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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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aurelian you had tpein as town correct, how does the flip change your reads.
He tried shading Alco so I would tentatively move him to town
Then again scum will also intentionally gaslight their own teammates to paint them as 'townie' by calling them scum and I wouldn't put it past T-Pein to do that
I guess more neutral now/null with him to be on the safe side

EoD did not look good for Natalija either


Leprous Monarch
i think he's been muddying me up for awhile and then going all in on getting me lynched. as scum he doesn't try to survive, just put his team in a good position and that would align with that as long as he's distanced well with his other teammates.

that said why do you think he's town.
I don't wanna say where I'm leaning, I'm trying to feel you both out rn and am not ruling out that you are both town



I said you have no intent with TPEIN, which in comparison to myself/flower/aurelian at least stands out as true.
I’ll repeat myself

No. Yesterday you said my pushes were weak and didn’t have intent


Leprous Monarch
Getting drawn into a potentially false dichotomy rn after we just lynched scum would more than undo our success d2


i think he's been muddying me up for awhile and then going all in on getting me lynched. as scum he doesn't try to survive, just put his team in a good position and that would align with that as long as he's distanced well with his other teammates.

that said why do you think he's town.
Ye I really helped tpein look great didn’t I. Good theory. Good player


Post I made last night hoping I would be alive come day:

not sure i still see raem as scum but i agree he did not contribute as much in day 2.

i could see ultra as another potential scum as well from again just being away from seemingly all of it, but i dont exactly have a reference to his town game only his scum game.

also in regards to poyser "Poyser - So something that pinged me on d1 which I mentioned a couple times is how over the top abusive poyser was in his interactions with t-pein but how he didn't really give substantive reasons to scum read him. He was on the wagon with me but was happy to swap to lethal when I did. In general he's deferred to me quite a bit this game. I actually did call him and T-PEin being scummates on d1 and I really think I was right. He probably tried and failed to kill me n1 tbh but it's also possible he killed TSworder because I town read him AND/OR to make Magic look bad. He did try to shade Magic with the n1 kill choices multiple times on d2."

that is generally what im saying too. the first line. actually forgot you said it too, but yeah.

dalton would be someone im willing to push this phase, but he said he planned to play properly so i kind of want to see what he comes back with first.


Divine Departure
He tried shading Alco so I would tentatively move him to town
Then again scum will also intentionally gaslight their own teammates to paint them as 'townie' by calling them scum and I wouldn't put it past T-Pein to do that
I guess more neutral now/null with him to be on the safe side

EoD did not look good for Natalija either
Indeed, the only way I'd play like a clown is because I'm town :blobfacade

Now onto ISOing Pein I guess


Leprous Monarch
aight I forgot how much utter dross there was in the early stages of this game lol I'mma do isos instead


He tried shading Alco so I would tentatively move him to town
Then again scum will also intentionally gaslight their own teammates to paint them as 'townie' by calling them scum and I wouldn't put it past T-Pein to do that
I guess more neutral now/null with him to be on the safe side

EoD did not look good for Natalija either

i don't think you should use tpein's eod for or against people as it was clear he was dying there and just spewing shit.

you think nat would that obviously try to save her teammate when he's one away from hammer and people are saying to hammer him lol


End of Day 2:

T-Pein voters: Ekko, Craig, Tweet, Flower, Poyser, Psychic, Imp, Hime, Alco, Magic
Ekko: Evans
Magic: T-Pein
Hime: Ultra
Dalton: both Raem and Melkor kept their votes
Non-voters: Me & Natalija

I guess there COULD be a window of opprutunity that Ultra being gone most of the remaining day 2 not being able to switch his vote to T-Pein can be forgiven but I still don't get his tunneling on Hime. T-Pein voting Magic sort of helps but I just need to ISO Magic's posts in day 1 regarding T-Pein to make sure it wasn't a stealth attempt at distancing. Not sure why Evans stayed on Ekko though.


End of Day 2:

T-Pein voters: Ekko, Craig, Tweet, Flower, Poyser, Psychic, Imp, Hime, Alco, Magic
Ekko: Evans
Magic: T-Pein
Hime: Ultra
Dalton: both Raem and Melkor kept their votes
Non-voters: Me & Natalija

I guess there COULD be a window of opprutunity that Ultra being gone most of the remaining day 2 not being able to switch his vote to T-Pein can be forgiven but I still don't get his tunneling on Hime. T-Pein voting Magic sort of helps but I just need to ISO Magic's posts in day 1 regarding T-Pein to make sure it wasn't a stealth attempt at distancing. Not sure why Evans stayed on Ekko though.

tpein voting me at the end of the phase means, similarly, nothing. it's better if you iso his day 1 posts or early day 2 posts than when it was clear he was going to die as it invites too much wifom otherwise.

do you agree tweet and ekko are most likely town off this? unless ekko is the worst teammate/busser ever, i dont see him literally not playing while only leaving his vote on a teammate all game.


tpein voting me at the end of the phase means, similarly, nothing.
I didn't say it did, its just odd your going a little knee-jerk about this as a reaction. I didn't even imply that tbh.
it's better if you iso his day 1 posts or early day 2 posts than when it was clear he was going to die as it invites too much wifom otherwise.

do you agree tweet and ekko are most likely town off this? unless ekko is the worst teammate/busser ever, i dont see him literally not playing while only leaving his vote on a teammate all game.
I mean Ekko basically admitted to tracking Craig I think night 1 (unless I'm mixing things up?) and we basically had three roles outted for town by the end of day 2. There isn't much experience for me to know how Ekko plays as scum though so I can't say what his tactics are. T-Pein would definitely bus a teammate if it means blending into town better.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Nice! Scum lynch here and a Town win in the other game<3. I finally did not fuck up in an endgame.

After a reread I'd like to move both Poyser and Magic to my Town leans. Poyser's play around Pein previous day looks horrible, likewise for Magic D1, but I just don't see anyone doing all that for Pein of all people. It's just dumb. Also I think their back and forth is just clogging the thread, so I'd appreciate if they just get a room atp and cut out their mutual tunneling. It's not helping.

I think I wanna lynch Dalton today. Simply because the guy had a wagon and it wouldn't have been hard to pivot to him. Makes me think both wagons could have been scum there since nobody attempted a derail.


Leprous Monarch
I didn't say it did, its just odd your going a little knee-jerk about this as a reaction. I didn't even imply that tbh.

I mean Ekko basically admitted to tracking Craig I think night 1 (unless I'm mixing things up?) and we basically had three roles outted for town by the end of day 2. There isn't much experience for me to know how Ekko plays as scum though so I can't say what his tactics are. T-Pein would definitely bus a teammate if it means blending into town better.
evans tracked ekko to me, we don't know ekko's role and I don't think we should fish for it


Divine Departure
2 hours catching up...

My sus list for today.
Idk why yall not interesting in knowing what Kekko did to CP.
like what does town do?
obv he didnt cop him.
He claims he didn't protect him
watched him?
if yes then no need to hide this info if town since scum would just deduce this.

In this order.
Flipped Poyser under magic cuz magic was strongly smearing any sort of speculation about what kekko did.

It's interesting - and I remember this - that he sussed Kekko heavily early on, but later he dropped that totally.

Damn my whole team bussing me?
Lame af
Actually this does make me think that Psy-Kekko-Pein had a weird synergy.

I dropped poyser under you
The killing xadlin/sworder thing is your bs.
I've no clue what this means? @Magic

Alco is not town either.

Yeah all the early voters are town confirmed.
Specially you.

*rolls eyes.
More soft shade on Psy.

T-Pein had a lot to say about alco, I'm thinking he's town
Yeah, it seems he shaded Alco a lot. But still wouldn't eliminate him completely cause Pein was aware we'd be reading this and he's A CUNNING BASTARD
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