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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

While alco fits the undergrowth profile and I've been talking about him all game, upon reread he's said a couple of things that make me wanna give benefit of the doubt.

I also didn't like RDK's needless tangent about Rugrat on my Lynch. I have t reason to believe he observed that spontaneously. I also think it's uncharitable, because when I asked Rugrat for his case, he didn't elaborate and just called me a scum buddy with Retro, while Craig gave me the assurance he was a troll slot.
I reread Alco again last night as well and I'd say he's probably town.


I would like Craig to claim his character today. I don't think there is a great reason to withhold that information when there is some confusion as to what it could mean.


i dont like evans hedging posts while i was reading back says he is down to yeet lethal even if he is town iirc. that didnt sit well

i think lethal comeback was townie. i think ultra has been townie. what the fk were u guys doing seriously

i looked back at how the fang wagon started and i guess there r merits to RDK being town. however i do not like the way he joined the ultra wagon with nonsensical reason

i also like phenom alot last EoD. he approached it townish af regarding poyser and wanting to establish a lynch

i completely despise tweets play. he has no reason to not want to achieve a lynch here. the problem is why not duck the thread instead of just keep talking to BPD and ignore poysers wagon. i have a hard time seeing tweet as townie but also just means hes playing bad as scum

im just more and more down to say soulkiller is probably just scum and needs to go tbh

I agree with most of this post


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
We don't make decisions based on what you happen to think. You was not here, posts like this just come across as posturing.
i was disappointed at the EoD but im gna blame myself for not being there


i liked ur case on ultra. i think the strongest bits r ultra was parroting some of my questions to fang. i do this sometims as scum when my teammate claims and i just parrot what a townie is saying about the claim

otherwise ive liked ultras play
Which is, if nohing else, in contrast to your previously stated position, where the only play you liked was his interactions with Aurelian... which I really don't see even now.

Big Man

Unlike yesterday, I'm not snoozing and have 36 hours to address you, so hopefully you can put aside woeful considerations like this. To anyone who knows you, you won't be able to stick with raisins such as this one.

However, I'll also probably be spending more of that time doing ISO's and making my own cases (I've got one in Dalton coming up). So ot anyone who cares to solve my slot, get burning questions out of the way and try to address them.
not sure if you have already addressed this but can you please explain your change in stance on aurelian? you had that long discussion on him not claiming and said that you suspect that he's town but then wanted his claim and voted to lynch him after the refusal


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Which is, if nohing else, in contrast to your previously stated position, where the only play you liked was his interactions with Aurelian... which I really don't see even now.
i meant his day 2 play i have no issue with. it was so much better than day 1

in day 1 his aurelion bits were the best. and like ive stated yesterday i think there is some degree of parroting specially around the time ultra asked fang to claim flavor after i did

The X

Big day for you today, as well. With Lethal more or less being confirmed town if you believe Ultra is legitimate, how does that affect your worldview?
I think Ultra probably is just town here. Did we get a character claim from him? Never moved my voted from Lethal so I rolled with Ultra. Lethal could always be GF, so I can't let him completely off the hook, but that's not for this day. Need to here more from Craig today as well since I'm not convinced his claim was 100 townie. I think Tweet looks really bad for last phase. Did not understand him siding with Poyser whatsoever.


Again, it was posted 9 hours before Day ended. I don't, thankfully, have a monitor for you to observe your sleeping times. The whole idea that it was some cheap shot done to get you got is really poorly conceived, and I haven't decided if there is an agenda to this or if you're just being self-concious.

No, I think you intentionally dropped a gigundo case to put pressure on me. That is in fact the intended purpose of posting a gigundo case. Whether your conscious calculation was to use the phase time explicitly against me, I think you knew what you were doing, and what the exact result of the outcome would be. You even stated yourself you didn't care to gauge my reaction, only that of others.

If not for the fact that I asked you earlier in the day to be open and honest about your suspicions, this would be groundless crying. But you concealed them, purposely. I don't know why you're so adamantly in denial about this, because if you're town my assumption here is that you were so sold on me being scum you just wanted to be quick and dirty.

Instead you're just trying to have your cake and eat it too. I don't respect that. I've done you dirty myself, and I will own up to that

Now, post reads, please.

The X

i dont like evans hedging posts while i was reading back says he is down to yeet lethal even if he is town iirc. that didnt sit well

i think lethal comeback was townie. i think ultra has been townie. what the fk were u guys doing seriously

i looked back at how the fang wagon started and i guess there r merits to RDK being town. however i do not like the way he joined the ultra wagon with nonsensical reason

i also like phenom alot last EoD. he approached it townish af regarding poyser and wanting to establish a lynch

i completely despise tweets play. he has no reason to not want to achieve a lynch here. the problem is why not duck the thread instead of just keep talking to BPD and ignore poysers wagon. i have a hard time seeing tweet as townie but also just means hes playing bad as scum

im just more and more down to say soulkiller is probably just scum and needs to go tbh
Why do you think Soul is scum?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Poyser for the record i think ur play has been townie and i wouldnt have lynched u there. its sad to see u wont get to achieve ur win con. i must say u probably did not play this optimally by making enemies with the mafia team

anyway ggs.


I think Ultra probably is just town here. Did we get a character claim from him? Never moved my voted from Lethal so I rolled with Ultra. Lethal could always be GF, so I can't let him completely off the hook, but that's not for this day. Need to here more from Craig today as well since I'm not convinced his claim was 100 townie. I think Tweet looks really bad for last phase. Did not understand him siding with Poyser whatsoever.

Yes. I am a bedwench.

Big Man

CP's claim is most likely town. to give that role to scum would just be giving them a provable role but one which goes against their wincon which is lame.


I think Ultra probably is just town here. Did we get a character claim from him? Never moved my voted from Lethal so I rolled with Ultra. Lethal could always be GF, so I can't let him completely off the hook, but that's not for this day. Need to here more from Craig today as well since I'm not convinced his claim was 100 townie. I think Tweet looks really bad for last phase. Did not understand him siding with Poyser whatsoever.
So here's my issue. Yesterday you said you would be happy to vote Ultra, except when it came to do so, you went everywhere but really. I don't think Poyser was a good lynch, because as it were it was Scum that needed him to be killed moreso than Town. Lynching him there just relieves them of that obligation.


i liked ur case on ultra. i think the strongest bits r ultra was parroting some of my questions to fang. i do this sometims as scum when my teammate claims and i just parrot what a townie is saying about the claim

otherwise ive liked ultras play

This is uncharitable to call it parroting, it's probably just coincidental. He had just posted a doozy in the thread and we were both there trying to deconstruct it. Actually if anyone is parroting it was Doddy, who asked just a couple questions then dipped