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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
That I tried to keep you from looking dumb and he flipped and now you look silly af.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
So if I am lynched in my sleep, which I fully expect, then please for the love of fuck can someone who is town be the hammer? I'm looking at people like Ratchet and Haza, not slime like lizard, evans, tweet or that opportunistic snake Pein
not foken haza lol

The X

Abi noticing he got the facts wrong but still not adjusting his opinion is... idk, could be agenda driven or could simply be too stubborn to readjust.
What facts? That Poyser did end up voting Fang? I've already stated that doesn't matter. The thing that MATTERS is that Poyser came out with an indie claim to 'help' town decide on Fang, but I thought that claim was pretty fence sitting and did not move things forward. Then Poyser tried to get momentum for a counter wagon, on you. It gained momentum from voters such as Craig, Lethal, Ultra, and RDK, taking votes away from Fang. I don't ultimately care that Fang was eventually lynched or who's vote was on him when he was lynched.


There's were two votes on Lethal when he started talking about hammering, so that's nonsense from Lethal. Also, don't really know how it's an incentive?
Because it could easily spout talk of “well we get use of the role if we lynch him even if he flips town”. He’s basically told us there’s minimal downside to lynching him lol

The X

BlAmE tHe HoSt like you've done regarding the vote counts. I can't copy the role PM now can I? I'm glad you aren't in a spot to hammer - continue embarrassing yourself, I'm gonna laugh when you feign a shocked reaction for my town flip

Alright that seals it. I'm no longer doing any read backs. Both times I've attempted to do so, I've just been shat on with various levels of shaded harshness. Legit cannot be bothered anymore
Look at this crying in the second paragraph. I literally did an iso on you and made a case against you. But apparently you can't even be bothered to take a peak and give some thoughts. You're upset that your effort is being unnoticed and you feel there is harshness coming at you. Look at how you didn't even put in effort to defend yourself and look at how you're taking cheap shots at me. You want to complain about this shit, do better yourself.


Fake the word of the day? Good old fashioned pile on huh

Oh well, I'm out. I'll enjoy watching the feigned reactions when i've been truthful all along.


What facts? That Poyser did end up voting Fang? I've already stated that doesn't matter. The thing that MATTERS is that Poyser came out with an indie claim to 'help' town decide on Fang, but I thought that claim was pretty fence sitting and did not move things forward. Then Poyser tried to get momentum for a counter wagon, on you. It gained momentum from voters such as Craig, Lethal, Ultra, and RDK, taking votes away from Fang. I don't ultimately care that Fang was eventually lynched or who's vote was on him when he was lynched.
You keep refusing to acknowledge that I’m the one that took the momentum back to fang tho lmao. Been pointed out numerous times by numerous people. You say you read it. Yet not one acknowledgement


Look at this crying in the second paragraph. I literally did an iso on you and made a case against you. But apparently you can't even be bothered to take a peak and give some thoughts. You're upset that your effort is being unnoticed and you feel there is harshness coming at you. Look at how you didn't even put in effort to defend yourself and look at how you're taking cheap shots at me. You want to complain about this shit, do better yourself.
Why bother when it'll be dismissed as fake, forced, dumb and shit?

I don't give a fuck. I crave to see you be so wrong because your arrogant confidence here is laughable.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
also looks like u r enjoying those reactions the most

i love being able to react to posts with party and clown and stuff lol

Hans Tweetenberg

Anyway I'm going to bed.

Hewg, The Lands Between Aligned! Benefactor. Queen Marika has given me a sacred task, which is to forge a weapon that can slay a God. The endeavour appears futile. I can create a weapon and armour. I must send the object to another player. I cannot create the object and send it on the same night. I crafted an item last night and will send it tonight. If I am killed whilst in possession of an object (which I currently am), then it passes to the player who kills me or hammers me.
Hmm alright this definitely seems worth confirming