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Game Ranked My Hero Academia Mafia Thread

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NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Not like you even have a case, you just keep piling reasons on to push me retroactively. This is honestly like your last game


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
She got nothing and now she's tryna come up with something new to add to my case. Oh god, can I just ignore her this game? She refused to answer any questions that might get her to realize she's tunneling this entire game. I can't defend myself when she's a brick wall with no case either. I'm done.


She got nothing and now she's tryna come up with something new to add to my case. Oh god, can I just ignore her this game? She refused to answer any questions that might get her to realize she's tunneling this entire game. I can't defend myself when she's a brick wall with no case either. I'm done.

I don’t really care how you defend yourself, I’m more interested in your takes on the game


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
On the flip side, gad id quite like full reads and rationale please
You'll get them this phase then. Cause everyone I think is scum is apparently town positive for you guys, Flower and lolDupla.

I have you as town cause I remember you being an early pusher on Reloaded. Boobies kinda messed with my reads cause he was one of he earliest to call him sus but then went on to defend him until almost the end. Still a town lean.

I think we can have Retro town leaning too cause I remember her voting him early and only removing it when Flower asked her to

Hime and Bachi are town, Bachi for obvious reasons, Hime cause her confusion seems genuine

RDK is null, CP makes me paranoid still cause he feels different but he's agreeing with my reads

I'm with you on Nipples. He's hiding, and that needs to go.

I can give more later but I obviously need to reevaluate a few things


You'll get them this phase then. Cause everyone I think is scum is apparently town positive for you guys, Flower and lolDupla.

I have you as town cause I remember you being an early pusher on Reloaded. Boobies kinda messed with my reads cause he was one of he earliest to call him sus but then went on to defend him until almost the end. Still a town lean.

I think we can have Retro town leaning too cause I remember her voting him early and only removing it when Flower asked her to

Hime and Bachi are town, Bachi for obvious reasons, Hime cause her confusion seems genuine

RDK is null, CP makes me paranoid still cause he feels different but he's agreeing with my reads

I'm with you on Nipples. He's hiding, and that needs to go.

I can give more later but I obviously need to reevaluate a few things

Where did you get the idea I or anyone thinks dofla is town?
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