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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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It seems the points of interest so far have been the discussion between ultra and tweet(it was an ok discussion, I do not think one seemed better than the other, both were calm and resolved the dispute ) and the discussion based on mechanical stuff started by reem,



i would like to first establish that i will be using 1% of my full power for every 10 pages

i would also like to establish that i will not be the driving force this game, but the finisher

a wise man once told me, talk, and you help the others read you... listen, and you help yourself read the others

for this game i shalt listen more than i talk

okay i am caught up but i will be lurking, i will make appearances every 5-10 pages or so

im already accidentally top 4 even without trying

let me be the inactive this game. its gna be a bit harder to read me but i honestly dont give a fk

i'll force myself to be inside the PoE that way i can finally take shit in my own hands and solve the PoE while being inside of it. solving this shit from outside is miserable

This feels very forced especially when it's repeated within his first 20 posts in the game and I'll reiterate a previous post - if someone needs to tell you that they don't care, they normally do.

where did u get the impression that i have him "confidently" as town?

ur flavor shud check out and make sense for miller. im surprised magic is the only one to agree and ask for ur character as well

all i got from the others is that u r unlikely to fake claim miller as scum and gram is unlikely to give a scum a miller fake claim but both of those r things that can be changed this game

usually tho a miller role needs to make sense based on flavor. otherwise the role is designed to fail and when a player claims miller that doesnt make sense based on flavor they will get sused hard for it


on another note its past 10 pages, so im at 1% full power now

i dont want to change votes much because it increases post count. i like imposter direction so far and wud like if every1 game comments on it


tweet and ultra prolly town for driving a dead thread when they dont rly have to i guess

these early town reads



i don't see it as useless no, if anything helped me read RAEM as town

thats a start

its easy content to just shut down a player discussing flavor without proposing an alternative

lean scum on imposter

Also, Ekko - forgot to mention this post too. If you're reading him town, it means you have confidence in that read. You have a scum lean on Imposter which means it's not as confident lol

vote Ekko


Meta is by far not the only thing you can read someone on.

You opened the game with a reaction test on me and my reaction or lack thereof is something you can interpret any way you want. You can read either thing I do either way, for example you could say that me not reacting means I'm scared to interact with you, or you could say that it means I don't care about your approval. With that in mind I'm very interested in what you're gonna take away from this dialogue.

how do you think ultra's entrances compares in this game compared to last?

im unfamiliar with his town game, but he seems more open to actually finding town(well at least so far with flower) and divulging that info opposed to withholding it like he did last game even when asked.


There's a lot of elder dragons he can choose from in World and it's expansion pack so can't really speculate on what scum will be.
Easy to speculate on town roles though.

I was expecting this to be either hunters town vs monsters

or monsters vs hunters

Did not expect uh King kong vs Godzilla.

any game related thoughts other magic!


i don't see it as useless no, if anything helped me read RAEM as town

thats a start

its easy content to just shut down a player discussing flavor without proposing an alternative

lean scum on imposter

do you think flavour spec discussion is a worthless discussion? he's generating discussion but none of it goes towards helping solve the game.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Means that it is not necessary to have a miller in this setup, usually in the 20-player setups that I have played, I have not seen millers often, but I trust the miller claim we got
I like this post.
Can you give your thoughts once you caught up pls?


He got punished for that, you would think if he rolled scum again he would reel that type of behavior back.

Can't assume he will repeat the same behavior if it resulted in a negative for him.

people aren't really quick to change the faults in their scum game. if they were meta would be far less useful than it is. even being aware of the fault doesn't mean change can be expected.

in a broader sense, why is it the thing you find most worthwhile after flavour speculation is going after ekko's town read on another player in attempts to make it null?


how is this different than if I never claimed miller

i dont think anything outside of the fact you claimed miller and early on has any affect how believable your claim is to people. unless they know you, in which they know you wouldn't fake miller as scum.

Hans Tweetenberg

how do you think ultra's entrances compares in this game compared to last?

im unfamiliar with his town game, but he seems more open to actually finding town(well at least so far with flower) and divulging that info opposed to withholding it like he did last game even when asked.
I ditched the previous game about two days in so I can't tell what Ultras scum game is like from that one


You said I didn't present any alternative. That's not true.

There's inherently more value to a vote/questioning than character/flavour spec but honestly we're going round in circles at this point and this in itself isn't productive. I don't really understand your stuff on the miller. It's not more believable due to anything to do with flavour but just because it has been claimed super early which is what usually happens

Melkor irked me initially because I'd just read the OP and he immediately soft hinted at flavour which is w/e. Followed up with fluff to Magic, the NAI comment re your entry into the thread which is a strange meta read to me unless you're known for stating that you're switching up your play or something. His vote on Flower seemed lazy too but it's early and maybe he was trolling

See above. Ekko was the one who mentioned 'alternative'. He insinuated I shut down flavour spec for the sake of doing nothing else basically. I was just pointing to my earlier vote.

i like this in regards to melkor!

vote lord melkor

whose with me?!
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