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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Also @Retrolize

You said you weren’t willing to say player names who were apparently shading you for an opportunistic lunch.

I asked you to say them as it’s beneficial for town to have that information in case you are lynched and are town.

Can you put the bong down and answer that please?

Hans Tweetenberg

I think I've been pretty forthcoming with my play. I've tried to be as transparent as possible and have hidden nothing. I've been blunt and stubborn to a fault this game but I've also tried to be open with everyone that has come at me and have provided answers and reasonings as to try and help others see my thought processes. Like it or not, right or wrong, I've given reasons for my thoughts and susses and tried to explain where I was coming from. I have admitted to being wrong this game. I am trying to move forward for the better of town (I'm still allowed to think town is wrong!). I don't think I've played a sinister or manipulative game at all. If I have been deceitful, I'm not sure where it's gotten me. So yeah, even though at current game state my reads haven't been great, I've tried to be as open as possible with everything.
This strikes me as a cookie cutter response, and I know for a fact that you haven't and still aren't admitting that you were wrong about Poyser being pro-town so I don't buy you at all.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Of *course* you refer to yourself as "logix". It makes so much sense now.

With that, I really should be getting some rest. Hope I wake up to lots of kawaii solving, especially from you. I haven't yet resolved myself to tabling your claim until another day.
what does the first line mean lol

Hans Tweetenberg

If you want reasons, I seem to have noticed that a lot of his posts were about minor battlefields and he didn't seem to want to engage with anything controversial all too much. I couldn't pinpoint any one post but that's just the impression I got whenever I saw him post.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Man, all these fucking claims, they'll be the undoing of town.

My tunnel with CP is pretty much done.

So now I have to trust the word (no claim) of Alco, you is slight town at best? And to trust a vanilla claim as well. You ask so much of me.

I hate that all this scummy play can just be waved away with claims.
thread has been in a deadlock lol

do u read ultra town or scum btw. like tweet aside, wud u lynch ultra for the sake of moving game forward?


The Nexus
Also @Retrolize

You said you weren’t willing to say player names who were apparently shading you for an opportunistic lunch.

I asked you to say them as it’s beneficial for town to have that information in case you are lynched and are town.

Can you put the bong down and answer that please?

Who are you willing to lynch besides.

Kekko, ultra, retro ?


Who are you willing to lynch besides.

Kekko, ultra, retro ?

I’m not willing to lynch Retro yet

Id go:
Lethal (ultra and Ekko clarify eachother tbh)
Tweet (VT, has grown into the game since the D1 meta read but still unsure tbh)

Doddsy is a growing interest of mine for a push. That random quote he came at me with when the whole interaction paints a different picture is intriguing.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Show me a D1 posts of Dalton with town energy
u quoted them urself lol

i thought the way he entered the thread and got into main topics right away seemed townish. like let aside the policy lynch of tpein, he actually was direct in engaging with the thread. its nothing fancy but tell me he isnt afraid of talking live

i also sympathized with his posts on fang because i said similar things

like i said the major difference is how he is more commenting on fang from side lines while i was directly interacting with fang

i am not opposed to obtaining a claim, however i think there is a rly low chance for me to stay on him for lynch unless said claim is messed up


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Again I'm all kinds of intrigued as to what you're actually gonna do about me. Yeah you can rally people to lynch me but then you'll have flipped a townie who another townie vouched for so where does that leave you?
i dont know why u keep threatning me with this lol. i have absolutely no issue with leading mislynches if i belive a player is scum. ive done it 100s of times lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You're the one who keeps calling Poyser a harmful indy despite clear evidence that he wasn't. You're still unwilling to concede as much despite the evidence being right there in your face and I have no idea how to reconcile that as towny. Both that and your moving of goalposts wasn't and isn't irrelevant.
im noting how u start to engage alot more now that ur thread position is a bit safer with alco's hint. if ur coward ass had more courage u wud engage us before that


My information directly supported a hammerer mechanic being present within the game.

Fang never mentioned a hammerer mechanic
There’s been someone going on about being willing to hammer? I wanna say dragon but could be mistaken.
okay do u know who that person is / can u help us clear a townie?

where do u think is the best direction for lynch today?
Role fishing
There is actually 0 chance I came up with that impromptu. Either I was provided a fake claim and was using that as a basis, or I'm town and telling the truth. Not everyone knows what a hider is or what specifically it does so I broke it down into its components, I don't see how this is unreasonable. You can maybe criticize me for undue consideration of potentially interacting with my role result, but I nonetheless arrived at the conclusion that I can help town by using it and having them decide for me.
Except the player base for the most part does know of the hider and saw contention in the claim. A fluffy claim lacking detail that changed is reminiscent of Fang’s claim that was picked apart.
hes probably the most informative lynch with a high chance of being scum

a concept that yall ws folks need to learn and i see is been very lacked in thread is to solve beyond the flip

never have i waited for a flip to happen to speculate and solve beyond it. i have 24 hours i use all 24 hours to solve
Blah blah blah. Mate this is you at Xmas to a tee.
aka not my fault ur unable to keep up

if u want to be stuck spending today solving ultra cool lol

im gna move on and solve the thread

we can default to lynching ultra EoD. doesnt seem like he is really able to save himself from this
You’ve done nothing to solve except tunnel Haza and omgus pein.
Dalton ISO:

Dalton's D1 play when looking at his posts can be broken down pretty cleanly into two phases. The first phase being his "policy vote" on T-Pein, and his accusation of Retro:

While he does interact with Poyser here and there, he mostly tunnels Retro for the crime of...joining a wagon that he asked votes be placed on.

Now, while I won't preclude townies calling out bandwagoners on a wagon they started, this feels ingenuine for. T-Peins wagon had not accumulated any other votes, and Dalton wants people to hop on, but explicitly not for a reason?

He also vaguely alludes at taking issue with player's reactions to Fang. This is without

A) Establishing a reason to suspect Fang on his own
B) Not even establishing who those players in question are.

The fixation on one player slot, Retro, is based on an entirely fabricated premise, and one that seems like he's just finding an unconfident townie to tug around.

Now onto his reaction to Fang's claim:

I think I'll mostly let these quotes speaks for himself, there's an obvious motive between all of them, and not one that wavers that much.

For all the shit I've been given over Fang, ironically, Dalton seems to borrow my own reasoning for not-thinking-he's-mafia-but-still-worth-lynching at multiple points (something I had only noticed on reread), while using that justification to strictly not lynch him.

When the discussion of shifting off him comes up:

Dalton can't help but undermine his own credibility by suggesting in a cutesy fashion a policy lynch. Strangely, I don't think T-Pein has taken all that much issue with him this game for it.

To me, this alone warrants suspicion. There's also his Day 2, but I'd say what's incriminating here is more of an absence of typical expected townplay than anything he says explicitly:

Hedges very much on Lethal throughout the day, refuses commitment, cites how he could still be an "info" lynch. Anyone who's seen this type of thing knows how loudly it speaks for itself.

When questioned by X feels compelled to give retroactive reasoning for his stance on Fang and instead of admitting being wrong he comes up with a gauntlet of excuses about how he didn't actually misread him - he has just mostly skimmed! And he would have totally lynched him but Retro!

Retro Retro Retro. Over fixation on a single slot, lack of threadwide solving, he comes across as playing a completely different game from most players in the thread, and that's because he is.

[Vote lynch Dalton]

Get a claim out of this guy, today.
Again this looks like your case on me, but there’s no piggy back this time. You have a counter to my points on you?
Not quite sure how Alco would know Tweet is confirmed vanilla.

Why do I look bad from an Ultra scum flip?
Vanilla cop is something we’ve used
the game isnt gna move forward then lol. we r gna end up no lynching over and over

and ofcourse lethal gives the gift to RDK and not doddsy

which btw i think there is a HUGE equitty between lethal and RDK and this could easily be a play they r setting up

but NO

scum reading RDK is a crime lol
Yes, of course. I said Doddsy at the time cos I’m not gonna spell it out easy. Doddsy is very hard to read for me. I went with a string town lean. I was going with either Haza, ratchet or dragon.
It is a thing. Maybe not in the conscious sense, but it is not a coincidence the consensus is against players you don't know, who you have no point of comparison to.
One could assume a WG/NF bias given nobody who migrated from WS has some pissant purple alliance?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Ekko's method of solving

I think he's just baiting for reactions toward possible theories (he knows to be improbable, hence the schrodinger's référence)

The chances of him getting a scum reaction is 50% possible, vice versa with a town reaction from his proposals/little theories

If he finds a reaction that suffices, he drops it, solidifies his read on that person

If the reaction doesn't impress him and leads him to questioning the logic behind his scenario, he's making mental notes to see which direction they'll wind up going

What this tells me is, not to discount him being possible scum (absolutely can be), is he's more likely town than not

I could be dead wrong, but him openly questioning - despite whatever conclusions he's drawing - nearly everyone including prime suspects he feels might be connected to Fang (he's tracing steps to the very beginning, puzzle solving and relying on older info)

It may be him just trying to detract from convos and an Ultra lynch (applies to anyone, really, I can't understand a distinct motive from certain players yet) but we shall see

His theories on scum tactics and method of play, specifically since Aurelian flipped scum, is a good indicator he's aware he has to think outside the box since Aurelian usually has a decent poker face
For instance, I don't buy for a second Aurelian just happened to get caught when he usually spends so much time as scum and town perfecting his next move
This is just an assumption, and only has bearing if we consider possible psychogical tactics that scum is using:
He's got to be coaching in the BG, making sure his mates are interacting with certain posters in a specific way. That either means he's going to try to appeal to pathos (me) or ethos (Ratchet.)
Maybe as a tactic there's another experienced played coaching players that are coasters and doing most if not all the heavy lifting. Backing off when they think they've gotten too much heat, not really digging into their convictions because it's too difficult to lead a lynch on a specific player, etc.

Basically I think Ekko is trying to find where Aurelian's head is at and what his play is behind the scenes.

I... Think ? Maybe?

This is mostly on the basis of me reading him more as town, but if I were to read him as scum, I'd have to reassess things and probably should.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Ekkologix what brought you around to lynch Ultra?
we need to achieve a lynch and hes the most informative one

im not fully convinced he is scum but i understand why this flip is needed

i think we have given him ample time to be productive with his day today and he hasn't really been very fruitful

we'll see what dalton comes with


we need to achieve a lynch and hes the most informative one

im not fully convinced he is scum but i understand why this flip is needed

i think we have given him ample time to be productive with his day today and he hasn't really been very fruitful

we'll see what dalton comes with
You said earlier you wanted the full time but are willing to now lynch? Have you solved past flip?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
That's my feeling as well.

You and Tpein scare me this game.

Then Ratchet.

And slightly, slightly, Ultra.
i cant be playing anyone im by far the most over extended and lost lol

tpein for sure. ultra possible

ratchet i dont think lol. i'll be very surprised if he is scum