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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I am suspecting him for outright refusing to hammer aurelian.
Then when it looked like a Tweet CFD was viable he said he was "down to vote aurelian"
Why would he be down to vote him then and not before?
Me thinks he said it just in case aurelian ever flipped scum later on.
So he could always say he supported lynching him

so why do u town read him then?


because u arent digging deep into analyzing those players

you are aware bussing exists no? does RDK look like hes solving the game to u rn? he knew fang was scum so stuck with it. he didnt solve fang as scum. he knew all along and "pretended" to solve him
Bussing doesn’t usually occur with one mafia jumping on their teammates first post of the game my man

unless the mafia in question is a legit asshole ofc. RDK isn’t


well idk what ratchet has on u. i think there is a level of possible distancing with u and aurelion but i like that u were atleast trying to figure him out too and he replied the most to me and u

i came over the night leaning town on u from that. im glad ur entrance today is strong. the issue is lethal is already doing himself no favors so hard to discern if this gna be another easy scum lynch or the guy is town

hes already claimed too so if we r voting then its a vote to lynch

Here's my take on the matter, I think if you look at any of my posts regarding Fang in a vacuum, they could look bad and be painted as such, because I was reading him as not mafia and took opportunities to go after other players, transparently.

But I think specifically if you ISO me honestly and look at the cumulative amount of interaction between us you really have to force a narrative of "distancing". I was holding water for the guy since he first got suspected in the first couple pages. In spite of that, I did vote him multiple times because the burden of his lies was just too great for me to overlook.

But I think if I were distancing I would look a lot different. At no point did I do that little dance and a jig a scum partner does where they type up a post epicly owning their partner before casting them to the shadow realm. I didn't even *try* to make myself look good when I did vote for him, something I'd obviously do if I was bussing.

This is preemptive since Ratchet actually hasn't posted his "case", but I think that's because he doesn't have one.



First of all, how does having nothing to do with Fang's lynch mean that is sussing you and Lethal is irrelevant?

Second of all, check who the second last vote in Fang is. It's my vote.

Third of all, you didn't confirm shit about being wrong about you. All you said was that you stopped all kills.
Pretty obvious town roles, and there were zero kills last night sooooo

seems fairly straightforward confirmed to me

The X

The case on lethal is literally the first scum hunting you've done. It's d2
Weren't you the one who said that you are never successful scum hunting on D1 so you just choose to sheep others?

How was your scum hunting last game? That Tweet wagon you joined was really successful!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
How do you know they're weak if my suspects haven't flipped yet :dankpepe

Your observation about Fang and who he interacted with is coherent though, because scum struggling to tread water has limited resource investment in the thread, and he's going to spend those resources trying to persuade players who are potentially sympathetic to him.
ayo ultra we both know if the flips turn out correct it doesnt mean the points were not weak sauce cmon now


So Ultra and BPD who had NOTHING to do with getting aurelian lynched are saying me and Lethal are scum today. I just confirmed they are wrong about me. Who still thinks they're right about lethal?

These two are scum and need to get GOT

I don't recall saying anything about you, actually, other than you being bald. This is extremely defensive, and contrasts with your very casual demeanor through most of Day 1.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Bigger fish to fry.
Why you trying to interfere?
You like lethal too?
not rly
idk why u keep doing this
just cuz i want to lynch someone more doesnt mean i dont want to lynch the other guy or "like" them



How so? That was not how you viewed me this phase before I challenged your indie claim. Didn't you want to look at Lethal earlier this phase?
Yeah, really really weird that after you came at me with complete nonsense and didn’t adapt to any new info whatsoever and outright lied to make me look bad thay I would then view you as mafia. I can’t work out how it happened