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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Not sure I know where you stand with Lethal. How do you feel about Alco and Tpein? What about Retro?
I'm not sure on Lethal either lol. I find it hard to sift through emotions sometimes. I usually just ignore them, but I can't really do that here, and the rest of his content has been a mix of okay to wishy washy. I can't and won't defend him.

Alco Null, I have felt like his takes and positions have been mostly reasonable, but they've been mostly safe too. He feels like he is a bystander this game. Activity isn't bad, but doesn't help either.

Scum on T-Pein. I think in particular his posts towards Ekko yesterday about how he might look bad were flagrant TMI (in the classic style T-Pein likes to use as scum where it's so scummy people start thinking he would never play like this as scum) and moreover I find his claim to be a way to dissuade players from targeting him. I'll be quite surprised if he's town.

Retro I think Town, with the caveat that I've never seen her as scum and I've noticed a few times where her positions are either convenient or have ended up on the wrong side (regarding Fang) - I am finding myself beginning to waver in this read.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
u can try to spin it as me defending fang all u want but there was no defense there. i was willing to axe him anytime i feel like he wasnt going to collaborate

ive said not once, not twice that i have a limit to how lenient i will be towards him. im willing to listen and work with him and that majority rn is townie so if he listens to the majority and claim i can look the other way around

fang claimed the first to me - this in itself should tell u we r not alligned. he is trying to appease to my sympathy as he knows claiming to his scummates only puts them in worst situation

ive tried to work with him but he was just being a wall. he was completely content with being bussed and his team didnt help out at all. did they think they can set me up for a mislynch from that? they shud know better lol


The Alpha and The Omega
This is pretty poor, Soul-chan. If he is as terrible as you say, he probably has a fake claim, and if he doesn't he definitely has no reason to just claim it yesterday under no pressure and generally town-read.

Look, I can't say with 100% certainty that he's pro town. I don't know. The evidence in thread points to it. Scum will probably want to get rid of him and he has already hurt his thread positioning by claiming Indie anyway. It's not a concern right now.
It's not a fake claim because the dung eater defiles bodies, corpses, people, and curse everything. I am not sure how this is poor by any stretch of the imagination for you very possibly have a walking abomination that will literally fuck everything the more bodies he defiles.

He also outed as indie and claimed to save fang. He didn't just claim for the sake of claiming. Listen, you might take all of this as grain of salt, but you have been warned. I saw what he claimed and felt the need to say something about it for he potentially might be the most dangerous player if left alone for a while and let him accumulate more bodies to defile.


Leprous Monarch
Yoshi and CP are pretty null to me with CP being on the scum lean of it. But let's start with Yoshi, his posts honestly feel kinda robotic, and pretty selective. But I did not sense any malicious intentions behind his posts. But maybe I can't tell due to just how he formats and present himself generally speaking.

CP on other hand, felt like he is riding the waves as the game progress. He showed he has big boner for our friend poyser here. I didn't like some of his posts as I was reading, mainly being afraid to commit to a player he viewed as scum and his testing the water to feel if it's safe to move forward with his read. Felt like he was being careful on purpose. For a player who claim to read the game twice, You would think he would have a better grasp or idea on why Fang got lynched, but instead is more than happy to give all the credit to Poyser for reasons ???? the guy did not even end up voting for Fang lol and was actually trying to save him. Not sure if this guy meta is to pocket players to oblivion until he gets on their blind side.
I'm confirmed btw


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Demonstrably untrue.

It wasn't a simple question, it was a trail of suspicion that I pressed based on an initial observation and I pointed out clearly that it it something that comes from scum not town. I was also dealing with interactions from Yoshi and Ultra in the interim, Poyser seeing he looked like shit has nothing to do with me

^ thinking that this is a s/s interaction is absolutely wild and something I do not buy for one second that you actually believe
its the timeline of this happening. when fang initially interacted with u u went quiet and only picked it up again after poyser and others did

evident by the fact that u werent even the first to vote him

Arp Bladstrum

i still have no idea what ur case was and i have not really replied to ur question who u still have not asked me or pointed me towards so i have no idea why r u just randomly unvoting me with no development from my end to help u do so
I have asked multiple times now why you defended Ser Aurelian the previous day. I was seeking wisdom from the good Ratchet in the post you quoted as we must come together in this great contest. Please find below my previous questions.

  • Post #2,460 I am immediately concerned with how you defended the slain @Ekkologix , as you are warrior of great reknown I would keen to understand why you chose that course of action.
  • Post #2,997 Sir Ekko it largely centers around your defence of our slain foe yesterday


Poyser is a special case for he claimed the one of the very few characters in the game that is literally an abomination, an evil for the sake of being evil. There is no way the host would give such role as a fake claim for it makes no sense to be a fake claim. Plus, I believe his claim because as you can see from the host post below. Fang body has been defiled, and that's what the Dung Eater do.

Thus I do believe that's the dude true role and I have no clue what he was smoking when he outed to be such character or even out indie at all for an attempt to save Fang. The more bodies he defiles the stronger it gets and if it's anything similar to my indie role given to me by gramm in GOT game then he has an apocalyptical event in his role and I can totally see that, for the moment the curse spread it's over for the lands between.
But the argument isn't that it would BE a fake claim, the argument is that Poyser would HAVE a fake claim if he was truly hostile. He wouldn't just be allowed/forced to claim that character as a true hostile. It wouldn't be fair.


its the timeline of this happening. when fang initially interacted with u u went quiet and only picked it up again after poyser and others did

evident by the fact that u werent even the first to vote him
Demonstrably untrue.


me and tpein wud win even if we dont look very hot right now
It's poor manners to put yourself first. It should be "T-Pein and I".
fang claimed the first to me - this in itself should tell u we r not alligned. he is trying to appease to my sympathy as he knows claiming to his scummates only puts them in worst situation
Less of this. You've used this line "that should tell you we are not aligned" far too many times as scum to get to use it here.

The X

I'm not sure on Lethal either lol. I find it hard to sift through emotions sometimes. I usually just ignore them, but I can't really do that here, and the rest of his content has been a mix of okay to wishy washy. I can't and won't defend him.

Alco Null, I have felt like his takes and positions have been mostly reasonable, but they've been mostly safe too. He feels like he is a bystander this game. Activity isn't bad, but doesn't help either.

Scum on T-Pein. I think in particular his posts towards Ekko yesterday about how he might look bad were flagrant TMI (in the classic style T-Pein likes to use as scum where it's so scummy people start thinking he would never play like this as scum) and moreover I find his claim to be a way to dissuade players from targeting him. I'll be quite surprised if he's town.

Retro I think Town, with the caveat that I've never seen her as scum and I've noticed a few times where her positions are either convenient or have ended up on the wrong side (regarding Fang) - I am finding myself beginning to waver in this read.
I look forward to seeing what a wolf Retro even looks like. This is a response that makes me town read you. You were approachable, you actually told me what you were thinking, I can see your thought processes and how you got to your conclusion. I feel if you were scum, your fingers would be hovering closer to the control buttons and I just can't sense that this game from you.


not really believing Poyser's is anything but pro-town at this juncture. I have no reason believe that he’s getting scum lynched as indy. I also thought it was town like to leave Tweet alone for some of the reasons I suggested and the aforementioned lynch


The Alpha and The Omega
Nevermind my previous post to Craig, this strongly implies this Rune was responsible for everyone surviving. Okay that's good enough.
I think @SoulKiller could give us some lore on the Rune of Death.

The rune of death has nothing to do with protecting people, It's a boss who draws out the rune out of his body. He is one of the secret bosses if I remember and he is corrupted due to having the death rune stored inside him. In the game when you lower your his health or defeat him the first time. He pulls out the rune of death to gain a power boost.

The fact that CP actually agreed to this post and town read ratchet for it, is a bit concerning and


It's not a fake claim because the dung eater defiles bodies, corpses, people, and curse everything. I am not sure how this is poor by any stretch of the imagination for you very possibly have a walking abomination that will literally fuck everything the more bodies he defiles.

He also outed as indie and claimed to save fang. He didn't just claim for the sake of claiming. Listen, you might take all of this as grain of salt, but you have been warned. I saw what he claimed and felt the need to say something about it for he potentially might be the most dangerous player if left alone for a while and let him accumulate more bodies to defile.
You're not getting it


1. Lethal
2. Aurelian
3. Rugrat
4. Phenom
5. Retrolize
6. Ekko
7. Ratchet
8. RDK
9. TPein
10. Poyser

11. CraigPelton
12. One Last Username
13. Big Man
14. Ultra
15. Arp Bladstrum
16. Evans
17. Dalton
18. Yoshi
19. Doddsy
20. Black Legged Dragon
21. Hans Tweetenberg
22. Soulkiller
23. Alco

My current state of play