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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
hime listen
im going to unvote and make it go to no lynch (assuming it isnt hammered yet)

i think mafia are alco, rugrat/evan, poyser

if u make it out alive do u wanna town core to victory?



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
where am at by end of day 1
im just starting up on day 2

raem - maybe indie. probably just town

weaker town
hime - maybe indie. non mafia imo

ultra - also maybe indie. play is too lackluster. tunneling too much

rugrat/evan - more so rugrat than evans


hime listen
im going to unvote and make it go to no lynch (assuming it isnt hammered yet)

i think mafia are alco, rugrat/evan, poyser

if u make it out alive do u wanna town core to victory?

pretty sure i was hammered so it doesnt matter anymore

y on alco and poyser?
i agree with rugrat, i made a case on dalton earlier but it got ignored by everyone
plus i dont like how rugrat just dipped after the whole u and me thing


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
pretty sure i was hammered so it doesnt matter anymore

y on alco and poyser?
i agree with rugrat, i made a case on dalton earlier but it got ignored by everyone
plus i dont like how rugrat just dipped after the whole u and me thing
well i was trolling earlier so didnt read alot of stuff, for that i apologize to my fellow townies

im playing seriously now and i see u as townie (or atleast non mafia)

i hope the wagon isnt hammered. id rather no lynch tbh. im that confident on it

cp going for hime and magic this hard is honestly not looking very good. if cp is scum he is having a pretty good game i'd say. he moved from tpein to lethal too quickly for my liking and now i think hime and magic r both town i dont like cp's direction at all

tho his solving seem much townier and less slimy than poyser/alco/rugrat

as for why, i made few posts on them few minutes ago. look at my recent posts wud be easier tbh


if anyone is interested still


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
u know i take it back i like ur style more than poysers

i like ultra's the most

and guillotina the most of all



i dont think evans is scum
he went in hard defending me during the counterclaim debate
i dont see that coming from scum given i was easily lynchable then
it wouldve been far easier to just drop a vote on me


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i like cp's playstyle this game too. giga chad asfk

but has me concerned now as his directions r bothering me a bit. the swap to lethal and now scum reading hime/magic

i wont put a lid on it tho. i think how he approached the wagons is still townie and honestly impressive as scum (which he is capable of doing, but ykow too risky and stuff)

i hope that in day 2 i can find reasons to solidify cp as town to not worry about this possibility

basically his post remind me of his post in vegas mafia who i thought was townie but it was generic. it was aggressive, yet coming from scum. thats the vibe i get

this will be my dark horse read tho, and im not fully sold on it, BUT i feel some scumminess coming from cp


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i dont think evans is scum
he went in hard defending me during the counterclaim debate
i dont see that coming from scum given i was easily lynchable then
it wouldve been far easier to just drop a vote on me

do u think cp wants to flip u as town, then flip me right after u using this logic of 1 protective role must be scum?

poyser, cp, dalton, and maybe alco then would be the PoE


i dont think evans is scum
he went in hard defending me during the counterclaim debate
i dont see that coming from scum given i was easily lynchable then
it wouldve been far easier to just drop a vote on me
actually aurelians vote was one of the worst on me throughout the whole thing
he goes in defending me:

then acting like hes not caught up with the thread (note i had already revealed targets at this point):
Hime, what did you do nights 1 and 2?

then immediately voting me right after:
[Vote lynch Hime]


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
actually aurelians vote was one of the worst on me throughout the whole thing
he goes in defending me:

then acting like hes not caught up with the thread (note i had already revealed targets at this point):

then immediately voting me right after:
tbh i think he voted u to pressure a claim then he moved after. i think he did something similar in traitors

i acknowledge that aurelian can be a blindspot. he is among the weaker town reads for me. i have not yet read those pages to have full context tbh and judge better, but i dont feel he is much aligned with my PoE up to where i read

i wud love to have ur read of cp. is he town or scum u think?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also id really rather we lynch raem in the duel so we do not lose nat as well

man wtf im terribly sorry for not reading

if we lose hime, raem, nat here its going to be pretty hard to lynch the PoE tomorrow



do u think cp wants to flip u as town, then flip me right after u using this logic of 1 protective role must be scum?

poyser, cp, dalton, and maybe alco then would be the PoE
actually i didnt consider this really
its possible?

he seemed very insistent that i go before u tho and that makes me pause


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
actually i didnt consider this really
its possible?

he seemed very insistent that i go before u tho and that makes me pause
well, he was suspecting me as well. when i claimed he went for u. his checklist is ready. tick box A then tick box A. ekko claims, boom, go to hime. hime flips town -> go to ekko. easy double mislynch while poyser/alco/dalton dont get touched

meanwhile nat and raem suiciding to the duel

oh god what r we in rn

and idk wtf is ultra doing bro wake up r u actually town?? @Ultra


also id really rather we lynch raem in the duel so we do not lose nat as well

man wtf im terribly sorry for not reading

if we lose hime, raem, nat here its going to be pretty hard to lynch the PoE tomorrow
raem is the cop tho


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
raem is the cop tho
he dies eitherway according to nat

im more cocerned about towns numbers than roles

u r town
nats town
raem is town

if day ends this way we lose 3 town

if we lynch raem in the duel atleast we preserve nat

if we end the day in a no lynch atleast we preserve you

we will counter attack tomorrow

fook those scum ningens

time to wake up town


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
mechanics to punish shit play means scum possibly have execute and a shitty or rushed wagon will get punsihed

and nat's duel really kills the target if nat died (that way town need to be careful about the duel)


Apologies for the delay, this day phase has ended, all posting must now cease.

Full writeup to follow momentarily


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Okay I can see where the pages are coming from, T-Pein has decided to play the game

Disagree with a bunch of his stuff as usual but he can stay
i have no idea what this post was tbh

Don't want us to spend d2 in an epic poyser/magic struggle that doesn't result in anything when we just mislynched

vote hime
Okay, Ace Dalton went from thinking Lethal's town to shading him in exactly 3 minutes lel
It's more that I think he was trying to be clever about the lethal wagon, doesn't really fit his MO especially as he was null on lethal anyway
I'd say he actually is capable of some good play and even making decent points as town tbh
i am still game for lynching tpein btw
hes not gonna claim tho so not too much point spending the day there
not sure on number, but with me magic and cp all on him it was starting to look like pein/lethal/nothing as options. but then obv lethal became looking the most likely again esp when magic switched


trying to pin lethal mislynch on magic is the highlight. you guys all moved its not magic's fault.

i think alco's line of questioning seems the most townie actually

cp and poyser can burn. scum scum scum

alco/dalton next up in PoE
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