• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

Game Elden Ring Mafia


It is a thing. Maybe not in the conscious sense, but it is not a coincidence the consensus is against players you don't know, who you have no point of comparison to.

It’s only a thing because people are making it a thing. I’m a WS player and the WS guys have been shading me since D1 lol

The X

Also, pretty ironic I just answered that because Ultra asked Tweet to give reasons why Tweet was town and he just couldn't. Those are my reasons why I think people should see me as being town, despite being wrong and off, as of now.

Hans Tweetenberg

Can we cut out this fucking WS player bullshit?

It’s not a thing, at all. Discord members can even see that?! It’s stupid nonsense that’s either scum attempting to use it as tactics or you’re just being children.

We were WrestlingForum before Smarks, it’s not about the forum; it’s about the community.

Not a fan of you making a big scene over this when I've barely noticed your other posts lately

The X

Can we cut out this fucking WS player bullshit?

It’s not a thing, at all. Discord members can even see that?! It’s stupid nonsense that’s either scum attempting to use it as tactics or you’re just being children.

We were WrestlingForum before Smarks, it’s not about the forum; it’s about the community.

I for one like all you lads. This game has been an absolute blast for me.


The Nexus
It’s only a thing because people are making it a thing. I’m a WS player and the WS guys have been shading me since D1 lol

I was mainly looking at the viable lynch candidates.
You aren't one.
But maybe I am bias too so I am ok in lynching ultra, sk, retro, kekko in this or whatever order you want.



The Nexus
What's our best route, Tpein?

How do you feel about Lethal giving his weapon to RDK?

I think its hella dumb since that guy is far away from being confirmed town and also one of my main scummy susses rn....
I do not trust lethal is town but I would have to flip ultra 1st.
If ultra does flip his claimed role then its ggs.

The X

I think its hella dumb since that guy is far away from being confirmed town and also one of my main scummy susses rn....
I do not trust lethal is town but I would have to flip ultra 1st.
If ultra does flip his claimed role then its ggs.
Do you have a reads list anywhere, my man?

Hans Tweetenberg

okay how is my push on RDK fake when hes been avoiding it all game lol. can u pls go more into details why u think its "fake"

RDK has in more than one occasion just outright ignored my points. what does this tell u?
It's the fact that you looked at his interaction with Aurelian and immediately went, yup this is definitely a bus. RDK was on him from the start and just drove him straight against the wall and provoked all those unflattering self-defense posts that caught other people's attention, it's just beyond me how you can look at that and instantly think it's a bus, so it strikes me as fake and as trying to act like you're suspicious of one of the towniest players in the game just to look contrarian. You did the same thing with Poyser in Xmas mafia and you were scum then so I see clear parallels.

What I will grant you is that RDKs play has fallen off a cliff since d2 and it's got me intrigued as well. I pretty much read him town out of the gate and even moreso after Aurelians flip, but I'm also aware that as scum, he's only able to fake his scum meta for so long and that as the game progresses, he struggles for content. So by now I'm not 100% on him being town anymore but it's still a good 80% I'd say.

Hans Tweetenberg

It's the fact that you looked at his interaction with Aurelian and immediately went, yup this is definitely a bus. RDK was on him from the start and just drove him straight against the wall and provoked all those unflattering self-defense posts that caught other people's attention, it's just beyond me how you can look at that and instantly think it's a bus, so it strikes me as fake and as trying to act like you're suspicious of one of the towniest players in the game just to look contrarian. You did the same thing with Poyser in Xmas mafia and you were scum then so I see clear parallels.

What I will grant you is that RDKs play has fallen off a cliff since d2 and it's got me intrigued as well. I pretty much read him town out of the gate and even moreso after Aurelians flip, but I'm also aware that as scum, he's only able to fake his scum meta for so long and that as the game progresses, he struggles for content. So by now I'm not 100% on him being town anymore but it's still a good 80% I'd say.
only able to fake his TOWN meta


Leprous Monarch
I think I would like to see Alco elaborate, but probably tomorrow, and it's one reason why I'm not too interested in seeing your flip today. I have a theory around this, and I don't feel like I need to share it, but if it checks out then we can move Alco to Town-lean too.
I know what you're thinking. And ultra is rolefishing alco while bpd wants to lynch there, which won't really tell us much because everyone has been meh or SUS on tweet.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I wish Ultra and I were buddies. We'd probably come up with a better strategy then whatever the fuck is going on here. Me and Ultra are buddies and just let Fang fooking burn.
okay but then where is the scum uzukage. why has the game been soo stale for so long

i wish yall just hammered lethal or ultra yesterday so we dont have to deal with this shite running in circles lol