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Game Elden Ring Mafia


Mafia God
who do u suggest we vote instead?

can u give me ur top 4 scum reads? we can maybe cross match
With limited understanding of the specifics of play today, from what I'm gathering is we've had 3 investigation claims, tracker/watched/gunsmith right? Chances of all 3 being town is near non existent. Of the 3 I buy Alco the most, probably Dalton the least. So I'd pop him on there.

Rugrat is harder to judge becasue of his play style but I'd be pretty happy lynching him off at this point.

Gets harder at this point. I think Big Man has looked better as he has started to play more, but I thought his posts earlier were non intrusive by design. He was also soft defending Aurelian early if I remember right. I think he has also claimed but from your list but I'm not certain of the details of the role or if that factors in.

Lethal can be GF only, or shenanigans with one of the other roles. Don't think it's worth hedging bets on him, especially as I don't really see the scum side of his play either.

Evans claim I saw was backed up by CP, so that slot also probably town.

BPD was backed up Alco as well - he falls into a similar category as Lethal now, but without Alco's role being confirmed like Ultra's is now. I do buy Alco as town so chances are BPD is just town as well

If anyone I'd probably prefer Dalton, I saw some of the quotes he was leaving for me earlier about how my interactions were faked etc, just seemed like a very forced reason to try and shade me after I gave him a scum lean earlier. If I had to put it into words it's like he used a scum read on him as a crutch to generate content.

The X

he's just good at mafia idk what your problem is with acknowledging it
First of all, not what I'm commenting on. Second of all, that's just so blatantly untrue. Look at my tunnel against him and my wariness of his wolf potential. That's because I think he is a skilled player. Though I disagree with how some of your parrots dive at his crumbs, the fact he has players blindly follow him speaks to his skill as well. Poyser is undoubtedly a threat in any game he plays in.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
well if he is roleblocked then he confirms me as scum lol. its a win win for him


Leprous Monarch
what do you think of alco being a cop for mafia to catch indies? town seems to have a lot of strong roles


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
what do you think of alco being a cop for mafia to catch indies? town seems to have a lot of strong roles
alco or bigman fits this

obviously soul and doddsy didnt claim yet so they fit indie profile too


Mafia God
what do you think of alco being a cop for mafia to catch indies? town seems to have a lot of strong roles
I agree town have a lot of strong roles but I don't think it's Alco that's hiding among the sheep. He's been pretty solid town since early days for me.

I am still wanting someone to quote me Ekko's claim because chances are he's just SK are sky high, we had mod post confirming that SK was getting power through kills and then Ekko claimed to be an evolving vig.

The X



The Alpha and The Omega
Something too I noticed I need to catch up to this DP properly but didn't lethal claim that he can craft stuff and gift them to people? Alco being gunsmith is similar to lethal claim no??? Unless I read his role wrong?? ill double check as I read this DP properly but someone do please correct me.


Leprous Monarch
that's true but if he is the SK then he needs to kill mafia sooo not a big concern right now


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
i really dislike dalton's direction. man is very contributive, genuine, talking his mind out. i dont know why is he even a scum read

honestly not liking this post. lots of fence sitting only to arrive at what is probably a wrong answer

give me top 4 scums in a list pls


like that

The X

Lethal is gift maker/giver and Alco is a gunsmith who invests if players have the ability to kill.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
could explain why he wants me to RNG my jail instead of just jailing him outright tho lol
u can jail me too i appreciate being alive next day

like i said if u do then u just tell mafia to kill someone else

there is rly no scum motive in my request lol

im more than happy to make it alive next day


Leprous Monarch
also kind of interesting that alco hinted a power role on d2 which was picked up on by the entire thread but mafia was cool with him using his role n2 and n3 apparently