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Game Ranked My Hero Academia Mafia Thread

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You think he read Gram scum on purpose to be spicy?

"Lurk and get town read with this ONE Simple Trick"
I like that it's less safe but on the other hand it's not like he was particularly invested in the read

The fact he's read everything, produced a reads list and then not concluded with a direction is my biggest concern


phenom doing nothing at all too
and lawls who said they would catch up once they r done with work but that was yesterday

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
@Bachi it's the progression of his approach toward flower
Flower's read on Melkor is horrific she asked him to GTH and then when he said town she scum read him for not being paranoid enough :heston
All teeth, some bark

He, tmk, is capable of antagonizing as scum just fine but he tends to be conservative with who he chooses to antagonize and how
if you ask someone for a gun to head read then you have to know there's going to be some frailty to it, it's implied that it's not going to be a strong read but you want it anyway scum reading him for doing something you asked with this implication because he's not paranoid enough is mental
Haza when town tends to deconstruct arguments in a way that still leaves the opposed a way to persuade him if he's incorrect which gradually comes true with the below:
you're taking his GTH that you're town as him town reading you and using it to push him over lack of paranoia, it's scummy as fuck
I'm not shading you? I'm voting you for what I think is an egregiously predatory sequence (which by the way, you've now backtracked by changing your reason for scum reading Melkor entirely)
so you should be fine with claiming if I unvote you then? unvote
Willingness to unvote implies earnest solving to me here when he could've simply pushed a read as much as possible (this honestly probably makes me easy to pocket being real tho, since it's a trait I view as inherently townie)
right then I have no problem keeping you in claim territory if you get executed then play better next time vote lynch: Flower
unvote still think that's scum btw, worth letting others weigh in though
Giving opportunity for other reads and likely some self-awareness where he realizes he's tunneling Flower I think he values objectivity and can be pretty diligent when it comes to identifying his own tunnels, he seems to give some care to this
this isn't accurate really but your conclusion is fine firstly flower had already said that the role was scummy and selfish before the post you quoted and before Reloaded had made his town read on her, so the reasoning for the read isn't necessarily bad. The problem is the fact that he says that it WASNT fine actually and basically withdraws the whole reason he had for town reading her
basically I think Haza is doing his typical Flowerhunting thing he does and eventually gets it out of his system

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Someone very rude distracted me when I was writing this to check on something for them and I lost my train of thought more than five times
and then forgot what I was checking on
Then went back to what I was doing to forget what I was doing within seconds
Then finally finished my response to nacho

This was quite a journey for me someone pls say they're proud of me

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Someone very rude distracted me when I was writing this to check on something for them and I lost my train of thought more than five times
and then forgot what I was checking on
Then went back to what I was doing to forget what I was doing within seconds
Then finally finished my response to nacho

This was quite a journey for me someone pls say they're proud of me
I'm very proud of you!


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I don't have any team mates, but why are you so certain we would be aligned?
Cuz he said he's fine with you being a wagon and he hasn't really interacted with you kek. Same shit as Nibel saying he wants to lynch me previous game, but he never actually pushed.
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