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Game Elden Ring Mafia


I don't see your point regarding "the game thread didn't need pushing forward". We *are* employing Majority Lynch here, which requires us to come to a consensus as a whole which, given we have about a day and a quarter (less even) remaining, is surely of the essence? If we factor in sleep time, work and other commitments, most of us really only have a window of about 12-15 hours left in which we can find a lynch and hit majority. Moving the game forward/getting discussion going is crucial in this format.


Does Evans strike you as the type to be unconfident as Scum? Given how others more familiar with him have expressed respect for his Scum game, I expect the opposite.

The consensus on his meta does not strike me as strong or universal. The best indicator is the reaction to my push rather than just surveying everyone, if it really is that off mark, I'll expect some strongly opinionated correction. Ball is still in the court.


What do you have for scum reads?
Not a lot! Other than Aurelian

I also didn’t like tpeins entrance at all but his role + haza’s insistence that he’s gone against something he does as scum points to him likely being town. But I definitely didn’t like it because he never claims and the town tpein I know would actively find it hilarious if a townie visited him and died and would think it’s simply down to bad play from them, so him claiming to warn is so far removed from what I’ve come to expect from him. Also the early D0 gut reads he does are a gimmick he used to do but I haven’t seen him do as town for quite some time as I’ve already said

yoshi struck me as weird as well, but if he’s the low hanging fruit people seem to be suggesting then it’s expected that he’d make posts I’ll find weird esp if it’s only his second game.

other than that I haven’t really gotten a lot in terms of scum reads yet


I'm still with you in spirit on the evans direction but I think there's a good chance at scum in Aurelia and think some more pressure would be helpful


It wasn't flattery. You being unable to read him is one thing, but you actively veto'd lynches on him. Compromise is the name of the game here, and by taking him away you make it that much harder to compromise on a lynch of him. I am not suggesting that you saying you won't lynch him will mean others decide to ignore him, I am suggesting that your defence is noteworthy.


I'm still with you in spirit on the evans direction but I think there's a good chance at scum in Aurelia and think some more pressure would be helpful
Do you think evans is scummy? I must have missed your posts addressing that



You know, on second thought.

The stalwart aggression and obsession over inconsequential details contrast with the nervous, passive aggressive level of defense Ral provided for himself in the scum game I played with him. As for general behavior profile, does not come across at all as trying to advance his position or avoid suspicion, frankly.


Do you think evans is scummy? I must have missed your posts addressing that
I think his attempt to discredit your town read of lethal lacked logic and merit. Suggesting he would be bolder on a new forum because he can recreate himself doesn't track with me as most of the players here knowing him already anyway, so the idea seemed like a reach. Especially when lethal wouldn't want to draw attention to himself as scum which he surely would if he came out with a whole new meta.

The X

Okay, Ratchet. You don't think I get how days work or how this game works? Do you think I'm not a player who usually tried to push things forward? I'm saying that twenty posts into the game, Poyser trying to retroactively day his soft town read of Lethal was an attempt to push the game forward, is a reason I don't really believe. I think Poyser's actions and posts could make more sense from someone trying to establish a position within the game rather than someone trying to help the game state. I also think that there are more productive ways to push a game forward than soft town reading someone after three posts they made.


Wasn't a huge fan of Yoshi's sudden switcharoo there, but it's their 2nd game apparently? So I think I'm just gonna ignore that for now.

The X

I'm still with you in spirit on the evans direction but I think there's a good chance at scum in Aurelia and think some more pressure would be helpful
Yeah let's do it. No problem with this early push.

Vote Aurelia


I'm still with you in spirit on the evans direction but I think there's a good chance at scum in Aurelia and think some more pressure would be helpful

I think I see what's going on here but it also just needs to run it's due course for a bit. By all means continue questioning him.


Why are you saying they 'could make more sense' rather than they do make more sense? This feels wishy washy.

It's like you're saying this could make him towny or scummy but I'm choosing to think it makes him scummy.


As far as Aurelian is concerned, not to be contrarian but if he is known as Fang, there is a Fang on another site I and a few others play on that plays *almost exactly* like this. His posts are impossible to decipher and it often feels like he exists on a different plane than the rest of us. He did lean into this in one recent scum game I've seen, there was a clear plan to follow and he spent all day arguing around it. I could see him playing like that as both town and scum, I just don't think there will be much value in trying to engage with him about his post content - you have better chance of drawing blood from stone.