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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Eh, I say that because I see many inexperienced players falling into the trap of getting caught up in the theme at the cost of actually playing the game. Wouldn’t really expect it of an experienced player tho
soul is much more experienced than i am lol

soul ultra ratchet abi all r


The Alpha and The Omega
Counter argument?
For? If about poyser being the sole reason to catch scum last DP then yes you are wrong. Fang looked very bad end of the DP and alot of players where into him. Pinning such accomplishment on one player sounds rather.... very naive. I did notice you sheeping the guy whenever chance you get.


Leprous Monarch
Yes, I know. You said you were amazed at how people were sussing the players responsible for pushing Fang. While, if you're referring to RDK being pushed, it's just Ekko doing that. So your comment about being amazed seems fake.
Nope I really don't see how anyone can be like "yes, we should be pushing poyser or RDK today" after the Mafia flip

The X

How is it a sideline comment when he directly addressed the player it was aimed at ???
Because he's jumping into YOUR argument with Soul. Why is Craig always tagging along with you? Have you noticed that? Followed you with the Tweet vote as well last phase.


The Nexus
what ur suspecting him for is NAI

I am suspecting him for outright refusing to hammer aurelian.
Then when it looked like a Tweet CFD was viable he said he was "down to vote aurelian"
Why would he be down to vote him then and not before?
Me thinks he said it just in case aurelian ever flipped scum later on.
So he could always say he supported lynching him



i came up with it from isoing ultra and aurelion in tandem. i isoed multiple players around aurelion and he did reply to ultra a good portion and ignored others

aside from that ultras posts this game have all been weak sauce lol. u can case him as scum for his posts that arent aurelion related mostly

How do you know they're weak if my suspects haven't flipped yet :dankpepe

Your observation about Fang and who he interacted with is coherent though, because scum struggling to tread water has limited resource investment in the thread, and he's going to spend those resources trying to persuade players who are potentially sympathetic to him.


The Nexus
u said u wud tunnel me if aurelion flips scum

why u letting me go


Bigger fish to fry.
Why you trying to interfere?
You like lethal too?


Because he's jumping into YOUR argument with Soul. Why is Craig always tagging along with you? Have you noticed that? Followed you with the Tweet vote as well last phase.
Following players instrumental in lynching mafia sounds like a good tactic to me!

also that’s literally the point of mafia. You engage with peoples posts you find noteworthy. Would be weird if it was just a series of 1 on 1 conversations. Seriously weird thing to be sussing someone for. Don’t get it at all

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
idk u tell me lol
what u think

ratchet sus?
i think he might be town and just being casual, but i won't throw the possibility away he's playing cautiously as scum

he's been largely townie in my eyes going by previous plays

do you think he's playing cautiously?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I usually agree, I honestly did not expect the most evil character in the game to out himself and I would be a fool to look at it and pass it by and not say anything knowing what I know about the flavor of that character.
im probably a townie golden order. what u gna do about it soul

The X

Just wanted to quickly share my thoughts/findings before I catch up.

First, on Fang:

So it looks like Fang claimed indie out of sheer necessity. That's the only reasonable explanation I can think of I had assumed there's no reason for mafia to do so, but if he has no (free) fake claims available, he either faces the risk of getting counterclaimed in a sea of townies vs claiming an indie which probably exists but won't step up to risk correcting him.

Or at least that *would* be the risk calculus, if it weren't for the presence of Generic Townies. My best guess is that he wasn't aware those actually existed before he bluffed a power role early on, and then he ended up putting himself into a corner.

In short I think I misread him because of a misplaced assumption, and because I gave him too much credit. Interesting stuff.


Next, Lethal.

So I was ISO'ing Lethal in the night and I think he strikes me as a really likely partner candidate for Fang

Here are quotes from his ISO either mentioning Fang, or context surrounding him. It's a bit scarce, but:

Notice that these two mentions aren't real reads or leans, they're just observations without implicating him. Instead of explaining why he suspects Fang, he just explains why he suspects Ekko by association. If youlook at the rest of his posts he does due diligence for why he suspects players like Ekko/Tweet/Me but there's 0 depth here. And that's suspicious because a partner of Fang is less likely to have genuine progression, and more likely to feel the obligation to read him as scum but treat it as an afterthought and place the focus on players they can develop as suspects.

Now on to the juicier stuff:

A similar pattern emerges here, where Fang gets maybe barely implicated, but Lethal does not miss the opportunity to tie it to another player. Tied with a bow by a complete nonsense conclusion about a Fang/Yoshi/Ultra scum team.

Now the reason why this is a major red flag is because *Fang has already claimed Ind and Lethal is well aware of this*. So I think this is a big TMI slip. There's no reason for Lethal to be thinking in the dimensions of partnerships with Fang not only claiming, but by his own admission, he believed him!:

Finally, votes are a good indication of where his skin-in-the-game lies, and his pattern at EoD was to Vote Ekko, then hop on the Tweet wagon when it appeared, and then only lynched Fang at the last possible second:

^ Cherry on top is that if you look at the vote counter, he's not even the one who hammered.

Others have brought up how his behavior is suspicious in general, lots of activity excuses “I’m catching up (despite coming across as well informed)”, etc. But I think this in particular is pretty damining

[Vote lynch Lethal]

I also think his flip will offer some indirect info about Tweet which is good.
I posted a iso and case on Lethal earlier as well and agree with everything you say. Great catch on Lethal still trying to build teams with Fang despite Fang claiming indie. Didn't get that one myself.
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The X

I think the level of aggression in these posts between you two are escalating, and it is poisoning the discourse. I don't town read Lethal, but I don't think them swearing at you means they're scum or cowardly.
No, Lethal is straight up wolf here dodging my case. You know I don't give a shit about swears or chirps.