and I voting for Fang was brought up and I did agree that at that point, there didn't seem like a lot of team equity. I was sussing you D1 and honestly just wanted to throw out a vote for you and see the reaction. I didn't think it would go anywhere and really wasn't interested in getting people to follow me at that point. I didn't slide back onto Fang. I woke up with four hours left in EOD and I wasn't going to have a no lynch D1 when we had a potentially dangerous Fang. I threw a vote back on, not knowing what the VC was, and I nearly hammered Fang. I'd say your timeline is fairly accurate. But you still haven't really talked much about me bussing Fang, then.

The X

Well if you survive this phase don't give it to me since I'm //*CONFIRMED TOWN*\\ and likely to be shot.

Unless it's a BP vest. Then you should definitely give it to me! But you said it's a weapon, so.
Okay, you hammer Lethal and you can have the gift!

The X

Actually re-reading my post, Ekko still hasn’t explained what he means by purple town. He didn’t provide a reads list (that I saw) and he didn’t have any comment on my reads list (even though he said he would when on pc) Generally to me someone being fishy about lists has something to hide. Almost struggling for content.

I’ll concede my dragon vote is a little omgus mixed with spite after last night.
I admit my emotions this morning for me was a little high as well! I'm sure you're a swell person in real life, I do, I just think you're scum (again) this game. Sorry bb!