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Game Elden Ring Mafia

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
I'll play along though! I feel I can put together something a bit more comprehensive now I'm caught up.

1. Lethal - still mostly null, but I'm sliding into scum territory. Waiting for him to properly contribute like he promised earlier but he keeps disappearing.
2. Aurelian - claimed pro-town Indie - I don't buy his win condition and think he's lying about the full extent of his abilities. Down to lynch.
6. Ekko - Not a huge fan of how he was countering Lethal about my points then saying he's town. The post he made about "baiting Aurelian in" was odd, but with the indie claim it becomes less relevant than trying to look good if Aurelian flipped scum. On the other hand, Ekko could be scum and that's why he was trying to derail the Aurelian wagon to claim townie points.
7. Ratchet - I liked Ratchets discussion against me early game and he's seemed pretty consistent throughout the game. Soft lean.
8. RDK - Pretty confident in thinking Haza's town. Don't think he goes hard on Aurelian like that early if he's scum. He's felt like he's naturally scum hunting and take up a town leadership role.
9. TPein - I think the switch on Ekko looks good for him, wary of his early claim but I haven't hated his posts thus far.
10. Poyser - didn't have a read on him as he's a good player and someone I've always found difficult to read early on. Claimed pro-town indie too. Aurelian's flip and his full claim will provide further insight.
11. CraigPelton - Another hard read for me usually. But I glanced through bits of Xmas mafia and he was a lot more trolly there! He seems to be actually contributing this game, so a soft town lean from me on the Dean

These are players I have actual leans/reads for. Everyone else is null pretty much
Here's one from Evans


Leprous Monarch
Yes, but I've not seen you this engaged in a game in a very long time, and I'm pretty sure I've only seen you as town in the last year or so

Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that you're as active as you are! But also makes me wonder if it's because you finally got to play a bad guy
Reminds me of when Evans tried to lynch me for posting on page 1 lol


Leprous Monarch
You actually read the game twice and still say poyser is the sole reason mafia got lynched? lol.

My activity is not up to par sure but that's for real life reasons and I expect it to even decrease further this weekend since I will be out of town. But that's precisely why I will say whatever information I have flavor or not. Imagine letting the dung eater roam free.
Counter argument?

The X

like scum lethal doesnt give scum reads. he just gives town reads, buddy with those, and just play off of their scum reads
Wow Lethal following the Tweet wagon after Poyser and Craig voted Tweet is definitely not playing off of other people.


Just wanted to quickly share my thoughts/findings before I catch up.

First, on Fang:

So it looks like Fang claimed indie out of sheer necessity. That's the only reasonable explanation I can think of I had assumed there's no reason for mafia to do so, but if he has no (free) fake claims available, he either faces the risk of getting counterclaimed in a sea of townies vs claiming an indie which probably exists but won't step up to risk correcting him.

Or at least that *would* be the risk calculus, if it weren't for the presence of Generic Townies. My best guess is that he wasn't aware those actually existed before he bluffed a power role early on, and then he ended up putting himself into a corner.

In short I think I misread him because of a misplaced assumption, and because I gave him too much credit. Interesting stuff.


Next, Lethal.

So I was ISO'ing Lethal in the night and I think he strikes me as a really likely partner candidate for Fang

Here are quotes from his ISO either mentioning Fang, or context surrounding him. It's a bit scarce, but:

Wow, so much content since I was last on.

I had a skim on the train to and from the cricket today, obvs gonna do a better rehash with direct points etc later, but I did note that the Aurelian vs Ratchet thing was kinda uncomfortable to see (they have legit heat??) and very distracting.

Aurelian has claimed an indy-ish role, and this alone prevents me from thinking Ekko is scum protecting a team mate. I've not really liked what I've seen from him.

I will give soft lean of town for CP who is actually playing this time, although I say this with 2% confidence cos I always struggle to read him with confidence.

Gonna finish my re-read whilst comfy at the PC and get some more reads/leans out

Yoshi's entrance stunk, for one. I've gotten past Aurelian's "sorry i'm late" and then being overly defensive reaction to copping minor heat for it

Notice that these two mentions aren't real reads or leans, they're just observations without implicating him. Instead of explaining why he suspects Fang, he just explains why he suspects Ekko by association. If youlook at the rest of his posts he does due diligence for why he suspects players like Ekko/Tweet/Me but there's 0 depth here. And that's suspicious because a partner of Fang is less likely to have genuine progression, and more likely to feel the obligation to read him as scum but treat it as an afterthought and place the focus on players they can develop as suspects.

Now on to the juicier stuff:

- Yoshi's entrance wasn't that decent in the sense that being ~190 posts into the game, he says he misses Ratchet on discord and then specs on private convos happening. Suggests Haza is tunneling Aurelian off of 2 posts? This from the guy who has played ~2 games in total? Oddly defensive of someone with very specific wording. Lots of fluff posting. Oh the new to mafia comes once Poyser huh's him at the tunnel comment. Interesting. Hadn't bothered looking at posts before Pein tagged him in. Idk, I just don't really think it's positive play to ignore a portion of posts because you hadn't arrived to the thread yet.

- Haza picks at Aurelian's entry post. Aur hits back with a fluffy explanation of his observations. Interesting that the post is liked by Retrolize, as there's nothing I'd say is likeable about it - Post 195

- Haza, Ratchet with a lot of questions early on which I like. Shows they're at least somewhat interested in game solving. Haza with a weak tell of Pein? Impressed. I'll never get that guy.

- Ultra nitpicking at Evans for 'making empty observations without drawing any sort of conclusion with them' is a moot issue cos he was forming a conclusion given Poyser's soft town lean on me. Interesting statement to be made from all of that discussion (as I've said here tonight).

I was liking this but then you've gone the tunnel comment as well. Haza made 2 posts regarding your entry post.

- Yoshi claims second game, but then Ultra provides context that Yoshi gives benefit to his friends in these games...based off a sample pool of one game. No idea why Yoshi has to say he knows Ral on a personal level either.

I can see the formations of a Aurelian/Ultra/Yoshi alignment here

A similar pattern emerges here, where Fang gets maybe barely implicated, but Lethal does not miss the opportunity to tie it to another player. Tied with a bow by a complete nonsense conclusion about a Fang/Yoshi/Ultra scum team.

Now the reason why this is a major red flag is because *Fang has already claimed Ind and Lethal is well aware of this*. So I think this is a big TMI slip. There's no reason for Lethal to be thinking in the dimensions of partnerships with Fang not only claiming, but by his own admission, he believed him!:


Town - Ratchet, CP, Dalton, Alco, Haza

Fence - Evans (I need to unselfishly view this slot in fairness)

Scum - Ultra, Yoshi, Ekko, Retro, Tweet

Blocked - Pein

Everyone else is null atm

Would've had Poyser on town until his claim and Aurelian on scum until his claim.

Ultra/Yoshi I'm sensing a team dynamic, Ekko is gut feel based on Xmas mafia, Retro a hunch and Tweet cos he's not engaging Poyser.

Town leans are a mix of soft to strong, Haza being the strongest (if not a straight out read). CP seems more involved and actually hunting. Dalton gut feel. Alco gut feel. Ratchet doesn't seem any different to how I remember him on WG.

Finally, votes are a good indication of where his skin-in-the-game lies, and his pattern at EoD was to Vote Ekko, then hop on the Tweet wagon when it appeared, and then only lynched Fang at the last possible second:


Vote: Ekko


why vote ekko and not tweet despite completely backing my case against tweet and even doing your own work to enhance it

@Lethal you're voting Ekko, who really wants to keep Aurelian around who's at -1. Be a gem.

He's afk and Ekko is live

Will the right outcome prevail?

If the right outcome is Aurelian flipping, yes


~6 hours, could press for a claim? Wishful thinking? Both are in my pool.

lmao now you're piggy backing the coward approach from last game too? Do you even have any original thoughts? Come the fuck on you can't believe this dribble.

I'm more than happy to hammer Aurelian, but do we pursue Ekko who is spinning himself wild here?

No sold my reads to. Where are his?

I'm happy with Ekko, Tweet or Aurelian tbf.

Ok. I'll be keeping him in my sights for tomorrow though.


Vote: Tweet

Why is reading skill suddenly pertinent to the conversation? Both Aurelian and CP using it as a deflective tactic?


Vote: Aurelian

^ Cherry on top is that if you look at the vote counter, he's not even the one who hammered.

Others have brought up how his behavior is suspicious in general, lots of activity excuses “I’m catching up (despite coming across as well informed)”, etc. But I think this in particular is pretty damining

[Vote lynch Lethal]

I also think his flip will offer some indirect info about Tweet which is good.

Hans Tweetenberg

uh, no. you're inferring things. the better way would directly address this to me and ask what i meant.

my comment about ekko - which was a tease itself - it's irrelevant to what i view his alignment as.

it just means ekko might be both depending on why he is cheeky. is he cheeky because he wants to lure scum in with his tsukyomi, or is he cheeky because he wants to throw more gasoline in the fire?

i have absolutely considered him being scum, especially considering how he's treated indies this game and how indies have treated him. the indie position he's holding might be a scumtell.

but his constant drilling of others and his immediate jump to detracting his light town read of me is a towntell, and most of his presence i can't sense any particular agenda coming off him. yet.

he's definitely 50/50, as is black peggy.

as the game proceeds, these observations are subject to change.

what strikes you as scum tells for ekko, and what might be his town tells in your eyes?
actually, this goes for anyone's reads
Hmm okay yeah I coulda just asked you but chose not to this time

Ekko is currently my top scum read, mainly because his suspicion against RDK look completely fabricated to me

The X

How is it a "sideline" comment?
Because Soul isn't even talking to you yet you want to jump in and throw shade without even progressing things further. Your vote is on me, yet you've done NOTHING but leave it there and go after other people. Funny how when Poyser votes for me, you vote for me. When Poyser is talking to Soul, you jump in on Soul.


@Ratchet @SoulKiller @Retrolize @Evans @Yoshi

I voted for Lethal. I dropped a case for Lethal. Lethal says their game has improved and that they are MUCH braver now. This is Lethal's chosen response to that pressure. What do you think of it?
I think the level of aggression in these posts between you two are escalating, and it is poisoning the discourse. I don't town read Lethal, but I don't think them swearing at you means they're scum or cowardly.

The X

defend myself from what? and it's not about defending Poyser, im trying to understand the logic in your scumhunting as you seem to think poyser and lethal are aligned and you went after lethal despite the fact poyser sussed him at a time nobody else was (as far as im aware, I may be wrong here as I have just skimmed a lot of pages) so I want to know if you think he bussed Aurelian when he started the wagon on him and then bussed lethal earlier as well.
That was NOT the post I meant to quote at all, it was a quote from Lethal. Lethal came after my for my words against Poyser instead of Lethal defending himself against my case against him. Sorry for the confusion.


Leprous Monarch
Because Soul isn't even talking to you yet you want to jump in and throw shade without even progressing things further. Your vote is on me, yet you've done NOTHING but leave it there and go after other people. Funny how when Poyser votes for me, you vote for me. When Poyser is talking to Soul, you jump in on Soul.
Wasn't it you who told me earlier "I can't push two things at once?" Or something like that? Now I'm sus for doing it?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Big if true.
If aurelian wasnt the hostile indie then its poyser.
But we should be lynching lethal 1st imho
u said u wud tunnel me if aurelion flips scum

why u letting me go


The X

Pretty sure he's his primary suspect actually
Yes, I know. You said you were amazed at how people were sussing the players responsible for pushing Fang. While, if you're referring to RDK being pushed, it's just Ekko doing that. So your comment about being amazed seems fake.