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Game Elden Ring Mafia


One thing that pinged me this day is that he literally watched himself give a claim and people drop his wagon. You say you're vig and he tries to apply to pressure to you still. That's a contradictory thought process.

Think about it, we get no scum hunting from Lethal D1. D2, two cases drop on him, and he MELTS, because he's GF and his position is already a bit shaken. Him exiting the scene and coming back more composed SCREAM of coaching. His replies to me and Ultra also feel like they had help being crafted. Hell, even his claim felt super crafted and really thought out. It would make sense for Lethal to dip for a bit in order for wolf chat to figure out a claim to bail GF out. But gift giver, given to a town read mate, is risky, but pretty difficult to take down. I think D3 was alright for Lethal, I think he felt he had a bit more breathing room. D4 he's dropping back into scum play and is really struggling how to look like a productive, game solving, townie.

I don’t hate this as it lines up with my thoughts on him when I was scum reading him re: activity and comfort levels but I think he’s most likely town

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
They’re literally the people I’ve been reading town all game?

And yes, it unlocks more roles/abilities I can amplify

That last sentence is taking what I said hilariously wrongly and purposefully twisting what I’m saying
??? but do you have any reasons BESIDES "why wouldn't i use my abilities on people i read town"
.... which is not what i pressed on. i am asking WHY you went out of your way to make a more detailed explanation of your claim but didn't go into a deeper explanation on why these 3 in particular were chosen (besides "bc i town read them!!!" yes i know)

it shows hesitancy to me. to me it shows you're prioritizing the claim itself over on how you used your role
which is far more important than a claim for me. i want to know the mindset behind these actions, what led to your reasons for selecting these specific players to amp

"why would i use my abitlity on a hider?"
bc i know fuck all about elderberry ring and i have little to no reading comprehension. but i don't have any reason to hide this despite it making it look bad

so why did you choose these 3? what kind of thoughts evolved and remain stagnant throughout?


The Alpha and The Omega
Honestly don't even know where my vote is.

Vote RDK

@Tiara @Retrolize @SoulKiller @Arp Bladstrum

Let's get to it!

Now that gym, work, responsibilities are out of the way. I am here to fucking CONQURE!!


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Doddsy is one of those guys with lame votes this game. Like, said he caught up in D2 and then just throws a vote on me and say he susses me, you, and Ultra. Super lame. But I COULD see him as town? And Ratchet was reading him as town as well.
hes fken hard to read because we forget hes in the game like phenom

if they r town they need to be solving today lol

cp needs to be solving too lol


??? but do you have any reasons BESIDES "why wouldn't i use my abilities on people i read town"
.... which is not what i pressed on. i am asking WHY you went out of your way to make a more detailed explanation of your claim but didn't go into a deeper explanation on why these 3 in particular were chosen (besides "bc i town read them!!!" yes i know)

it shows hesitancy to me. to me it shows you're prioritizing the claim itself over on how you used your role
which is far more important than a claim for me. i want to know the mindset behind these actions, what led to your reasons for selecting these specific players to amp

"why would i use my abitlity on a hider?"
bc i know fuck all about elderberry ring and i have little to no reading comprehension. but i don't have any reason to hide this despite it making it look bad

so why did you choose these 3? what kind of thoughts evolved and remain stagnant throughout?

Read my claim?

I’m going to bed and I likely won’t surface until close to EOD? The answer is in the post lol

The X

no surprise - RDK :lul
That one I remember because he literally was the first on Fang, then joined the lame Tweet counterwagon and never moved back to Fang. No idea how people gave RDK so much credit for Fang's lynch when the man literally ran away onto a counterwagon and never went fucking back.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
That one I remember because he literally was the first on Fang, then joined the lame Tweet counterwagon and never moved back to Fang. No idea how people gave RDK so much credit for Fang's lynch when the man literally ran away onto a counterwagon and never went fucking back.
he moved to fang but after the others moved back lol

he barely commented on fang's claim lol

then next day he wanted tweet over lethal


There’s no further explanation than I wanted to give my town reads stronger usage on their roles and thought it might beat roleblocks or protection

The X

hes fken hard to read because we forget hes in the game like phenom

if they r town they need to be solving today lol

cp needs to be solving too lol
Doddsy and Phenom have offered us nothing. But on the other hand, that's kind of good as well because there really doesn't seem like ulterior motives in their play.

CP honestly could be fucking indie. How does a confirmed townie absolutely not try to hammer the game home here? Stopping all death and jail keep seem like some interesting 'town' roles as well. Hate also how he had to keep going around screeching he was town confirmed.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
There’s no further explanation than I wanted to give my town reads stronger usage on their roles and thought it might beat roleblocks or protection
evans please man can u not see how hard im towning my ass off today lol

why do u feel like such a low hanging fruit

RDK actually wants to lynch u lol

The X


Poyser = Harmful indie
CP = Indie
Lethal = GF
RDK = Wolf

If these were true, absolutely none of my weird pushes or tunnels would be WRONG.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I mean I assume I would be yeah given that I’ve fallen off a cliff and haven’t read at all so I def understand it.
which one wud u support more

an rdk, rugrat, alco, or lethal wagon?