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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Do you really think he'd be this gung-ho on your slot as scum? Doesn't seem very shrewd.
Going after an Indy is a pretty safe bet; nobody is gonna be too mad are they. Also don’t really think he believes he’s lynching me hence why he’s not even voting me lol. Just seems like easy tunnel material. I’m more concerned with the fact that there’s a clear agenda there lol. Ekko might be right tbf he might just be the guy that needs me dead


Leprous Monarch
Show me where I parroted you word for word.

Poyser voted for Tweet. I voted for Lethal. How am I doing the same thing with Poyser's vote?
When I called Aurelian vote on yoshi "low hanging fruit". You used the exact same phrase when I asked why you voted him as you gave no initial reasoning

Also I mean that lame attempt of making it seem like Poysers vote wasn't on Aurelian lolol


Talk me thru the theory that I fake claimed pro town indy after my teammate fake claimed indy and it wasn’t saving him tho. Should be riveting


Leprous Monarch
Going after an Indy is a pretty safe bet; nobody is gonna be too mad are they. Also don’t really think he believes he’s lynching me hence why he’s not even voting me lol. Just seems like easy tunnel material. I’m more concerned with the fact that there’s a clear agenda there lol. Ekko might be right tbf he might just be the guy that needs me dead
That's another thing. He doesn't seem to be acting with actual conviction. He put a vote down on me and then made no attempt to convince anyone to follow until much later when I started throwing shade at him lol.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I think the fact his push on me has been quite demonstrably insincere. He framed me saying Aurelian is “definitely” lying about his wincon as me saying “could be telling the truth, could be lying”. He is trying to paint like I tried to take wagon away from Aurelian whilst completely ignoring that it was me that took it back to him. It’s clear he hasn’t been reading my posts. And when I did bring up that I was on him, he said it’s irrelevant because I’d have bussed the shit out of him, completely contradicting his other point lmao. Quoting old vote counts to try and use it as a “gotcha” is the giveaway and then when it was pointed out that he’s just wrong he said it didn’t matter anyway where I ended up lmao

shocking stuff, and pretty clear he has an agenda rather than trying to solve me
abi is a good player so dont know why he wud pursue this half assed if hes scum. he also knows the caliber of the player he is approaching doesnt give him any breathing room if he goes in half assed.

i see he isnt solving u as scum. he is angeling ur posts to make it look as such and i feel like he possibly has a hidden motive that doesnt quiet align with town, but may also not align with mafia that leads him to want to yeet u

The X

Going after an Indy is a pretty safe bet; nobody is gonna be too mad are they. Also don’t really think he believes he’s lynching me hence why he’s not even voting me lol. Just seems like easy tunnel material. I’m more concerned with the fact that there’s a clear agenda there lol. Ekko might be right tbf he might just be the guy that needs me dead
Lethal and Craig are for sure mates in my eyes. I think you're helping them. I'm not 100 on you being wolf but I hate your D1 play. Those two are my first priorities, thus why I told you to sit and wait. Look at how you've reacted to me simply calling out your indie claim. I haven't thrown a vote or case you're way and you OMGUS voted me and say I need to go.

The X

When I called Aurelian vote on yoshi "low hanging fruit". You used the exact same phrase when I asked why you voted him as you gave no initial reasoning

Also I mean that lame attempt of making it seem like Poysers vote wasn't on Aurelian lolol
Okay but Yoshi is low hanging fruit and lots of players said that. Yoshi also kicked around my home forum years ago so I know him better than just about anyone here. He's an inexperienced Mafia player and is easy pickings.

Is that my fault, though? Look at the final VC from Gamma. I can only read the VC's that the host puts out. How is this parroting, though?