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Fate/Mafia - Game Thread

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Also @Grammaton, saying I'm "declining" doesn't necessarily but somewhat implies you are starting from a positive or neutral read on me before the discussion began. Would you say that's true? Because you were questioning me at different junctions before this discussion and I thought you were harboring some suspicion of me anyway


Also @Grammaton, saying I'm "declining" doesn't necessarily but somewhat implies you are starting from a positive or neutral read on me before the discussion began. Would you say that's true? Because you were questioning me at different junctions before this discussion and I thought you were harboring some suspicion of me anyway

Yeah it’s true, as I said we’ve come to largely similar conclusions and noticed similar things, which usually bodes well

As I’ve said, it’s not your takes that are pinging me, it’s your method allied to me potentially being wrong


I mean at the start of the game, my baseline is to be suspicious of everyone, I don’t do towncores or any of that coward shit


When you say scale tipping, what do you mean?

I thought I was pretty clear, I don’t think Evans has any smoking gun on you, it’s more the method you chose to employ to rebut him which might betray your agenda - that is to undermine detractors at source

The thing is I really only did this, as Soulkiller observed, well after taking the direct approach. You're framing this as if this was my immediate recourse. Without putting stock into anything he's saying or how I've failed to address it, I think this comes across as underwhelming, namely because how I choose to address him after you have admitted he had nothing important to say shouldn't be anything more than NAI


The thing is I really only did this, as Soulkiller observed, well after taking the direct approach. You're framing this as if this was my immediate recourse. Without putting stock into anything he's saying or how I've failed to address it, I think this comes across as underwhelming, namely because how I choose to address him after you have admitted he had nothing important to say shouldn't be anything more than NAI

Well no cause if you simply say ‘your argument has no merit’, that invites the person making it to come back with a better one or consider themselves dismissed

If on the other hand you say ‘you are a total moron’, then the implication is that nothing (past present or future) they say has any merit. That’s specifically the point I’m making


Well no cause if you simply say ‘your argument has no merit’, that invites the person making it to come back with a better one or consider themselves dismissed

If on the other hand you say ‘you are a total moron’, then the implication is that nothing (past present or future) they say has any merit. That’s specifically the point I’m making

I think he can choose to not be dumb for what it's worth.


Divine Departure



Divine Departure
That's an odd read on me because some of the players from WG like it when I make this type of opening.
What opening, good evening? Who liked that lol?

Anyways, I'm really good at reading Soulkiller. I've spectated his scum games and I correctly read him as scum and the games I played with him as town I town read him correctly. I feel like I should be able to figure out what his alignment is at least close to end of day 1.
Will be looking forward to the verdict :blobtimistic


When he inevitably comes in with references to not being slick, always being wrong etc, you’ll know you have him
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