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  1. Edward Nygma

    Composite Artoria (Fate) vs Composite Red Ranger (Power Rangers, TV)

    You are more than welcome to discuss that scenario in this thread. I'd just point out that: 1. Even including every Artoria, they'll be outnumbered nearly 2:1. As I have it now, it's about 5:1. 2. Both of these characters are avatars drawing power from a singular source. I'm pretty sure the Morphin' Grid and Counter Force could manifest these fighters in canon. Hell, Caster Artoria could almost certainly turn herself into this character by altering her Saint Graph directly. Lesser Casters, like Cu, can easily amp their physical stats to compete with martial classes. Artoria was able to outright change her class to Berserker while maintaining all of her casting skills. The class even came with A-Rank Madness Enhancement, and Artoria only suffers mild impulse control issues as the debuff to her sanity.
  2. Edward Nygma

    Composite Artoria (Fate) vs Composite Red Ranger (Power Rangers, TV)

    The highest numbers that I, as deeply uninformed as I am, have heard for any given ranger or zord is large planet level. But arguments for this level can be made as far back as MMPR. I'm pretty sure base rangers tank hits from potentially planet level zords. With standard power creep and the addition of Battlizers during Space Rangers, I'm sure a composite ranger is well above that 30 year old large planet level cap. After reading the opening paragraph on the Ranger wiki, I'm gonna go with no. "The Morphin Masters, also known as The Masters, were ancient beings that lived in the Morphin Grid and protected it from various threats. Some of them were instrumental in creating the very power sources various Ranger teams use through all of time and space" This dude sounds like he could threaten structures like the Moon Cell, let alone a high-tier Heroic Spirit.
  3. Edward Nygma

    Composite Artoria (Fate) vs Composite Red Ranger (Power Rangers, TV)

    Honeslty, I don't know how you get that from Google Translate, even. Getting hit with the Japanzing beam usually just adds enough vowles to maket he work legible in Katakana A ru to ri a ア ル ト リ ア Or you just drop the extra consonant A to ri a アトリア Oh. Yep. There it is. Localize that and you clearly end up with Artoria. Nasu was having a bit of brain fart when he put his foot down on it being read Altira. Maybe he thought the L made it sound more Western. :hm
  4. Edward Nygma

    Composite Artoria (Fate) vs Composite Red Ranger (Power Rangers, TV)

    Breh. I was sure I used the spelling that FGO gave OG Saber. I probably confused myself with Altria Caster or something. RIP :catcry
  5. Edward Nygma

    Composite Artoria (Fate) vs Composite Red Ranger (Power Rangers, TV)

    All rangers allowed, Artoria is restricted to those depicted.
  6. Edward Nygma

    OBD Convo #48: WAGA TAMASHII

    Yo. Anybody know what's up with the wiki?
  7. Edward Nygma

    Billy (Undead Unluck) vs Stars and Stripes (MHA)

    Oh, Andy has been pretty clearly sub-rel to relativistic since the Gina fight. Andy was willing to bank on the space ship having a light-based attack that could hurt Gina based on the attacks he had dodged earlier. So, it's pretty clear he was dodging lasers. Does SaS not get sub-rel from reacting to radio waves, or is that still contested?
  8. Edward Nygma

    Billy (Undead Unluck) vs Stars and Stripes (MHA)

    New Order could be used to create a seal. Unchange beat Andy with solidified air, a trick SaS can do too. Undead's regen can also be negated. We know this from his interaction with Unrepair. She'd need his name, but "your body will not mend", should be enough to turn off his regen. Billy would need to put the work in to get SaS to view killing him as moral good (Justice) so that Unjustice could flip that goal into self termination. This might actually be super easy. Billy already has to be an S-Class dbag in order to steal powers. He knows how to roast his enemies just right (like he did Ruin), and the cap/mask combo make SaS an easy read. Lightspeed required that Unstoppable loop the planet. Billy also doesn't have Unbreakable's armor, so he's going to need to regen, like, his whole body after any LS attack. Unmove + Unchange is probably the GOAT combo here. Unmove can be pretty trash without good synergy, and Unchang is perfect synergy. Or... maybe not. When Billy first...
  9. Edward Nygma

    Billy (Undead Unluck) vs Stars and Stripes (MHA)

    Unbalance, Unchange, Undead, Undefinition, Unjustice, Unmove, Unstoppable
  10. Edward Nygma

    Loki Who Remains (MCU) vs DCEU, Arrowverse, and Foxverse

    I think Arrowverse retconned their CoIE from being the birth of 2 or 3 new universes to the birth of infinite new universes. So, Spectre Olly and the Monitors might be too much for Loki. Other than that, he clears. Honestly, peak Ezra Flash is probably a legitimate threat. The side effects of his tampering were causing whole universes to crash into each other, and he wasn't even trying. He probably couldn't take the win as he is now, though.
  11. Edward Nygma

    Hysterically bad moments from media(comics/manga, anime, live-action, TV shows, movies, etc.) where the author/writer clearly didn't have a clue.

    CW DC: > Mach 50 isn't a real thing > David killed Goliath with a slingshot (not a sling)
  12. Edward Nygma

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Well, I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. At least I know people are spreading the talking points. That's nice.
  13. Edward Nygma

    OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

  14. Edward Nygma

    Kenshi (MK, Nether Realm) vs Alucard (Castlevania, Netflix)

    Yeah, he basally has to scale. One of Isaac's monsters meat-shields that blast. It doesn't survive, but Isaac is unharmed. There's no way those things can do anything Alucard can't. If you watch a slightly longer clip, you see that the weakest part of the shockwave still has enough energy to disturb snow on the ground significant distance from the castle. Some janky ang-sizing puts it at just over 0.1 miles out. Assuming 1psi over pressure (broken windows), that gives us a yield of 26 tons.
  15. Edward Nygma

    Kenshi (MK, Nether Realm) vs Alucard (Castlevania, Netflix)

    Stats: Mortal Kombat vs Castlevania Alucard, with help, also contended directly with Dracula's magic, and tanked the resulting explosion. Peak Dracula's TK is easily town level, and even in a weakened state he can create magma balls powerful enough to melt through tons of stone.
  16. Edward Nygma

    OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

    Hmm. Yes. A well reasoned critique of souless corpo scum. But have you considered that Kenshi is a motherfucking STAND USER now? And that, by the universal law of JoJo references, your argument is entirely invalid? :dankpepe
  17. Edward Nygma

    OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

  18. Edward Nygma

    Wizard King Funnybunny vs Kurama Mode Naruto

    Knew I should have just posted the bullet points instead of being a try-hard with all these GIFs. :catcry -- God Hands & a Flawless K/D--