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OLF (Vanilla) Mafia

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byakuya shot wad. hes the vig
hunter protected me
i was shot and saved by him

siggy are u acting dumb on purpose?
So trust what Byakuya said, over how the write up seems to play out and say?
Thats your entire premise: that Byakuya is telling the full truth right there.

No, I'm pointing out what the write up mostly says, and not trusting a day 2 Vig claim 100% just yet. Any AOB role can allow the final Scum member to just claim thety are a Vig, especially as he was subbed in last moment.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
So trust what Byakuya said, over how the write up seems to play out and say?
Thats your entire premise: that Byakuya is telling the full truth right there.

No, I'm pointing out what the write up mostly says, and not trusting a day 2 Vig claim 100% just yet. Any AOB role can allow the final Scum member to just claim thety are a Vig, especially as he was subbed in last moment.
sigis there were 3 kills
1 sk 1 maf 1 vig


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Night 1 actions:
The Doctor protected Ekko.

User action failed on Ekkologix.

Night 1 kills:
Fang (Doctor) has been killed.

Daw (WADfather) has been kille
> doc peotected me
> a kill failed on me. doc literally protects from nothing but kills. so i was 100% shot

another kill targeted hunter
another kill targeted wad

the kill on wad comes from vig
the kill on hunter comes from unknown source. could be maf or sk
the kill on me comes from who ever didnt shoot hunter, maf or sk

sigis please nows not the time to argue over semantics nonense. writeup is clear. vote the guilty player. this is final


sigis there were 3 kills
1 sk 1 maf 1 vig
Again thats looking like TMI from you, and is based on outside info.

The write up makes it seem that Fang killed WAD with an AOB role, not 3 separate kills.

Also once again, bold of you to assume that whoever targeted you wasnt actually the town vig considering your track record and history, and they either claim a WAD shot.

Also once again, the write up merely says user action failed on you, not a kill. For all we know, that could be an investigation fail as you got elevated from Mafiso to GF.

Again you act with way TMI for where we should be at day 2.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
the vigs are 1 shot sigis
if the vig shot me or hunter they need to claim immediately since they r vanilla anyway

but they didnt. the vig simply shot wad and claimed it

i trust byakuya


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Again thats looking like TMI from you, and is based on outside info.

The write up makes it seem that Fang killed WAD with an AOB role, not 3 separate kills.

Also once again, bold of you to assume that whoever targeted you wasnt actually the town vig considering your track record and history, and they either claim a WAD shot.

Also once again, the write up merely says user action failed on you, not a kill. For all we know, that could be an investigation fail as you got elevated from Mafiso to GF.

Again you act with way TMI for where we should be at day 2.
okay then claim
where is the vig that shot me
i dare them to claim it

i have no immunities to anything so obviously an action failing on me is a killshot and i am saved by hunter. is this tmi? perhaps

but mechanically the writeup 1000% confirms a third kill from my PoV.

i really dont see what your point is. why r u arguing against a guilty result


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You are entirely too reliant on reading from a wiki when its been mod conformed that *the wiki is wrong and the set up has been altered*
mod didnt alter the roles
they altered the numbers
so they accidenlty included roles from another setup. they did not alter roles themselves. just mashed 2 setups together

read trins post again

the setup had 3 maf and 1 serial. then she realized that was not the right call so she allowed trin to join as vig since that was missing from the setup

the roles remain same. just the composition changes


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
sigis ur coming off as really realllyy scummy i ask u stop what u r doing immediately


mod didnt alter the roles
roles handed out to you that aren’t vanilla will have special names.
most setups mafia/wolves can only talk at night, wonder if that will carry over here
"Mod didnt alter roles"
>most set ups scum can't talk in day
>both flipped scums talked during the day

Ekko, dont go back on what you yourself have pointed out about the mechanics of this game, then ignore that in favor of saying its pure unaltered Vanilla only screwed by ratio.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
"Mod didnt alter roles"
>most set ups scum can't talk in day
>both flipped scums talked during the day

Ekko, dont go back on what you yourself have pointed out about the mechanics of this game, then ignore that in favor of saying its pure unaltered Vanilla only screwed by ratio.
we dont know if scum could talk in their chat during the day. maybe could maybe not?

and yes mod changed the names of the role. thats for flavor. again not alter the role itself

a doctor is a doctor. a 1 shot vig is a 1 shot vig. etc..

the flavor of the role changed. godfather was named wadfather, but that's just flavor meme

even my role name is changed too. thats just flavor meme. the role remains same.

idk what r u trying to do sigis
it aint working

lynch the guy with guilty on him. if u arent satisified then come and ask these weird questions. ur playing in reverse


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
lets just end this nonsense here

@Trinity did the roles of the setup change change? like chemical change to different roles. or they still follow the roles of matrix 14 regardless of flavor bullsht


Sure you may end up being right, but thats not on available info for us all, its based on:
1: Assuming, even agaisnt what you have yourself pointed out as inconsistency in a set up, that the game is pure vanilla to that on the wiki
2: Byakuya isn't a Blackmailer and hit the Vug and counter claimed (all be it thats highly unlikely, but still youre relying on a day 2 claim)
3: Ignoring any other alternative to how you set up the abilites to have played out last night when we are both aware that rarely ever pans out how someone predicts it

As for "vote who scans guilty" is that only your scan? Why only say that halfway into a day when we have 2 dead Mafia to start the day? In a 13 player set up even with an SK, you claim that shit post 1, not waiting several posts in.

I fully admit I may be wrong, but Ekko you wylin In assumptions


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Sure you may end up being right, but thats not on available info for us all, its based on:
1: Assuming, even agaisnt what you have yourself pointed out as inconsistency in a set up, that the game is pure vanilla to that on the wiki
2: Byakuya isn't a Blackmailer and hit the Vug and counter claimed (all be it thats highly unlikely, but still youre relying on a day 2 claim)
3: Ignoring any other alternative to how you set up the abilites to have played out last night when we are both aware that rarely ever pans out how someone predicts it

As for "vote who scans guilty" is that only your scan? Why only say that halfway into a day when we have 2 dead Mafia to start the day? In a 13 player set up even with an SK, you claim that shit post 1, not waiting several posts in.

I fully admit I may be wrong, but Ekko you wylin In assumptions
i softed it in my early posts. waited a bit to see what my scum reads say before i bury odd once and for all

there is nothing wrong with that.

sigis u just know everything i said is right. stop pls. its getting lame


i softed it in my early posts. waited a bit to see what my scum reads say before i bury odd once and for all

there is nothing wrong with that.
>I caught the final mafia scum, but I'm looking for other mafia scum before hand instead of instantly revealing.

Yes, yes there is something wrong with that. You're assuming there's 4 mafia in a 13 player game with that style of play, instead of 3/1 indie like you said you assumed eariler


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Ruffles @Sigismund can yall like cooperate pls and lynch scum

why is this harder than it should be

game is basically solved no?
where is everyone
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