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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

I’ll forgive you. While you’re reading me correctly, i can understand that the content and post count isn’t all there though to solidify that and I’m sorry to say it just won’t be. All I can offer for the time being is playing supportive role of voting where needed and if the task isn’t too large, taking a very quick look back at something specific.
Okay. I think considering who my suspects are currently, scum wanted Poyser around a little longer, or they could have just hammered him. Since you were the first one to vote for Poyser, and how hard you pushed him, I'd say you probably weren't working with scum team.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
im confused
you said you're a 1 shot vig, yes?
why would you mention a "real vig"

you're baiting someone into a counterclaim, are you not? but you seem particularly sure that there won't be one
what is this line of thought from you i myself am missing here
not 1 shot, 2 lol

and have an ability that upgrades my role but i have no idea how it works


You think I’m playing scum? Lol. I said I wish cos wolves have good stead in the game. Too much differentiation between players atm.
this shud be easy to prove btw no? if @RDK still has the gun he can shoot scum tonight lol

we need to flip the roleblocker or hope they r limited shot for RDK's shot to go through if he is town
Fishing? TMI? Come on man.
after reading the day, i may have to swap my read on u back to scum if u continue this actually
Answer my questions. You’re being intentionally obtuse and vague. Prove to me that you are town.

Anybody have a claims list handy?

Id also like to ask for everyone’s reads lists please. Or to quote them for me. I’m gonna ISO players for them all.


Mafia God
I have not read, am getting slammed at work.

Is there anything that needs my immediate attention or can someone give me a quick summary?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Well, I‘m a simple Watcher and saw you visit BLD. Not a fan of you beating around the bush like this, but I can confirm the visit.
did u have to say the word "simple" here btw?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I have not read, am getting slammed at work.

Is there anything that needs my immediate attention or can someone give me a quick summary?
Hi. Long time no see.

I‘m currently waiting for Ekko to post a claim list as well.

The X

can u elaborate pls
We don't know what the kills were N1.

N2 I think scum maybe killed OLU to keep game high tension and get rid of a slot maybe that they thought might be subbed.

N3 you shot Tweet, scum shot Ratchet and Tpein.

this doesnt agree with the previous theory that its more scummy to abstian btw

i think if RDK is towny he wud shoot

scummy wud abstain to save the double kill for an f7 win or something
I think town RDK would have yeeted you. I can see RDK being scared of Tpein and shooting him.

The X

this shud be easy to prove btw no? if @RDK still has the gun he can shoot scum tonight lol

we need to flip the roleblocker or hope they r limited shot for RDK's shot to go through if he is town
Except until RDK says he did shoot and it didn't go through for rEaSoNs.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Fwiw my Watcher is limited shots @Ekkologix . Not saying how many, though, for obvious reasons.
u shud technically be self resolving. happy to keep u longer. u can try to find the scum in ur wagon

i think soul and bigman's points taken into consideration could land us into a scum yoshi scenario but i think the chance is hard for that imo

Big Man

don't really have 4 outright scum reads but my POE falls in Rugrat, Evans, Soulkiller, Yoshi and Lethal right now. well I only put lethal in there on the chance he's the GF but I am going to assume he's not for now. a couple of town reads (PHEN0M and Dalton) are quite weak in comparison to the rest.
add Doddsy into my POE. must have missed his name when I looked at the players list.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
1. I don't really think the people voting for Yoshi are legit. First of all, if Yoshi flips scum (it is possible), then they're reading the game better than all of us and should have lead town to victory eons ago. This hasn't happened and Yoshi feels more like a safe place to vote instead of actual scum suspicions (even if you sussed Yoshi, we need other flips first).

2. Arp can be indie, sure. I'd peg him as a survivor over a sk, though.

3. I think Rugrat is just scum here. His slot is terrible, honestly.

4. RDK's dropping of a vote without a word is troubling. Rugrat did the same thing. But unvoted. Then voted again. Then unvoted again. None of those moves were ever accompanied with another word.

5. I think that's a very fair point. Phenom is a troubled slot for sure. He could be wolf. I'm playing around in my head right now how big the wolf team might be and who might be a team.

6. I want to flip RDK because I think him being wolf leads to so many possibilities. I really do think he's the key here. I can see there being worlds of RDK-Rugrat, RDK-Lethal, RDK-Yoshi, with more mixed in. So there's a lot of shit in my worldview right now that leads back to RDK.

7. I really do think Yoshi is town here. As a newbie scum, letting Yoshi say or do whatever is way too dangerous. He's also said some things that I would hope scum team would reel in, otherwise Yoshi is a liability to them. However, there have also been comments that have legit made me pause and think twice about his town read. The easiest explanations for Yoshi's slot this game is that he's just newbie lost town.

8. I don't have a problem admitting when I'm wrong. I was in a DEEP tunnel on CP, so it took me D3 to kind of get myself out of it. I didn't forget about Big Man, I guess that I didn't talk about him because he didn't vote D2 (I only talked about D2 voters because I was looking at wagons). While rereading the end of D2 and start of D3, there were posts from Big Man that I did not mind. He did not stick out too me as much as RDK and Rugrat. If the wolf team is a five-person unit, he could be the last wolf on it. I really don't want to flip him this day at all.

9. Yeah, just didn't like his D2 play at all and don't remember him whatsoever from D3. I CAN see him being as town, I do. But he's been in the background hard this game and I haven't liked his takes at all. I think he sits a similar portfolio as Phenom and Big Man where they've kind of been around, but not a lot, and when they have, they're isn't much nuance or fire in their posts. I want to say they're all probably just town, but they've played too quietly and that borders on sneaky.
i can work with that sounds good!