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Game Elden Ring Mafia


The Nexus
I'm gonna be honest this is pretty regular Lethal play. A few games ago he outright faked cop as town

And then he gave a town result on a scum.

But he still acting scummy and doing scummy things.
So gonna keep my vote there

The X

Depends on the players.

It could be us disagreeing, sure. I think it's definitely possible that you're scum trying to push through a wagon, yes.

I did read both cases, I don't think they were especially strong, or outweight my own thougts on the two to put it in a better way. I don't see why you would not be willing to explain more of your reasoning if you do want poeople to reconsider?

That point was about CP not Lethal

As mentined previously, Poyser vote, Lethal claim.

I liked his reponse to the initial votes on him. Came across genuine. Not a firm town read or anything like that but I am not particularly interested in voting him at this stage.

I mean that was pretty clearly directed at me I was the only recent vote on you. What made me go from looking better to being scum trying to kill you?
So in the same game that I'm panicking as scum with two votes on me, I'm also charming and charismatic enough to convince town to mislynch Lethal with me? That feels like two contradicting thought processes on my skill level as scum.

Really sticking to shit meta, eh?

I never voted for Poyser, though? What are you talking about. And I've also explained Lethal's claim. Considering there are eight votes on Lethal, I'd say a few others didn't buy the claim. So how come I'm the only one being blamed for it?

I have six votes on me and surely some are scum votes. I made a general comment about how I must be onto something, and then you react like it was about you. Are you PANICKED?


The Nexus
So in the same game that I'm panicking as scum with two votes on me, I'm also charming and charismatic enough to convince town to mislynch Lethal with me? That feels like two contradicting thought processes on my skill level as scum.

Really sticking to shit meta, eh?

I never voted for Poyser, though? What are you talking about. And I've also explained Lethal's claim. Considering there are eight votes on Lethal, I'd say a few others didn't buy the claim. So how come I'm the only one being blamed for it?

I have six votes on me and surely some are scum votes. I made a general comment about how I must be onto something, and then you react like it was about you. Are you PANICKED?

Someone make a case.
Maybe I can switch my vote if I get convinced.
I think all ive seen is random votes by inactives for ???? Reasons

The X

Also want to note the irony of how I initially called out Doddsy's slot as one we'd have to watch and after his read through he voted for me.

Also want to note that Poyser voted me after I called out his indie claim.

Also want to note that Craig voted for me after I sussed him D1 (I did drop a case on Craig but alas he did vote for me before I did, but I did write his case during N1!).

Also want to note that Lethal voted for me after I dropped a case in them.

Fuck. What does all of these votes have in common?


The Nexus
Also want to note the irony of how I initially called out Doddsy's slot as one we'd have to watch and after his read through he voted for me.

Also want to note that Poyser voted me after I called out his indie claim.

Also want to note that Craig voted for me after I sussed him D1 (I did drop a case on Craig but alas he did vote for me before I did, but I did write his case during N1!).

Also want to note that Lethal voted for me after I dropped a case in them.

Fuck. What does all of these votes have in common?


The X

I did miss this post.

I mean you do make a good point when you put it out like that :hestonpls

That said I still think it's more likely he'll flip town based off my experience.

Fine options, alhthogh in the off chance of bomb I'd rather have CP around then dead.
Posts like this that scream TMI scare the shit out of me.


Mafia God
So in the same game that I'm panicking as scum with two votes on me, I'm also charming and charismatic enough to convince town to mislynch Lethal with me? That feels like two contradicting thought processes on my skill level as scum.

Really sticking to shit meta, eh?

I never voted for Poyser, though? What are you talking about. And I've also explained Lethal's claim. Considering there are eight votes on Lethal, I'd say a few others didn't buy the claim. So how come I'm the only one being blamed for it?

I have six votes on me and surely some are scum votes. I made a general comment about how I must be onto something, and then you react like it was about you. Are you PANICKED?
Odd way to phrase it as charming and charismatic, he doesn't do himself any favours lol. And not really at all, two different skillsets

I don't know what you are referring to with that.

I'm talking about Poysers vote on Aurerlian, not you voting him. You're not getting "blamed" for it, it's just a reason I haven't cared for your play around it.

I thought you only had like 4 votes tbh, also made it immediately after I voted, doesn't take a rocket scientist. This is such a weird roundabout way of trying to shade, I mean if you sus me just say it?


Mafia God
Also want to note the irony of how I initially called out Doddsy's slot as one we'd have to watch and after his read through he voted for me.

Also want to note that Poyser voted me after I called out his indie claim.

Also want to note that Craig voted for me after I sussed him D1 (I did drop a case on Craig but alas he did vote for me before I did, but I did write his case during N1!).

Also want to note that Lethal voted for me after I dropped a case in them.

Fuck. What does all of these votes have in common?
I mean I sussed you in my readback well before I got to you saying to watch me in fairness to me.

Also that's totally 4 votes I was right :catjamn

The X

Odd way to phrase it as charming and charismatic, he doesn't do himself any favours lol. And not really at all, two different skillsets

I don't know what you are referring to with that.

I'm talking about Poysers vote on Aurerlian, not you voting him. You're not getting "blamed" for it, it's just a reason I haven't cared for your play around it.

I thought you only had like 4 votes tbh, also made it immediately after I voted, doesn't take a rocket scientist. This is such a weird roundabout way of trying to shade, I mean if you sus me just say it?
Wow, now you're trying to suss my word choices? Look at those straws being grasped! I say that as a general flavor in word town but what I mean is that somehow as scum, I evaded pressure well enough and was able to get a counter wagon going that looks like will go through. That's a decent effort by scum me then, yeah?

So I'm capable of driving a mislynch to save myself but get panicked under two votes of pressure. Fuck yeah, two different skill sets for sure. Good reasoning.

You realize how much this reeks, yeah? You yourself said Poyser is probably harmful indie. Who the fuck cares then if he actually moved his vote back to Fang? I don't care where his vote landed, my entire point of calling out Poyser was that he was BAD to town and I didn't believe his claim of being pro-town indie. How are you holding my actions against an indie you deem as harmful, against me? Why are you voting together with an indie you think is harmful?? How does that make sense?

Doddsy, again, why are you so fucking scared of me calling you scum or thinking you're scum? You've really gotten attached to that offhand comment I made. PANIC is creeping in...

The X

I mean I sussed you in my readback well before I got to you saying to watch me in fairness to me.

Also that's totally 4 votes I was right :catjamn
But I was asking for Lethal votes as soon as I dropped my case. These were only two votes on me then. I'll be honest, I'm still zero percent worried about the votes on me.