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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
up to 50s

cp - slight sus if hime flips town tbh

weaker reads / could swing anytime
evan - might be scum if im reading dalton/raem as town tbh. slight sus if i started reading dalton more town

nullish tbh

scum poe
maybe move dalton here


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
rly want to lynch poyser too

when tpein wagon was going around poyser is asking me what am i doing and engaging with posts like telling raem flavor discussion wont help (when others have already said so multiple times)

bah i think poysers scum asfk this game tbh


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also hime telling ultra that hes incredibility boring and need more charisma middle of discussion

and making that post hedging between lethal and tpein making it seem like he want tpein first but hed go lethal in a heartbeat

honestly yeet poyser into the sun


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Magic do u belive u r super townie and we shud not sus u at all or u think u r being sused for silly things which is frustrating u a bit?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think Lethal is town and being a goofball after the Poy/Lethal interaction.

Also Ultra why are you so obsessed with trying to establish yourself as better than the perceived "good players" from WS like Poy and Magic?
Super cringe tbh.
this post is good from dalton tbh

peole that sus both lethal and tpein r more scmmy than ones that town read lethal and null tpein imo


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
have you seen the contradictory accusations ive gotten this game? im accused by some for doing x and some for doing y
do u want to town core to victory? i think there r lots of good stuff to be gleaned from day 1 and 2

fighting and running in circles now is unhelpful

i think cp's scum read of u is justified. up to where i read there is no clear indication of u being town, and in a world where hime is scum u have posts that hint at being teammate if we r following linear solving


do u want to town core to victory? i think there r lots of good stuff to be gleaned from day 1 and 2

fighting and running in circles now is unhelpful

i think cp's scum read of u is justified. up to where i read there is no clear indication of u being town, and in a world where hime is scum u have posts that hint at being teammate if we r following linear solving

i was on hime this whole time, im pretty she was still lynched so at least it isn't a no lynch. it isnt cp accusing me, but saying im the one diverting every single lynch by everyone is fucking annoying to no end.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think Lethal is town and being a goofball after the Poy/Lethal interaction.

Also Ultra why are you so obsessed with trying to establish yourself as better than the perceived "good players" from WS like Poy and Magic?
Super cringe tbh.
Lethal saying he's going to bed and wont defend himself doesnt seem like town lethal fuck
dont even know how u contradicted urself matter of seconds
Im reading back, i'm going back and forth in real time.
Not really a contradiction is it

oh would u look at that

i call dalton for his position changing on lethal and poyser jumps in here to say its not a contradiciton

it might be something - particularly given how this was a sensitive point where the thread was looking to steer to lethal from tpein

dalton poyser can have equity


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Then if ur scum u better kill me because I’m more than happy to lynch you for playing like a spaz
this post also plain useless, u say this and proceed to give me a town read and ignore me like i dont exist

poyser u r scum, and i'll have ur head on a spike the soonest i can


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
this is the post btw
dalton brought up the post of lethal who he called scummy

that does kind of seem like he gave up tbh
cp agreed

We switchin?

man wanted to swap in a heartbeat

Low-key annoyed that tpein just disappeared and hoped for the best and it worked :heston
and then look at this shite

i wish we had enough time for a poyser lynch here, im probably guilty of wasting time trolling instead of reading

poyser/dalton shud be the play. not hime

altho hime could still be scum but those 2 are much scummier


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i never said u have been recruited, i said u might possibly be in the future
t-pein just flat out quoted and sheeped me on that line of thought
i dont think hime was the way tbh

its poyser dalton alco, maybe evans (possibly instead of dalton) as he did this:

vote Lethal

I’m about to get bummed by 70 Karen’s, I’ll leave this here and hope the right outcome prevails

basically he voted lethal and not tpein despite his earlier posts saying that hes not down for another lethal mislynch as it gets boring etc.. but he voted lethal immediatly when the wagon started growing


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also im moving magic to more solid town reads as he was actually solving a scenario where lethal flips scum, as opposed to the rest of the scum reads who just voted and called it a day

this is fakeable tbh, but unnecessary headache


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i agree with shooting pein if we lynch lethal btw, he's been odd.

Would also recommend a Tweet shot as an alternative but I think that's more contested.
this is also scummy. tpein flipped busdriver so this could have been a bad vig shot if he bus drove with someone else
also tweet is likely town and idk what does more contested mean


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
So initial reaction after the flip was that if tpein is scum then magic probably looks bad for flipping the wagon back to lethal at the end there.

But then I started thinking about magics play independently and I think there’s some scum equity there regardless. Firstly I haven’t sensed anywhere near as much effort to town clear people this game as he showed in the last game or generally any game I’ve played with him over the last few years. I also think the fact he chose to hammer down on lethal to be a fairly interesting choice, as lethal is the kinda guy that magic would usually try to clear early than scum read. Like he took the reason we town read Lethal last game and twisted it into a scum read this game. Now, it made sense of course and I even agreed with it, but in hindsight I feel like magic would have tried to give lethal benefit of the doubt there, especially as he doesn’t really believe lethal to be capable of being self aware as scum.

Also I noticed a bit of manipulation in his posts. He was referring back to the previous game randomly in order to explain his own behaviour in this game. IE “Last game when I was town I did x for y reasons, and I’m doing x again here because I am totally town and it totally worked for me last game”. Pretty sure he did this more than once, but the one that actually sticks in my mind is his reasoning for switching from tpein to lethal (the scum read vs the absence of a town read). Seems pretty SLIMY and not something I think he generally needs to resort to in order to make a point as town

So I wanna push here to start with

vote magic
this reads to me like he is preflipping tpein scum and lynching magic BEFORE tpein despite saying multiple times that tpeins posts are shit and magic is a more valuable player to keep.

poyser is just scum its not even funny anymore

dalton/evans im conflicted about. one of them is scum. we shuda lynched there

i think hime is actually gna end up being town, or non mafia atleast

poyser, alco, rugrat/evan is my best guess for a team

i also think ultra can be scum potentially, and starting to like tweet a little less.

i dont wanna keep expanding poe tho. need these flipped first - poyser, alco, rugrat/evans


im not scum
if i am scum, do u see me being aligned with t-pein?
that would mean t-pein literally spited me by calling me his teammate before he died
ive been scum with him more than any other player and hes not like that at all wtf

also this counterclaim thing is super dumb
in fairy tail yes i claimed the voyeur thing, but i never counterclaimed anyone elses role
the claim was way different, i just said one player was telling the truth (a player that i knew was town)
that was more of me good guy'ing than anything here
to conflate both as being the same thing is absurd
plus not to mention, it led to a lot of problems cuz i had to keep claiming usage and ppl would wonder y i was still alive
overall headache and t-pein was really upset at me for going off on my own like that
knowing how that turned out (when it was nowhere like this) is more than enough to steer me away from shit like that in the future
there was no need here, sure call it wifom but this is a far worse play than fairy tail where it was more okay of me to claim at least
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