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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

anyway im tryna say
there's a limited time frame to gather my thoughts

so, questions? what's the biggest contreversy aside from lethal?
I suppose it perhaps the counter wagon that is on me, lead by Poyser, a probably harmful indie.


Leprous Monarch
I mean this was fire for sure but also we reached this point after many games of him wilding as town and us lynching him for it. Eventually you reach a point where you just have to figure someone out so you can try to win the game.
Pretty sure I sussed you first because of the way you voted Aurelian without explaining why while you were in the middle of feuding with its chief proponent, Poyser. Can't recall if you sussed me before that or not but I'll look it up in a moment. In any case, trying to frame my well reasoned and extensively argued suspicion of you as OMGUS is laughable.
Okay I wasn't right at all, I thought CP was on here and didn't think Tweet or Phenom were here
Been on him all phase and wanted to lynch him yesterday too but knew nobody would follow so held off voting him. Meanwhile he voted me without even trying to encourage anyone to follow. Can't remember if he ended up back on Aurelian in the end but this was late in the phase.

The X

Don't give it to Doddsy, that's for sure. What kind of gift are you giving?



So it was Ekko for the most part here

The X

I was one of the last votes on Fang. You've talked a little bit about my play around Fang, but no one else has mentioned my team equity with Fang. You'd think that if I had so many players voting for me that were sure I was scum, they'd build some sort of case about my connection to Fang. They'd probably also have to discuss my late vote on Fang when I could have just avoided almost being the hammer on my alleged mate.


Leprous Monarch

So it was Ekko for the most part here
I'm not as sold on ekko being town as I was at the start of the phase. I'd be open to looking there later but he's not really on the table this phase. Please stick around and try to prevent your mislynch! Deep breaths my friend!


Leprous Monarch
I've raised points about the way you played around him though. You jumped on the wagon without saying anything while you were undermining Poyser,the wagons leader. When it looked like we weren't going to lynch him anymore, you parked your vote on me and didn't even try to get people to follow. Then the shades started closing on Fang again and you slid back on. Is that not the correct timeline?


Leprous Monarch
It’s a weapon. Obvs if lynched it goes to my hammer. If I survive, I’ll gift to my town core of leans.
Well if you survive this phase don't give it to me since I'm //*CONFIRMED TOWN*\\ and likely to be shot.

Unless it's a BP vest. Then you should definitely give it to me! But you said it's a weapon, so.


Actually re-reading my post, Ekko still hasn’t explained what he means by purple town. He didn’t provide a reads list (that I saw) and he didn’t have any comment on my reads list (even though he said he would when on pc) Generally to me someone being fishy about lists has something to hide. Almost struggling for content.

I’ll concede my dragon vote is a little omgus mixed with spite after last night.


Mafia God
CP, Posyer and I are all pretty strong players, at least from my view.

I gave a large number of reasons, with quotes on exactly what I was referring to during my read back. I still don't see the entire issue voting with a harmful indie, based on what he has given and the claim he's made, fake or no, he still needs to try and hunt scum for people to buy it. Him being indy is largely irrelevant in this instance.

Becasue I read back, made all my points and you said I looked better, then decided to come back and call me scum after I voted you for the same reasons given during the read back. I don't know how to respond to that last sentence, I'm not outright trying to lynch you without a claim or anything here.


I think there is going to be a trigger on lethals hammer. If he's town which I expect it will be what he claimed. Obviously if he's scum he could be baiting a me and Ratchet into some sort of trap
If we take his claim at face value, then whatever item he made would go to the player who hammered him, probably.

If he's scum, then maybe a bomb of some kind, yeah.


Leprous Monarch
If we take his claim at face value, then whatever item he made would go to the player who hammered him, probably.

If he's scum, then maybe a bomb of some kind, yeah.
Idk if you've played with the bomb role or not but basically they kill someone who hammers and/or night kills them. Different variants. Usually the hammer variant is just called vengeful townie tho.


Idk if you've played with the bomb role or not but basically they kill someone who hammers and/or night kills them. Different variants. Usually the hammer variant is just called vengeful townie tho.
I've played with a few but it seems to be one of those roles whose terminology has gotten mixed around within communities. My point was, if Lethal is town his request at face value is just to have his item given to someone he town reads. If he's scum then it's to get someone he thinks is obvious town trapped. Between the two I think the town case is more plausible honestly.