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Game Elden Ring Mafia

The X

Do you actually believe I am assuming this? Or are you inferring that based on what I'm saying? If the latter - don't.
I'm saying that's how it comes off as when you talk to me like that. I feel like your tone and attitude is fine for a lot of other players, I just think that with our shared experiences throughout the years, sometimes you talk to me like I'm a dummy and that can be hard for me to work with you or solve your slot. I feel like you get into this strict Mafia mindset and that's how you deal with everyone. I'm not offended or triggered or anything dumb like that, just feel like sometimes you take such an aggressive approach with how you converse with everyone, even if you have a lengthy past and friendship with them.


Seems like low hanging fruit d1 tbdean
Everything in day 1 is a shit-show, this isn't new. But being that blatantly oppurtunistic and predatory about switches with almost schizophrenic contradictory actions is suspicious to the fault.

To be clear, I advocated reading you based on results, not that your process or approach relies on results.
To be clear, I simply like others don't like your pedantic style of approach. My style is about being methodical, yours comes off as pure paranoia play.

If Fang is town, Yoshi's play seems a lot more positional in that he blatantly found a non reason to switch over as soon as Fang caught heat in *spite* of his characteristic cuddling with his buddy
How is Yoshi my buddy when I've only ever played a single mafia game with before him? By this logic, @Ekkologix is more my game buddy then anyone else here sans you or @Retrolize


>one poster makes a comment
>other one comments back to simply address it
>"why are u commenting back unless ur defensive"

This is incredibly stupid fault circular argumentation
Over defensiveness isn’t about the number of posts it’s about the content of the posts. Yours seemed like an overreaction to me and the fact you just kept going on about it didn’t help that vibe at all.



He clearly has affection for you and gives you benefit of the doubt by default, take or leave it


That's probably fair. I can only point out that it's not personal and that I don't actually mean anything by it. I'm not the most pleasant person, by any stretch.

The X

It’s not WIFOM, if you think I’m scum then there must be some kind of scum motivation for my actions? I’m asking you what YOU THINK they are
No, you're asking me 'if I was scum why would I do that'. That's WIFOM to me at this point in the game. If I think you're power wolfing, I'm not going to waste time attempting to reason or explain everything you do because you're obviously trying to be tricky.


Because those are posts that come off as you being super self aware. I think there is a hint of you being calculated in this game.
That doesn’t really jive though. You’re implying that I knew that what I was doing would be sus but then did it anyway and just tried to excuse it lol


Over defensiveness isn’t about the number of posts it’s about the content of the posts. Yours seemed like an overreaction to me and the fact you just kept going on about it didn’t help that vibe at all.
I don't see the logic or rationality in your claim because you don't have any. Your simply arguing by pointing out with my exchange with RDK, I'm "overreacting" when its simply a diagnosis that anyone who respond to anything another person says is by definition, in your eyes, being overtly defensive. So there is literally no way anyone can operate with any chance of disprove that because its simply a blanket statement you'll hold.

Hence its a circular argument jerk-off from you.


He clearly has affection for you and gives you benefit of the doubt by default, take or leave it
Which would be weird given I wouldn't call him one for me. Can you link me to where he said this anyways?


Well then I’m just going to have to assume that you’re being selective on purpose and disregarding anything that doesn’t fit the narrative and therefore there’s literally no point in arguing back and forth lol


To be clear, I simply like others don't like your pedantic style of approach. My style is about being methodical, yours comes off as pure paranoia play.
Well that's nice. Whatever it is, it has served me pretty well over the years. If I'm wrong about the optimal way to read you, then I'm wrong, but we'll see.

The X

Well then I’m just going to have to assume that you’re being selective on purpose and disregarding anything that doesn’t fit the narrative and therefore there’s literally no point in arguing back and forth lol
I never asked you argue back and forth with me.


Well that's nice. Whatever it is, it has served me pretty well over the years. If I'm wrong about the optimal way to read you, then I'm wrong, but we'll see.
That's great and all but the basis is all of us new to playing with you share that consensus universally, so you can hold onto whatever you prefer, I'm simply iterating the truth.

Anyway I'm going to work, so my contributions and activity will be zero for the next 8-10 hours.