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Game Ranked The Traitors Mafia

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Do you still believe I was faking in my first posts?
I havent really seen anything to change my mind on it lol, no. My initial impression of your first posts feeling fake aren't gonna change, but you can change my read based on what you bring
How're you reading him that fast. 👀
He's one of the easiest people to read I've ever played with lol. I did explain it further to ekko in one of my previous posts though


This is such a shite post as well, but seems like a pretty standard TOWN lethal entrance. Doubt he starts off by being aggro towards me out of everybody

I was hoping you were going to comment on this so I'm glad we agree on this
Yeah Aurelian is town lmao
curious for an elaboration here
You lose points because the scumhunting feels forced. What exactly is it you expect me to do when it’s just me and Ekko around in pages 1-2 of the game. Expecting any kind of bite and hunting is pretty unrealistic which is why I don’t really see it as genuine from you.

Do you have any other thoughts on the game at all? There’s way more content now than page 1 fluff to sink your teeth into
you realise i could make this point in reply to what you've said about me also right
Yes, I’d say Nat, RAEM and Ultra are the guys I don’t like this far

Already probably enough to say RAEM and Ultra are less likely to be aligned
rly was expecting to see my name in here tho


I havent really seen anything to change my mind on it lol, no. My initial impression of your first posts feeling fake aren't gonna change, but you can change my read based on what you bring

He's one of the easiest people to read I've ever played with lol. I did explain it further to ekko in one of my previous posts though
Should be pretty clear when I posted I did not read the opening post or the sign up thread post.

I have zero interest in the theme the game is based on and so the mechanics came as a surprise. I assumed since it was Tpein hosting the game would be weird and yes I was right.


I'm just shitposting dude

Anyway still felt that convo was kind of goofy even though I admit it was just the two of you there and no one else to talk to since this game feels a bit slow, not really sure about Natalija, RDK, Hime, or Ultra yet either

Don't care that the Shepard guy voted me either

Goth Boy is always NAI with his posts
Dunno about Psychic since she swapped in for OLU who I usually policy vote day 1 in most games

yeah he's a real piece of shit I wouldn't trust him


People grilled me last game about not claiming and I was town there and told the truth. I just play different from you guys. Doesn't mean I'm trying to bamboozle you.

Or you being unfamiliar with me doesn't mean I'm the enemy.

Truuuuust me. 😂😎


I feel like the top line comes more from a place of you expecting me to do something I'm just not gonna - I don't like the early thread state when I have a lack of posts to bounce off

I mean it's a similar answer to what nat asked me about Himes post (VIBES), but to break it down I felt like we were thinking similar things wrt aurelian and hime
er, what thoughts would those be?


i like nat and ultra so far so dont agree much

back to magic topic, if u think his post is irrelevant and not worthy of addressing (when hes a non fluff player) do u not consider it in one way or another alignment indicative? i think magic might be rusty on his day 1 scum game. his town game was good hes struggling to match it. i feel him off as opposed to last game

also u called aurelian town and that's another name magic shaded earlier, also without any vote
i feel like im being attacked.

chris jericho festival of friendship GIF by WWE


Anyways players I town read looking forward to build up my reads from there and working with you all to lynch traitor scum. 😎



my scum reads lol.

I really never can not trust Hime. They seem really careful in their posts or something. Makes me paranoid for some reason.


I was hoping you were going to comment on this so I'm glad we agree on this

curious for an elaboration here

you realise i could make this point in reply to what you've said about me also right

rly was expecting to see my name in here tho
Eh its different, I was being accused of no bite at a time there were literally 2 people in here, and also I did start playing the game with Nat's entrance and I actually had something to go of. None of it was strong obviously, but contrasted with you were I felt like you made no effort to actually try and get in the game at all.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I can offer comment on why I disagreed with your take specifically - I felt that the shoe didn't fit. It's a common trope for players like say, Flower, to play the "helpful townie" card. But even if Poyser is scum, he doesn't strike me as the type of player that attempts to establish himself as town through such avenues and find it squarely NAI.
yes its fairly NAI, which begs the question how magic and RDK thought its scummy.

i want to ask you a question. did you read the first 2 pages of your own game?

what did i do?
yes you vote kobe for voting ultra and asked him why

you gave him a question and a vote right away

if you are playing the same here you would ask poyser or give him a statement "why are you trying to gain good guy points" and give him a vote

same with aurelian. do u still scum read aurelian?

Not all three but you, yes.
and is that cuz is posted page 1 or cuz of the 2 recruit thing

'did' was a typo. should have been 'i do'/

it was mostly shade, you're right.

it was the case and now it seems much more content related!
obviously disagree

i had a reason to call poyser scummy and wanted to see who else agreed with that reasoning. the vote there wouldn't have changed anything. if i stayed around and did more with it than that would have been even more ideal.
thats fine. what did you make out of the reactions u obtained from it?


I don't actually recall seeing any reasoning from you in regards to either slot, which is why I asked you in the first place. I'm asking for your thoughts process not the conclusion.

As for me I'd put Poyser/Magic/RAEM on the table today. Maybe Nat as a dark horse as well. Her "just asking questions" about Hime bears some resemblance to when I played with her as scum.

what about your town reads?


People grilled me last game about not claiming and I was town there and told the truth. I just play different from you guys. Doesn't mean I'm trying to bamboozle you.

Or you being unfamiliar with me doesn't mean I'm the enemy.

Truuuuust me. 😂😎
You seem pretty defensive here bro. Majority of your posts have been about defending yourself
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