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Monster Hunter World Mafia - Game Thread

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like trying to get the last snarky comment in against me wouldnt be as important as getting someone that you're 11/10 sure is scum lynched, surely


in fact, you seemed way more interested in engaging with me on imposter rather than hime lol


yes, and you didnt try to change my mind!

surely me letting you know i didnt read a single one of her posts should have presented an opportunity to engage but instead you just wrote it off as petty and did fuck all

the play aint matching the drapes

I'm good, I have the endorsement of the more experienced and erudite player @Xadlin


I recall playing one game with Grammaton as host, which was GOT on WG. There was a miller role there (Jaime Lannister).
Yep, he has included millers before despite not being a big fan of the role. Because sometimes you've gotta include necessary evils
Yet he has categorically stated multiple times in the past that the host giving a fake miller claim to scum is TRASH TIER hosting and something he would never do

Knowing that Tweet is intimately familiar with Gram games, and yet used this to try and discredit CP being town cleared, does that set off any red flags for you?


You made a big ado about how he's on meta earlier and just kind of casually dropped that vote on the wagon. So to be clear, this is just for the sake of cooperation, you don't have any read on him whatsoever?
Yes and I said I couldn't discern his play in this game to any others, not necessarily from any Town/scum meta. I don't have a read on him


I think it‘s pointless to speculate about things like that since the host posted in the rules setup spec won‘t help much. CP doesn‘t strike me as the kind of player who would fake Miller anyhow, unless it‘s the fake provided to him. He was very unhappy about having a Cop fake claim in Ultra‘s game as well. So yeah, I think the guy is just Town.

There‘s a certain tell Nat has. I think I spotted that Town tell.

It‘s just gut atm. Though I do like your suggestion Kekko could have already said what he said in the sign ups.
Ok, so why make this post and yet not comment on what this says about tweet?

Hans Tweetenberg

Caught up.

I am liking Ultra, Magic, Natalija right now the most.

Hime looks a bit better with her recent posts, not sure if her scum self would be bold enough to vote Ultra at this stage.

I would be fine with Sworder, Lethal or T-Pein lynch right now.

Though there is not much resistance to T-Pein lynch?

Change Vote Lynch Sworder
Wdym not much resistance? Imo the wagon is stalling about as much as a wagon can that is on someone who's making zero arguments to keep himself around.


...why are you pretending I can get your vote right now?
if you presented a good case on hime then you could absolutely get my vote. do you think im gonna play against my win condition or something and not follow a good wagon out of spite?

the only evidence i have on the wagon atm is you are leading it and not putting a whole lot of effort into getting it over the line, and xadlin adding the slimiest vote of all time



Nat: I think I discovered her Town tell again, so lean Town.
Magic: I liked his approach towards Ekko and also him questioning the positive reads on him. Feel like it would be much easier for him to just accept Town reads on him as scum and not questioning them.
Lultra: Probably Town as well, though I‘m still wary of him because of Traitors. But what makes me view him more favorably is him reading me Town. Scum Ultra could just get away with tunneling me and vote on an easy wagon, but instead he threw a Town read at me and moved on. Town Ultra also knows me well and can read me, so yeah. Town lean.
CP: Doubt he’d fake claim Miller, so the guy is Town.

Kekko: No idea why people read him either way. Everything he did so far is NAI for him.
Melkor: Didn‘t get very scummy vibes from this slot so far, but I would like to know why he implied activity is AI for Kekko. Guy was top poster in Weebs as scum and other games as well. That‘s no reason to read or lean him Town tbh.
this kinda sucks all round tbf


You've made it about as clear as possible you aren't going there, haven't read into Hime (her ISO is about 17 posts, this takes maybe a minute or two), don't trust me, and yet you're posturing about how I am not trying hard enough to convince you which suggests that you're open to being convinced but insist on saying the complete opposite anyway



Nat: I think I discovered her Town tell again, so lean Town.
Magic: I liked his approach towards Ekko and also him questioning the positive reads on him. Feel like it would be much easier for him to just accept Town reads on him as scum and not questioning them.
Lultra: Probably Town as well, though I‘m still wary of him because of Traitors. But what makes me view him more favorably is him reading me Town. Scum Ultra could just get away with tunneling me and vote on an easy wagon, but instead he threw a Town read at me and moved on. Town Ultra also knows me well and can read me, so yeah. Town lean.
CP: Doubt he’d fake claim Miller, so the guy is Town.

Kekko: No idea why people read him either way. Everything he did so far is NAI for him.
Melkor: Didn‘t get very scummy vibes from this slot so far, but I would like to know why he implied activity is AI for Kekko. Guy was top poster in Weebs as scum and other games as well. That‘s no reason to read or lean him Town tbh.

We don't interact much huh Flower. What did you make of Melkor's vote on you early doors?

If you had to vote someone who would it be? Actually why don't you just show me, votes are a good thing

What‘s there to interact with, though? Nobody is here.

Vote Lynch Melkor.


You've made it about as clear as possible you aren't going there, haven't read into Hime (her ISO is about 17 posts, this takes maybe a minute or two), don't trust me, and yet you're posturing about how I am not trying hard enough to convince you which suggests that you're open to being convinced but insist on saying the complete opposite anyway
:bosque1:yeah you dont believe in this read even close to 11/10, thats what i was trying to find out

Hans Tweetenberg

I'm not sure what you mean not showing him teeth. The dude did the equivalent of pulling down his pants when I put up my fists, which is to say I was a bit jarred by the fact that he wasn't taking up any form of discussion whatsoever, and told him as much.

I'm accusing you of reading me in bad faith, thought that was pretty clear.
I was telling you in my own way that I wasn't interested in having a song and dance about a reaction test vote but that I would very much keep an eye on how you'd interpret whatever it was I'd give you. I then cut that whole thing short when it was clear neither of us was getting what we wanted.


Gonna move you out of my scum leans I think, I feel like last game you put a fair amount of emphasis on who you could get to vote with you and here I was basically begging you to take my vote and you remained uninterested. I think that more than likely falls under town stubbornness than trying to push a mislynch

only a soft lean though :mjpls
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