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Game Death Note Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I don’t think you’re a bad player, I think you’re playing this game badly because you’re clearly making conclusions and working backwards from them
i think you r scum tbh, and u randomly joining this wagon for lols tells me all I need to know

The X

Good scum hunting in BPDs mind: this man said he was ok with being lynched but he’s still posting!!! Obviously he’s scum!!!
Why did you assume you were going to be the lynch after Lethal's town flip? Why did you say you were perfectly fine giving up your five year no mislynch streak? You said these things but obviously didn't believe them. So are you full of shit or are you scum?

The X

A low blow even for him, but I can't help but chuckle
I wasn't low blowing at all, literally surprised you'd use mental illness as an insult. We've known each other for a decade Ultra. Is that really what you want to resort to calling me here?

The X

He’s jealous because he had to work hard to obtain his mental illness and yours came naturally
Ah Poyser showing complete class here. When people joke about mental illness or use words like the r-word as regular vocabulary, it just reflect poorly on you.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Lmao there’s a 0% chance you’ve read evans’ posts.
Arguments are more compelling

evans has either Tiara and ultra or ME AND BIG MAN as aligned partners…

Fuck out of here Ekko, you’re full of shit
u scum read evans?

ive spent entire game scum reading him, but his posts with BLD has been making sense

like i said if BLD is scum, evans can be a teammate

but the points BLD and bigman brought on u r good and i agree with them

u clearly don't read my posts


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
oh so you do know what my reads are? I’m very sure you’ve been claiming otherwise?
how did u get to this from my post?

the wagon is infected with people I scum read. its pretty telling on its own

The X

You think your thread position is comfy in the thread. Claiming for zero reason literally just provides information to scum. You really thought you were in that much danger for reading Lethal wrong that you'd claim for no reason? Doesn't your community hold claims sacred? Weird to randomly toss out a vanilla claim because you were so scared you'd be mislynched. That isn't a town Poyser attitude at all.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i belive him not hammering is scummy

but his post on u is fair

I legit started the day voting him

reads do change poyser. and they do alot

The X

depends what the case is but before they charge for murder, they need to establish motive

a motive is necessary, I don’t really want a semantic argument with you cause it will just piss both of us off
Ah, if the cops watch someone stab someone do they still need motive to charge someone?? Come on.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
u definitely had more than one post poyser.

like i said for 5 times now

u wud need him to do something scummy first. like his 180 swap on tpein. u cant rly control.

which I happen to sympathize with your reaction to, because like I said I wud do the same to lethal


you are not me. that push of yours directly contradicts what you said day 1 about lethal switching reads

so you explain this to me

The X

It's funny because in my last couple of games I've been called a Nazi, a rapist, a racist, mentally ill, retarded, a monkey. None of those I find funny and people need to figure out how to be a bit more creative if they want to chirp.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
if everyone on my wagon is town then why isn't scum hammering it now?

my reads r completely fked if that's the case
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